New to the Message Boards

Hi my name is Rich, I am here to meet new people that I can relate too. I have been told that I might be Diabetic and I want to stop this weight gain before I have to do the injections, no so looking forward to that one if it comes. Please forgive me if I sound kinda lame here but I will get better. I also have had a SCA from very very low potassium which is n ow under control thank goodness :smile:


  • LeonXC
    LeonXC Posts: 68
    Hi Rich. I'm new here and just getting started. Sent you a friend invite.
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Welcome, Rich!
  • sarahloutam
    sarahloutam Posts: 2 Member
  • maryebutton
    maryebutton Posts: 1 Member
    Hi: I'm Mary. I'm new to Myfitnesspal. Yesterday was my first day. Somehow what I filled in for yesterday is showing up as today's food and exercise diary. I cannot get the site to let me relabel that as yesterday and start today. Am I going to have to delete app and reload?
  • I'm Brenda, just working on getting back on track, looking for healthy recipes, particularly breakfast and snack options.
  • Jojosdiet1963
    Jojosdiet1963 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, My name is Johanne i quit smoking cigarettes 29 days ago and started my FP on August, 8th. I find it very difficult sticking to my caloric intake. I take it one day at a time and try to do a lot of exercise too and drink a lot of water. I hope I can lose 80 lbs. I lost 2.6 lbs but gained it back. I need to be more self disciplined. TY for reading. Many blessings!
  • giglqueen
    giglqueen Posts: 74 Member
    Welcome! :)
  • walterskh
    walterskh Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, I am Kim. I am the best at starting or intending to start a weight loss plan and not even making it a week. I have a 5 week old grandson now and I want to lose weight and get in shape so that I can enjoy being an "active" part of his life. Definitely need support and encouragement. I need to lose 50 pounds. Help!!!
  • Hey there!

    One of my favorite snack and breakfast options is fruit with PB2. PB2 is a dehydrated peanut powder that when mixed with water, gives you low fat, low calorie and low sugar peanut butter. It doesn't include the oils and sugars in other peanut butters and taskes like natural peanuts. Its also good in smoothies and shakes.

    I hope this is helpful! Enjoy!
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    Hi: I'm Mary. I'm new to Myfitnesspal. Yesterday was my first day. Somehow what I filled in for yesterday is showing up as today's food and exercise diary. I cannot get the site to let me relabel that as yesterday and start today. Am I going to have to delete app and reload?

    Hi Mary, when you go to your food diary, it defaults to today's date.

    On either side of today's date, you'll see arrows (kinda like a calendar). To get to yesterday's date, you hit the back arrow.
    that's how you enter yesterday's info. ( os no need to delete app & reload).

    there's no way to 're-label' it. you'll have to go to yesterday's date in mfp, and enter the correct info there.

    ORquick fix, one time:

    since you listed yesterday's food on today's dairy, how about you just enter today's food on yesterday's diary?

    good luck! & welcome to mfp :)
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    Hi, My name is Johanne i quit smoking cigarettes 29 days ago and started my FP on August, 8th. I find it very difficult sticking to my caloric intake. I take it one day at a time and try to do a lot of exercise too and drink a lot of water. I hope I can lose 80 lbs. I lost 2.6 lbs but gained it back. I need to be more self disciplined. TY for reading. Many blessings!

    HI Johanne (jojosdiet1963), congrats on giving up cigarettes !!! that is awesome!

    you're on the right track: One day at a time, exercising, drinking water, logging what you eat.
    re: gaining back the 2.6 pounds. don't beat yourself up. it could be water-retention (especially if you consume food high in sodium). or it could be you just haven't (forgive for the crudeness) pooped for the day. our weight flexuates throughout the day for various reasons.

    some suggestions : pre-plan your meals.
    or a least enter items BEFORE you consume them. do you REALLY want to choose to eat 2 servings of pasta? or do you want to down-grade it to 1 serving, and eat more veggies? every little bit counts. all of your choices & actions count.

    restaurant suggestion: at a casual restaurant, ask for a to-go box when your food arrives. place 1/4 of the food in the box, close the lid, set it on the chair beside you. save it, and put it towards another meal later that day, or next day.

    anyways, those are a few ideas. good luck on your journey, hope you share some of your tips, too. we can all learn from each other :)
  • Hello, My name is Jenn. I am not new to mfp, but I am new to the message boards. Just wanted to say Hello!
  • shanehollanduk
    shanehollanduk Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Rich,

    Another guy here - looking to lose almost 60lbs, but going well after just a week.

    Feel free to add me (or anyone else who wants to add)

  • fitwithin
    fitwithin Posts: 210 Member
    Hi Rich, welcome to MFP. I know that is scary to think about being diabetic and injections. You came to the right place. There is lots of support here. I sent you a friend request. Best of luck in your weight loss journey.
  • Hi my name is James and I am brand new to MFP! I really like this site and find it very easy to navigate. I have the map my walk on my phone and just love it! My goal is to loose 30 pounds and to feel healthier!

    Life is short and I want to feel great living it!
  • Hi Johanne,

    Great job quitting the smoking! That is not easy! Best of luck to ya!
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    Wecome newbies xoxoxox

    Here's some excellent ideas from other members

    Top 5 things recommended to lose weight

    NSV ( Non scale victories !!)

    I re-visit these 2 threads every month. keeps me on track :):)
    Best of luck in claiming the healthy you !!
  • Jojosdiet1963
    Jojosdiet1963 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you so much, you suggestions are very much appreciated! I am going to be very careful tomorrow and not snack as often as I do. I work from home and the fridge is right there I should put a big red stop sign on the fridge lol! Good luck with MFP! Johanne
  • conniehgtv
    conniehgtv Posts: 309 Member
    also good in cottage cheese::
  • Jojosdiet1963
    Jojosdiet1963 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Johanne,

    Great job quitting the smoking! That is not easy! Best of luck to ya!

    Thank you, it was the hardest thing I ever did in my life. I can't wait to start loing weight too, my mood is better and I can exercise more now without getting out of breath and coughing. I had the help of my boyfriend who is my Life Coach. I wouldn't have made it without him. Feeling very grateful today and reading other member's posts is so very inspiring to me.