Mom Thread!

I have a question for all of you "wonder moms" out there. I have a 12 month old and a 6 year old. The 6 year old sleeps through ANYTHING, the 12 month old wakes up at the creak of a door or flush of a toilet. I'm trying really hard to get to bed before 11 every night and i hope that once I have done this enough, I will start to have more energy in the mornings---so that I may be able to hop on the treadmill or do a 30 day shred dvd or something like it. My 6 yr old's room is right next to the office where my treadmill is. I think i could get away with using the treadmill with him, but i know it will wake my 12 month old up. I'm running out of time a lot of evenings to work out so I thought getting it out of the way in the morning would be the optimal time.

How do you all make it work?


  • agman90
    agman90 Posts: 15 Member
    It may be beneficial to have a "white noise". you can use a fan I have found that having a fan on creates just enough noise that it covers a lot of creaks and groans, without covering any alarm type noises (smoke/carbon monoxide, etc.) . You can start a fan in the hallway and every night move it about a foot closer to the 12 month old's room. It may take a few nights/mornings like maybe 7-10 days. Once the fan is on in the baby's room, baby should sleep thru.

    I know that there are "white noise machines" out there if a fan isn't possible.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    exercise gives you exercise you get more don't exercise...not at much energy.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I've been waking up in the morning to work out this Summer, so I do it before the kids wake up... but it doesn't wake them up and they are 6, so old enough to be on their own for a little bit while I finish if needed.

    Is there any way you could ask your husband to take care of the kids if they wake up while you exercise? For what it's worth though, I need to be in bed by 10.30pm at the latest if I want to be awake enough at 6am to workout.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Are you able to get a set of weights and do weight training in the mornings and add the treadmill in during the times the baby is awake? If you can't get the weights then search online for weight training programs that uses your body weight instead of free weights.
  • fitmek
    fitmek Posts: 277 Member
    Yes I have weights, 3,5 and 8. As long as the 12 mon old stays asleep (his room is next to our room), i should be able to try to do something in our room of a morning. He is teething right now so he's been getting up super early, and sometimes during the night too! Since he didnt start sleeping through the night until about 3 weeks ago, I basically have been functioning everyday on 6-6.5 hrs of sleep. I've never been one to feel my best unless I have 8 hrs. So, I'm slowly trying to get in bed earlier and I hope to "catch up" on sleep, or at least feel like I have, then start a morning routine. Fingers crossed though!
  • LeenaJean
    LeenaJean Posts: 276 Member
    I have a 9 month old and was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism during my pregnancy so I know about being exhausted. I usually wake up around 5:30a, turn on the white noise machine for him and close his door. While I'm on the treadmill I set the incline high and the speed lower (on my treadmill if I put the speed too high it gets a little noisy)
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    White noise came to my mind also. We just use a fan. I am a very light sleeper.

    You can lift weights, ask for help from your husband. Maybe if that's not an option, do a DVD when baby is awake.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Yes I have weights, 3,5 and 8. As long as the 12 mon old stays asleep (his room is next to our room), i should be able to try to do something in our room of a morning. He is teething right now so he's been getting up super early, and sometimes during the night too! Since he didnt start sleeping through the night until about 3 weeks ago, I basically have been functioning everyday on 6-6.5 hrs of sleep. I've never been one to feel my best unless I have 8 hrs. So, I'm slowly trying to get in bed earlier and I hope to "catch up" on sleep, or at least feel like I have, then start a morning routine. Fingers crossed though!

    Those weights are not NEARLY heavy enough. Think about it: your children weigh more than 8 pounds, and you lift them all the time. If light little weights did anything, then every woman with a child or large handbag would have RIPPED arms, lol.

    Invest in heavier weights, I recommend from 10lbs and up. You're supposed to lift as heavy as you can while maintaining good form for 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions. (No, you will not get "bulky".)
  • TheRealNoodlette
    TheRealNoodlette Posts: 132 Member
    I've been waking up in the morning to work out this Summer, so I do it before the kids wake up... but it doesn't wake them up and they are 6, so old enough to be on their own for a little bit while I finish if needed.

    Is there any way you could ask your husband to take care of the kids if they wake up while you exercise? For what it's worth though, I need to be in bed by 10.30pm at the latest if I want to be awake enough at 6am to workout.


    Join a gym with childcare. Drop your 6 year old off at school, go to the gym and let your little one play with all the other kids while you get a workout! Alternatively you can go to the gym in the AMs while your partner is getting the kids up and ready for their day. I did this before my kids were old enough to be left to their own devices in the morning. Most of the time I got home before they even woke up.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    It may be beneficial to have a "white noise". you can use a fan I have found that having a fan on creates just enough noise that it covers a lot of creaks and groans, without covering any alarm type noises (smoke/carbon monoxide, etc.) . You can start a fan in the hallway and every night move it about a foot closer to the 12 month old's room. It may take a few nights/mornings like maybe 7-10 days. Once the fan is on in the baby's room, baby should sleep thru.

    I know that there are "white noise machines" out there if a fan isn't possible.

    This. White noise machine saved my life. Also, I have perfected the art of silent working out. I used to do the 30 day shred or things of that nature in the wee hours of the morning before my little one would wake up. Now I am lucky enough to have a gym with a daycare while I workout.
  • hep26000
    hep26000 Posts: 156 Member
    You can also go for walks with your baby if weather is good! My toddler loves our walks and so does my dog. All 3 benefit from it. Plus we get to talk about things around us and turn it into a learning walk. Like colors of flowers and cars, types of vehicles (bus, truck, trash truck, boat, construction vehicles, etc) that we see. We sing songs, point at the birds, etc. It is really fun!

    I also think the white noise machine is a great idea.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I've been waking up in the morning to work out this Summer, so I do it before the kids wake up... but it doesn't wake them up and they are 6, so old enough to be on their own for a little bit while I finish if needed.

    Is there any way you could ask your husband to take care of the kids if they wake up while you exercise? For what it's worth though, I need to be in bed by 10.30pm at the latest if I want to be awake enough at 6am to workout.


    Join a gym with childcare. Drop your 6 year old off at school, go to the gym and let your little one play with all the other kids while you get a workout! Alternatively you can go to the gym in the AMs while your partner is getting the kids up and ready for their day. I did this before my kids were old enough to be left to their own devices in the morning. Most of the time I got home before they even woke up.

    I second this!
  • fitmek
    fitmek Posts: 277 Member
    my husband is out the door by 530 am every morning. I also work. The only thing I can think of is getting up early and hoping the kiddos stay asleep, and trying to get through a DVD. I love saying my work out is complete at the beginning of the day, I just need to figure out how to get it in. I just never feel like i'm doing enough---I'm sure that is the curse of every mom though. :)