Holdover Snacking at Work

If anyone has ever been to some of the discount stores such as Dollar General, Dollar Tree, and Family Dollar, you'll know that there are less healthy grocery items and more canned goods, quick meals, and frozen food. As a manager at one of these stores, I'm constantly surrounded by junk food, and even more tempted to try any new product we receive (I wanna know what it tastes like!). It doesn't help that I'm CONSTANTLY hungry from all the running around I do, although sometimes I think it's partially psychological since I'm used to snacking at work.

With the food categories in mind, what are some options that will keep me satiated until I get home?
If packing the night before, what options do I have that will keep me going during the evening?

I don't know if anyone actually needs this information, but:
- 24yrs
- 125lb
- lightly active (manager duty, on the floor 5hrs, 3-4x/wk)
- haven't been recording my calorie intake because I forget a lot


  • stephiejean37
    stephiejean37 Posts: 75 Member
    bring healthy snacks with you! Plan ahead that way you aren't tempted!
  • rageginger
    rageginger Posts: 74 Member
    A combination of fats and proteins usually will last the longest for satiation, so a serving of nuts, cottage cheese (if you have a fridge or way to keep things cool), hard boiled eggs, etc are usually my personal go-tos. Otherwise I end up with junk food as well.
  • Lelah77
    Lelah77 Posts: 177 Member
    I move a lot at work, too (I am a teacher and I rarely sit down, even to eat my own lunch). I find a portion of nuts offers great crunch like other chip-like snacks and if I follow it with a cheese stick, it keeps me sated until my next opportunity to eat. I also find yogurts really filling, and they are sweet (but they don't offer the crunch.)
    I don't know if you are much of a cook, but I occasionally will make my own pita chips from fresh pita bread. Separate the two sides, so you have two Frisbees, spray lightly with cooking spray (I have a misto filled with avocado and olive oil) and sprinkle with spices... I like garlic for savory, and cinnamon/truvia for sweet. Bake for 7-10 minutes in a hot (325) oven, or until crispy. Let cool & pack in baggies. They stay good for a couple days. I love the garlic with some hummus, which is a protein boost and so I get crunch AND satisfaction. The sweet can be dipped in your yogurt!

    Hope this helps!!