Elliptical vs. Treadmill...Which do you recommend?

Monroe121 Posts: 358 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise

I want to lose and tone.. Which do you prefer to get great results; a TREADMILL or an ELLIPTICAL Machine?

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  • I get better resukts with the elliptical
  • Ddavis1967
    Ddavis1967 Posts: 34 Member
    I prefer the elliptical for low impact! I also like it that the one at the gym will let you go "backwards" and that works a different muscle group. Good luck! :bigsmile:
  • Sprints outside and/or up some bleachers.

    If stuck inside for the winter, do intervals (interchanging sprint speed with brick walk speed...generally a speed above 6 with a speed around 4) on the treadmill with an incline.
  • I've always heard the elliptical is better for you. It uses more muscles as you work out your upperbody as well, but it also is less impact. And the heavier you are the less impact you need on your knees
  • I bought a Treadmill, but i really wish I would have gotten an Elliptical instead! I haven't been able to use my treadmill for a few weeks because I injured my leg and it's too high impact. The elliptical is much lower impact and you can go at a much higher intensity without the strain on your joints. If I had it to do over, I would definitely go with the elliptical. I get a higher calorie burn on it too! And I personally find the elliptical slightly less boring than the treadmill. Happy choosing! :)
  • Sunfreeflower
    Sunfreeflower Posts: 10 Member
    Elliptical is the best choice for me! The treadmill scares me (I have fallen off it before)! In addition, like somebody said the elliptcal is better on the knee joints and if I remember you burn more calories on it compared to the treadmill. :)
  • I have an elliptical and i use it when i have the energy!!..lol..i prefer the elliptical cuz it is low impact and i think its a little harder to do..my elliptical u can go backwards and it hits different muscles and makes it a lot harder..im lucky if i can get in 30 min on it without feeling like jello!!..lol..i just started useing it again..i lack the energy and the enthusiasm to keep useing it for months at a time so maybe with this site i will be more interested in getting on it more often..but any way i hope i helped answer ur question..take care and good luck..u CAN do it!!
  • Definitely treadmill. The reason being, the treadmill stimulates everyday motions (walking, running, jogging, etc) and the elliptical really only makes you toned to the elliptical. I have heard countless trainers recommend this as well. You want to do natural motions that you would use in everyday life. For me, running or walking on an incline burns the most calories and I have seen the most results.
  • I like them both, but I think I get a better calorie burn on the treadmill.
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    I think it is personal preference. I definitely prefer the treadmill! I think the elliptical is great but I have had far better results from running in the past than using the elliptical!
  • I'm not sure about the impact to your joints or which one is better for your body but I do know you burn more calories in less time on an elliptical vs. a treadmill
  • elfie9863
    elfie9863 Posts: 337
    I just put my treadmill on Craig's List. After treading along in the gym for a while I jumped the row over to the Elliptical's. Wow..what a difference. Much more workout and although it seems easier, at first, burns more calories. At any rate, now hooked on it. I NEVER used my treadmill at home. Just too unmotivated by myself.
  • Ellipticals are low imact which is great.
    I'm a fan of uphill sprinting/walking so, I like the fact that you can set a treadmill on an incline.

    Using either will definitely bring you results, but I feel like a treadmill is more versatile.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    the treadmill with a 5 or higher incline burns more calories than the elliptical :-) but really, anything is better than nothing so mix it up so you dont get burnt out.
  • SayRah
    SayRah Posts: 104

    Personally, I hate treadmills....I hate how my knees hurt so much after running on them, even with shoes with good support.
    Ellipticals are much easier to use, plus you use your upper body more as well!
  • akj05
    akj05 Posts: 2
    I couldn't agree more! After I use the treadmill, i can feel I'm sore in muscles that I use so often - to walk, go up stairs, anything! I can get sore from the elliptical, but I don't feel like i got as good a workout. Also.. I find myself more likely to break a sweat on the treadmill. That's gotta be a good thing!
  • I like Both..

    I used to only do the elliptical, because I thought it worked out more then the treadmill did..

    but lately I have been doing at least 10-15 mins on the treadmill before I leave the gym. I like both though.
  • krissy_pooo
    krissy_pooo Posts: 111 Member
    I would say for me it depends on the day, if I have the energy I usually do both. When I just try to go on the elliptical, I find myself getting really bored after 15 mins, but if I use the treadmill I mix it up with walking, running and incline, and the time seems to go by so much faster and I sweat a lot! so I would suggest doing both! whatever you feel like that day :)
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    I've always heard the elliptical is better for you. It uses more muscles as you work out your upperbody as well, but it also is less impact. And the heavier you are the less impact you need on your knees

    Just make sure you get one with the moveable handles for an upper body workout. I've seen them with fixed rails, and then it's really doing nothing for your upper body. (You also have to USE the handles. LOL. I've seen people at the gym say they're doing it because it gives their upper body a workout too, but then they lean on the stationary rails. That doesn't cut it.)
  • I echo kellalynn! The trainers at my gym have said a thousand times that I could burn and tone more walking on an incline on the treadmill. Of course the elliptical will take a lot of pressure off of your joints and is great if you have any joint troubles. I used to like the elliptical when I was at 248, at 170 I enjoy the treadmill more. If I had my choice of course I would choose to run outside, but I just can't stand the 19 degrees, too cold!!!
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