
From September until March of this year, I lost 25 lbs but eating right and of course, exercising (but that was never my problem). Since hitting 25 lbs lost, I have put on 10-15 lbs and cannot shake my night time sugar snacking. I need some motiviation or help. Here is a sample of how I have been eating lately (just insert crap eating after my dinner...). I burn about 500-600 calories 5-6 times per week. I am 5'5 and 30 years old, I am not super strict with my calories but try to stay around 1300-1400 calories per day.


1/4 c steel cut oats


hard boiled egg
wassa crackers (2) with 1 Laughing cow wedge
low calorie yogurt
south beach diet good to go bar


Energy bites (2 of them made of honey, oats, flaxseed, mini chocolate chips, and PB2)


meat of some kind (shoot for lean)
frozen vegetable of some kind (birds eye or green giant usually)
weight watchers ice cream


  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    If you open up your food diary, you may get some helpful responses to this.
  • candacedianne
    candacedianne Posts: 47 Member
    Ok I opened it up...but honestly, my tracking has been great because I am embarrassed by my food choices.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    You seem to be eating relatively low volumes of food or foods that may not be keeping you feeling as satiated as you like.

    First of all, if you are burning 500-600 calories, are you eating back a portion of those calories? MFP assumes that you will eat back exercise calories if you didn't account for them in your daily activity level. The calories are often over estimated it seems, so I'd eat back 250-400 of those calories on the days you burn them.

    This might help you with the calorie goal:

    So, if you have more calories than you think, your night time snacking might not be so bad as long as it's not a free for all. If you commonly snack at night, try to set aside calories for that time and preplan night time snacks that will fit in your calorie goal (hopefully a little higher to account for exercise as above). Or, you could try eating more through out the day to keep you feeling full so that you don't have to snack later. I like eating several servings of veggies (I'm lazy and just have a ton of frozen veggies heated up) at lunch to help keep me feeling full until dinner.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    What's your goal weight?
  • amgerbin
    amgerbin Posts: 49 Member
    Hang in there! Some days are better than others.

    It seems you are eating the same thing over and over. That is probably boring you! :) So you snack! (I have the same problem.) Try doing some new foods or making some new recipes. I love for ideas or

    Also, when I was bored, I snacked. So maybe do some reading, take a walk, call a friend. I started volunteering at night so win-win!

    Stay strong!
  • candacedianne
    candacedianne Posts: 47 Member
    159 for now
  • elsyoommen
    elsyoommen Posts: 155 Member
    from what I can see it looks like your dinner are low calorie and/or low protein. You might want to try switching things around. e.g increase protein (at fat) especially later in the day. These might help you to feel full. You should try to track carefully for a few days, (ignore your embarrassment) then take a look. Once you have good info about what you are eating and when you are eating it, you might be able to figure out for yourself how to change your eating patterns so that you are more in control.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Do you eat back exercise cals?
  • candacedianne
    candacedianne Posts: 47 Member
    You seem to be eating relatively low volumes of food or foods that may not be keeping you feeling as satiated as you like.

    First of all, if you are burning 500-600 calories, are you eating back a portion of those calories? MFP assumes that you will eat back exercise calories if you didn't account for them in your daily activity level. The calories are often over estimated it seems, so I'd eat back 250-400 of those calories on the days you burn them.

    This might help you with the calorie goal:

    So, if you have more calories than you think, your night time snacking might not be so bad as long as it's not a free for all. If you commonly snack at night, try to set aside calories for that time and preplan night time snacks that will fit in your calorie goal (hopefully a little higher to account for exercise as above). Or, you could try eating more through out the day to keep you feeling full so that you don't have to snack later. I like eating several servings of veggies (I'm lazy and just have a ton of frozen veggies heated up) at lunch to help keep me feeling full until dinner.

    Thanks! I use a HRM so my calories burned are accurate (although I walk an hour at lunch each day so those aren't because I dont bring the HRM to work). I have found that eating more during the day has helped, as I have upped the amount i am eating the past month but I get bored I guess at night and start eating the crap food we have in our house (the stuff my husband buys and then I end up pigging out on).
  • candacedianne
    candacedianne Posts: 47 Member
    Do you eat back exercise cals?

    My intentions are to eat some of them back but after I get into my snacking rage I eat back more than my share.
  • candacedianne
    candacedianne Posts: 47 Member
    from what I can see it looks like your dinner are low calorie and/or low protein. You might want to try switching things around. e.g increase protein (at fat) especially later in the day. These might help you to feel full. You should try to track carefully for a few days, (ignore your embarrassment) then take a look. Once you have good info about what you are eating and when you are eating it, you might be able to figure out for yourself how to change your eating patterns so that you are more in control.

    Very possible! I usually try to eat 6+oz of meat for dinner (give or take), but I think stepping back and having a real look at my eating will help me see what I am doing to myself and help me arrange my meals properly.
  • candacedianne
    candacedianne Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks for the tips...boredom is definitely a reason I snack. Thats usually when my daughter goes to bed and we are left relaxing and watching tv (or sometimes I do workout after she goes to bed).
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    Looks like you're not eating enough protein or food in general. I tend to crave sweets if I don't get enough protein repeatedly. Go to to calculate intake and macro nutrients.
  • candacedianne
    candacedianne Posts: 47 Member
    Looks like you're not eating enough protein or food in general. I tend to crave sweets if I don't get enough protein repeatedly. Go to to calculate intake and macro nutrients.

    I have TRIED to understand macros and iifym but it seems so it really that easy to follow? How do I figure out my body fat?
  • JDearman143
    JDearman143 Posts: 48 Member
    I too have this problem and it's soooo frustrating!!! I do so good all day and night time hits and I just can't control my binge eating urges for JUNK!

    I lost almost 60lbs.. With my ultimate goal being 130lbs, I got down to 133.. I've never felt so fit and healthy in my adult life!

    Well, then I got married, lost site of my goal and just can't seem to get a good grasp on it again.. I eat healthy all day.. Get my exercise in 2-3 times a week (sweat filled gym sessions) and power walk on my breaks at work 4-5 days a week.. Then comes night time and BAM! I catch myself eating and my brain says "Well, you already messed up your day so might as well just keep shoving it in!"

    Needless to say, I've refused to step on the scale (though, maybe that would give me the reality check I need), but I guarantee I've probably put back on 15-20lbs and sadly, that's just been in a short 2 months time.. =(

    But, with that being said, what I found helpful is kind of what's already been said.. I pre-plan my night time snack.. Leave about 200-300 calories for the end of the day and have that ice cream sandwich or crackers.. And I tell my husband, if you see me snacking on more than this, CALL ME OUT! And after I snack on my pre-planned night time treat, I down some water, brush my teeth and go to bed! Whether I'm just going to lay down and watch TV or pass out, I keep away from the kitchen..

    And that's the mentality I plan on keeping before my weight starts spiraling out of control again! =)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Looks like you're not eating enough protein or food in general. I tend to crave sweets if I don't get enough protein repeatedly. Go to to calculate intake and macro nutrients.

    I have TRIED to understand macros and iifym but it seems so it really that easy to follow? How do I figure out my body fat?

    Try macros of 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat.
  • candacedianne
    candacedianne Posts: 47 Member
    Looks like you're not eating enough protein or food in general. I tend to crave sweets if I don't get enough protein repeatedly. Go to to calculate intake and macro nutrients.

    I have TRIED to understand macros and iifym but it seems so it really that easy to follow? How do I figure out my body fat?

    Thanks! So Basically I need to hit all those numbers each day for the fat, protein, and carbs?
    Try macros of 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat.
  • candacedianne
    candacedianne Posts: 47 Member
    I too have this problem and it's soooo frustrating!!! I do so good all day and night time hits and I just can't control my binge eating urges for JUNK!

    I lost almost 60lbs.. With my ultimate goal being 130lbs, I got down to 133.. I've never felt so fit and healthy in my adult life!

    Well, then I got married, lost site of my goal and just can't seem to get a good grasp on it again.. I eat healthy all day.. Get my exercise in 2-3 times a week (sweat filled gym sessions) and power walk on my breaks at work 4-5 days a week.. Then comes night time and BAM! I catch myself eating and my brain says "Well, you already messed up your day so might as well just keep shoving it in!"

    Needless to say, I've refused to step on the scale (though, maybe that would give me the reality check I need), but I guarantee I've probably put back on 15-20lbs and sadly, that's just been in a short 2 months time.. =(

    But, with that being said, what I found helpful is kind of what's already been said.. I pre-plan my night time snack.. Leave about 200-300 calories for the end of the day and have that ice cream sandwich or crackers.. And I tell my husband, if you see me snacking on more than this, CALL ME OUT! And after I snack on my pre-planned night time treat, I down some water, brush my teeth and go to bed! Whether I'm just going to lay down and watch TV or pass out, I keep away from the kitchen..

    And that's the mentality I plan on keeping before my weight starts spiraling out of control again! =)

    It shouldn't....but this does make me feel better. I think brushing my teeth will help a LOT after I am done with my calories for the day!!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    Thanks! So Basically I need to hit all those numbers each day for the fat, protein, and carbs?

    Yep. Try planning your day in advance, as you may struggle with hitting the protein at first. I also look at my weekly figures more than daily.... Usually end up with around 25-27% protein but it's close enough!
  • candacedianne
    candacedianne Posts: 47 Member

    Thanks! So Basically I need to hit all those numbers each day for the fat, protein, and carbs?

    Yep. Try planning your day in advance, as you may struggle with hitting the protein at first. I also look at my weekly figures more than daily.... Usually end up with around 25-27% protein but it's close enough!

    Awesome-thank you!!