Saying Hello - Working on Losing 56lbs... so hard

Hi I'm Felicia!

I am working on losing weight. I have to lose 56lbs. I am trying hard but its been hard so far....


  • polkadottedribbon
    Hi Felicia! It is hard, but this is such an amazing community so you don't have to go at it alone! You can do it!
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    Hi, When you want it bad enough it's not hard. Do what you need to do and the weight will come off. Make sure you're accurately and honestly logging.
  • HappyAnna2014
    HappyAnna2014 Posts: 214 Member
    Welcome, Felicia! It sure is hard. But SOOOO worth it. Good luck!!
  • fitnessbuff1234
    Hi Felicia , what are your workouts like ? Are you drinking a ton of water ? I lost 28 pounds with a dense nutrition shake and Slim in 6 . Add me as a friend if you would like to know more . Namaste ~ Denise Jolly ~ fitnessbuff1234
  • mswoodsy
    mswoodsy Posts: 91 Member
    Hi, welcome! You're definitely right but if it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you! All the support you could need is right here :) can't wait to see those results, good luck!!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Well, it's a heck of a lot easier for some of us who finally came to the conclusion that the FOOD matters. Lots here will disagree with me but I had 22 years of experience with failing at weight loss and being constantly sick to prove that what I eat matters for health (and resolving excess body fat). If you are struggling and it's "hard" you might want to try a different way. You know the definition of insanity, right?
  • Jerseygrrl
    Jerseygrrl Posts: 189 Member
    I lost 28 pounds with a dense nutrition shake and Slim in 6 .

    No. No. And no.
    There are no quick fixes, Felicia. Focus on making small changes, slowly, over time. Make changes that are sustainable for the rest of your life.
    It IS hard and it DOES take time.
    You can do it. Be patient with yourself. Be kind to yourself. Don't give up.
  • shayjay91
    It's hard but so worth it in the end. Im now 50lbs away from my goal and its been a struggle as expected. Remember the only thing stopping you is you. Once your break through the mental aspect of it there is no stopping you.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    It is hard but it is so worth it! You can do it if you stick to a plan which means you first need to get a plan. You’ll have good days and bad ones but if you keep with it and be honest with yourself you’ll find that the good day will start to outnumber the bad ones.
    Get yourself a good support group and lean on them for the help you need on those bad days or when you just need a little nudge. Also get a workout partner; it’s so much easier when you have somebody there to keep you motivated and accountable.
    And just so you know it is possible here’s a synopsis of my past year.
    Actually it’s been a little more than a year since I started making an assertive effort to lose weight; I was possibly over 250 but we’ll call it 240ish. My ideal body weight (at least in my head it is) 175, so I was roughly 70 pounds away from my target. I joined MFP in January weighing 227 (I think) and now I am around 195ish.
    Honestly, I probably would be closer to my weight but at the advice of others I kicked up my calorie intake, and eat back all of my exercise calories, or at least try to. This has caused me to be idle over the last few weeks.
    Eat right, workout hard and stay hydrated!
    You can do this! Good luck!
  • Stacey512
    Hi Felicia,

    I am also working to lose over 50 lbs. I have lost weight in the past, fell off the wagon, gained it back and then became unmotivated. It is a vicious cycle that I am been through time and time again. I re-logged into MFP again today after a long time of not using it. I know that in order to lose weight, I need to hold myself accountable, and that means logging the good and bad throughout the day.

    Good luck on your journey! If you keep yourself accountable and don't become unmotivated if you mess up for a day, or even a week, you will be successful!

    ~ Stacey
  • SandyBVTN
    SandyBVTN Posts: 367 Member
    Yes! It is hard! I need to lose 50, so I am right there with you. I have been around this block, losing and gaining the same 10/15 pounds many times in the past few years. This time it is different. I have spent a lot of time thinking about what went wrong last time and making different plans.

    We can do this!