Calling all desk-job MFP'ers! Help me lose while I work!



  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Squeeze your knees together (inner thigh burn). Squeeze your bum. Tighten/suck in your stomach.

    I rotate all these 'moves' through out the day. Why not? I'm just sitting here :)

  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    Anyone out there using one of the under desk pedal thingies? I'm wondering if it really does anything or just helps you feel virtuous?
  • smileyface45
    smileyface45 Posts: 146 Member
    what type of ab exercise???
  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    I didn't even think about bringing hand weights to work! Adding that to my list of things to get at the Wal-Mart tonight. I have been known to dance my way to the bathroom, but only when no one's around. I work in a cube farm where most people spend their time on the phone so whatever I do it has to be quiet and not draw attention to myself. If I could stand, I would. I LOVE the idea of swiveling at my desk, the weights....I wish I didn't have the bulky foot rest or I'd pedal at my desk almost all day. I stretch all the time, so I guess I don't really consider that "exercising." I will definitely watch the video at home.

    Keep up the great ideas, everyone! It's reassuring to see I'm not the only one in the same boat!
  • shawnamil12
    you can change out your chair for a stability ball
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    Oh yeah, kegels & butt clenching! My lady business gets quite a workout every day for those 8 hours!

    :laugh: I almost fell out of my chair laughing from this one! :laugh:
  • portlandsundevil
    portlandsundevil Posts: 213 Member
    I find that using my waist to swivel my chair back and forth works my middle a little bit.

    Good idea!
  • canoekayak
    1.) Leg extensions - ( depending on your room under the desk?)
    2.) Put your feet apart and squeeze your legs together and apart - do it as fast as can.
    3.) bring a 45 lbs bench weight to work and put it on your lap for calf raises and Butt squats,( you don't need the weight to do butt squats, just lift your own body weight.
    4.) Take your shoes off and press down on your feet and with your big toe curl it across the floor. - this builds up your arch a portion of your calf muscle.
    5.) Get some bands a and loop them around your legs/ your ankles and try to pull your legs apart and hold then release.
    6.) Bring in some dumb bells and to seated arm curls.
    7.) same dumb bells lift above your head for shoulders.
    8.) In between calls on the computer use a dumb bell - lay your forearm on your leg and left your dumb bell to do forearm work outs.
    9.) you can do triceps with the dumb bell
    Just some thought s off top of my head...
  • barberella
    I have a desk job too. I am able to leave though, but primarily at the desk. I am lucky to have a gym where I work so that's what I do at lunch. I have brought ankle weights and wore them and do leg lifts. I also bring my 5 pound steel weight and do bicep curls and tricep dips. I also will swing that weight as I"m trying to tighten up my abs...
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member