For the first time in forever..

I could be noticed byyyy someoneee.

Just kidding, my toddler has me listening to the Frozen soundtrack every day on our way to and from my work and her day care. But here's what I'm really excited about.

Honestly, for the first time in forever, I have started this journey and can't believe the transition I've made. It's only been since last Thursday that I just OUT OF THE BLUE said no more. I didn't feel pretty and my low self esteem was leading me into bad relationships.
I cut stress and negativity out of my life and staying healthy has never been this easy for me. I've always struggled with my weight and MFP has made tracking and having motivational friends who are aiming for the same goal I am.

If you think you can't do this, or you can't stick to it. You're wrong. My heaviest I've ever been was 290 and I've shrunk from that horrific number, bc I said I would never let myself get that big. Now that I've lost over 40 lbs and it continues to drop every week I feel like a champion. Weight can make even the most confident person self conscious in many ways.

But mostly For the first time in forever I feel free of my comfort with food. I find it elsewhere and have not been this stress free or happy. I encourage YOU that you can do it. Hell, if I can. You can!

Add me as a friend and let's share our journeys together!



  • dannyxtyler
    dannyxtyler Posts: 72 Member
    Now the song is stuck in my head!!! Haha.

    What an amazing feeling, being in control of what you eat instead of letting your appetite and cravings take control of you. It's a new feeling for me, too, and the progress is just wonderful. Keep up the great work!!! :) I'm adding you
  • zzk0485
    zzk0485 Posts: 51 Member
    Good for you!! How exciting to be accomplishing such a goal! I have a toddle but she hasn't seen Frozen yet so I don't even know the song at all lol. Keep up the good work!!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Stronger than 1, stronger than 10, stronger than 100,000 men HUH.

    Congrats on having the Strength to draw the line in the 'snow' and say ENOUGH!!!

    Way to go!!!

    Here's to every day going forward!

  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    "Love is an open door!" My grandson and I are listening to the Frozen soundtrack. This will be in my head for the rest of the day!! LOL
  • Stronger than 1, stronger than 10, stronger than 100,000 men HUH.

    Congrats on having the Strength to draw the line in the 'snow' and say ENOUGH!!!

    Way to go!!!

    Here's to every day going forward!


    I sang that in my head as I read it! hahaha! I ALWAYS nail that part in the car while we're listening to it!
  • "Love is an open door!" My grandson and I are listening to the Frozen soundtrack. This will be in my head for the rest of the day!! LOL

    My daughter makes me do the Hans part, if I try to sing Anna's she gets upset! LOL

    I mean its crazy... we finish each others .. SANDWICHES .. that's what I was gonna say!
  • purplemystra
    purplemystra Posts: 159 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. It's so crazy. I'm 41 and it has finally clicked for me. I sometimes wonder why I hadn't done this sooner but I wasn't ready but now I am. It's been 2 1/2 months. I'm down 27 pounds. Keep up the great work. You will succeed because you are doing it for yourself.
  • I know exactly how you feel. It's so crazy. I'm 41 and it has finally clicked for me. I sometimes wonder why I hadn't done this sooner but I wasn't ready but now I am. It's been 2 1/2 months. I'm down 27 pounds. Keep up the great work. You will succeed because you are doing it for yourself.

    Aw! Thank you!! I can't wait to be 2 1/2 months in! Congrats on the 27 lbs! That's wonderful!