Activity post-operation/returning to fitness?

Hi! Had my tonsils out yesterday, and I know I won't be doing a single bit of working out for at least two weeks, but can anyone suggest a plan for when I do ease back into activity?

I may be able to take light walks on days 11-14, depending individually on when my pain ends. I'm pretty mobile for having had the surgery less than a day ago (I've taken a few walks inside my house to stretch out despite light dizziness), but I know my pain will spike in the next few days.

Once I'm feeling better, what should I do? I typically run daily and do 15-20 pound dumbbell exercises+leg work 3x a week.

I have some resistance loop bands, would that be a good early place to start my body working again (once I'm well, of course)?

I won't push it, I MUST recover smoothly first and foremost and will take all my time to do so. But I'll admit I'm already itching to workout again, I ran my fastest mile the day before my surgery :)


  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Forgive my ignorance but what limitations to exercise are there from tonsils? I was lifting again, albeit lighter weights, within days of a tendon repair.
  • ink_b1tch
    ink_b1tch Posts: 101
    I am guessing he is a bit light headed from meds maybe. But I see no reason why he should not be able to return to normal workout as long as he has his head on straight. Double check with dr. but I have had 4 major surgeries and once I was off high doses of pain meds I was bck to moving.
  • ink_b1tch
    ink_b1tch Posts: 101
    ok snide answer: Do not do workouts with your mouth to much and everything else should work right.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    Worry about eating something. Then when you can actually eat real food and not jello and ice cream then worry about activity. I was young when mine came out but lord that first week sucked I wanted spaghetti dang it. That being said a week or two shouldn't do much damage to your exercise routine or general fitness levels.
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    You should be able to return to your normal workout as it's just two weeks.

    Of course everyone has different pain thresholds and recovery periods so my best advice is listen to your body. Decrease the distance / intensity of running; lift lighter weights.
  • fivefootfitness
    When adults have tonsillectomies, there is a pretty common risk of excessive bleeding (often = additional surgery) if scabs come off prematurely or are on a vein. It's actually an extremely painful recovery for most adults unlike when children have it. I've been mostly bedridden everyday so far, but have been forcing down plenty of food! Day 6 and I just managed to take a shower for the first time post-op yesterday (the Percocet makes me too dizzy to stand but the pain is hefty and requires them).

    I'll definitely wait until I'm almost back to a normal all-foods diet (I'm sure crunchy things are still weeks away), but can I really just jump back in? Should I start doing any other workouts to prepare my body for running a few days beforehand? Just don't want to hurt myself!
    BEVERLYSTEEN Posts: 106 Member
    As everyone has stated you 'could' start working out but I would wait until you get the release from the Doctor as you do not want any infection to set in. Better to be save than sorry.

    That being said once you have been given the ok, I would say to let your body dictate how much you should do but don't over do it.
    BEVERLYSTEEN Posts: 106 Member
    As everyone has stated you 'could' start working out but I would wait until you get the release from the Doctor as you do not want any infection to set in. Better to be save than sorry.

    That being said once you have been given the ok, I would say to let your body dictate how much you should do but don't over do it.