I eat like *kitten*!

I am new to MFP and for the first time I am keeping track of food as well as exercise. I am a horrible eater and always seem to make excuses for why I eat junk instead of good stuff. Committed to the exercise part but need to get the eating under control

My office mates always have candy jars, bring cookies, or have other crap to eat and I always regret it after I eat it. Same with pizza I eat and then regret. Sucks

Anyone else have this issue?



  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Nope, I like pizza, it has great macro balance, and it tastes good, and I couldn't live without sugar in my life.

  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    Don't eat and regret, eat in moderation. I eat crap too, just not as much as I used to and have lost 25 lbs. It can be done. Start logging it, you will be able to see how much you can and can't eat. Just eat normal for the first week, see where you can make changes and start tweeking that diet with smaller portions and acceptable substitues (protein bars instead of cookies). Again. It can be done. Good luck!
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    I'm with Rigger on pizza. I eat it 3-4 times a week. Because I like it.
  • Aero1dynamic
    Aero1dynamic Posts: 702 Member
    I probably won't be the only one to say this, but... Eat what you want! And then track every last nibble, taste and lick of what you're eating. You don't have to give up the foods you love, you just have to moderate the quantity. If you want to eat healthier, try replacing just one of those junk snacks with fruit or yogurt. Start small, take baby steps. Eventually, you may find your taste for the "socially unacceptable" foods has waned and you may CRAVE the healthier stuff. The trick here is not to beat yourself up because you had a slice of pizza or a doughnut. Just track that tasty little snack and watch your caloric intake =)
  • maryanne2000
    maryanne2000 Posts: 13 Member
    My latest weight loss effort began 29 days ago and I have lost five pounds! I eat WHATEVER I want, up to 1500 calories, and then I stop.

    For example, if you really want a cheeseburger, Wendy's Junior Bacon cheeseburger is about 400 calories, which can totally fit into my plan. When I eat one, I feel I have had a decadent treat, which makes me not feel deprived.

    Same for sweet treats...if I really, really want one, a Mars bar has 240 calories. I can make that work.

    I'm not saying your diet should be comprised of junk food, and mine isn't either. It's just good to know that if I really want some junk, I can have it and still lose.

    Use the data base to figure out the calories in some of your favourite foods. Be realistic about how much you can have. You probably can't have an entire meat lover's pizza, but you can have some, depending on your caloric goals for the day. There really are no off-limits food.

    You can do this!
  • sharonstandiford
    sharonstandiford Posts: 4 Member
    Me too! I have to track my calories. Make sure you have an app on your mobile device and calculate everything. I find it works best if I calculate everything before I eat, so I have a game plan for the day. If my menu for the day is short a few hundred calories then I know I can eat that cookie at work. Just seeing what a certain food choice is going to cost you really puts things into perspective.
  • I used to eat crap too, always thought eh, it's not affecting me.....until I started feeling horrible and found out I had fatty liver disease. That was a wake up call for me and it was what it took for me to finally start eating healthy. You've heard it said ' you are what you eat' well it's true. You might lose weight on a 1200 calorie diet of candy, donuts, soda and chips but it wreaks havoc on your body but it's just not good for you and it WILL catch up with you someday. Eat fresh fruits, veggies, lean protein. Do yourself a huge favor and start taking care of yourself, it starts with eating healthy. I've lost 20pds in the past two months and no more pain in the liver area, so much more energy and a feeling of well being, I did it by cutting out the crap, my body is thanking me.
    FRiNADA Posts: 67
    I was in the same bought a couple of weeks ago. I always ate out, craved the burgers got the free donuts at work and the free pizza. It's a hard habit to crack! But then I just stopped. You gotta stop thinking about and regretting everything you eat and just change it! You identified the problem now fix it!
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    Hi Jeff,

    I work in an office that has no short supply of crappy food. Cookies, candy, cake, donuts.

    All. The. Time.

    I started bringing my own snacks and when someone asks me if I want something, I politely but firmly, decline and eat my own snack.

    I eat a lot of pizza because I like it. I've been able to find a balance with fitting it in my daily calorie allowance.

    And I NEVER feel guilty about eating anything. :tongue:

    Good luck with your journey. Feel free to add me if you would like extra support!! :flowerforyou:

  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    Pizza is the king of foods. I love it, but can only have it a couple times a month because I go crazy. I lost a pound this week after eating an entire pizza and lifting an extra day. Woo pizza! I'm definitely on team eat what you want and track carefully.

    No food is inherently good or bad, we just have more or less self-control when it comes to various delicious treats. However, foods with more fiber and/or protein help with satiety and keep us from over-eating. This is where the whole-grain vs white carbs thing comes in. One isn't inherently better, BUT because there is more fiber you will get full faster.

    My $00.02
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    Ok so go to getting started and read the topics at the top.

    Then weigh and log everything you eat. Crap or not. If it goes in your mouth log it

    Come up with an exercise program that you will actually do

    You will find most of the folks here find room in their lives for treats.

    You can do this. Just do some homework, read and find a plan.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    My latest weight loss effort began 29 days ago and I have lost five pounds! I eat WHATEVER I want, up to 1500 calories, and then I stop.

    For example, if you really want a cheeseburger, Wendy's Junior Bacon cheeseburger is about 400 calories, which can totally fit into my plan. When I eat one, I feel I have had a decadent treat, which makes me not feel deprived.

    Same for sweet treats...if I really, really want one, a Mars bar has 240 calories. I can make that work.

    I'm not saying your diet should be comprised of junk food, and mine isn't either. It's just good to know that if I really want some junk, I can have it and still lose.

    Use the data base to figure out the calories in some of your favourite foods. Be realistic about how much you can have. You probably can't have an entire meat lover's pizza, but you can have some, depending on your caloric goals for the day. There really are no off-limits food.

    You can do this!

    I do the same thing :) Every day I make room for a juicy burger with cheese, some pepperoni rolls, B&J ice cream, a candy bar, something to make sure I don't feel too restricted. Not all in one day, just something each day at least. You can still eat "bad" stuff, just don't do it all day or mindlessly munch on bags of whatever-it-is-that's-salty-or-sweet.

    I make deals with myself some days :laugh: "Eat two healthy meals today, Self, and we'll have a KICKASS dessert tonight and watch dumb cartoons. Deal?" :smile:
  • Icandoityayme
    Icandoityayme Posts: 312 Member
    Start taking your own snacks to work and bring your own lunches. Can't mess up too much that way if you are eating things that you know are healthy and within your calorie range. By the way, you can still have cake and other sweets as long you balance everything else out. I also love pizza but I usually have mushroom and olives on it. I still get pizza and don't feel like I am being left out or depriving myself of anything. You just have to use moderation.
  • abear007
    abear007 Posts: 84 Member

    Anyone else have this issue?

    Not any more. I decided on a method for how to loose weight and I've stuck to it so far, without letting other people sabotage me. Everyone has to find the way that works for them and while there are many ways, I don't think eating lots of junk food will be a successful one. :happy:
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    Also....for ages I decided that food at work was off limits to me. That took out lots of calories. Just tell the folks it's not in your plan for the day.
  • We have a kitchen full of junk food for the guys I work with. I bring all my snacks and lunches to the office.
  • zephyre7
    zephyre7 Posts: 17 Member
    The one good thing about eating like crap is that you have nothing else to do but improve.

    Keeping track certainly can be an eye opener.

    As you start making adjustments you'll find it gets easier. Since I started tracking mine, I've actually spent less at the store and replaced Nacho Cheese Doritos (one of my faves) with vine ripe tomatoes.

    Once you get started the sailing gets a little smoother.. ⛵
  • I echo the others about bringing your own food to work. If I have my own I can resist, but if I don't I cave!
  • lauramfall
    lauramfall Posts: 3 Member
    When I first started really watching what I ate (and I mean like REALLY watching with counting all calories) I made it my challenge to see how many temptations I could resist and how I could find ways to make things as healthy as possible. It was especially hard at work - I'm in a small office so whatever my coworker is having I might as well too! I'm a big pizza lover and I started make them on flat bread or wraps - for me it's all about the toppings and once I started making it at home and bringing it for lunch my coworkers were wanting what I had and not their fast food. If you start bringing healthier options into the workplace maybe people will follow suit!
  • Don't eat and regret, eat in moderation. I eat crap too, just not as much as I used to and have lost 25 lbs. It can be done. Start logging it, you will be able to see how much you can and can't eat. Just eat normal for the first week, see where you can make changes and start tweeking that diet with smaller portions and acceptable substitues (protein bars instead of cookies). Again. It can be done. Good luck!

    Where's the LIKE button, I swear I just went for it, ugh- I gotta get away from all this technology