I'm new!!

heathercgreen Posts: 17
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone

I'm 27, live near Southport and am doing my best to get fit again and lose some weight. I used to do a lot of exercise and am trying to get back into it. If I can manage this and watch what I eat at he same time, I hope to reach my goal. If you fancy saying hi, then please do!!! Good luck everyone.

Heather xxx


  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    Good luck girl and welcome!
  • good luck and welcome to the site
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    this place is awesome.

    welcome to your new life :D
  • Goodluck and Welcome MFP!! You will love it!

  • Hiya Heather, welcome to MFP, hope you love it here, it's amazing. I started only wanting to lose 10lbs, but the site, tools and members are so great I've lost 22 so far. I wish you every success with your weight loss and fitness journey! :smile:
  • lynnd18
    lynnd18 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new here too. Trying to lose about 50 lbs. My husband and I joined about a week apart. He has lost about 20 lbs and me 2 lbs. It seems so much easier for him.
  • hi heather, i am jessie ..welcome
  • Thank you all for your replies, it's so nice to feel like you're not on your own and that everyone is doing this for a different reason. Myself and my friend at work are really encouraging each other to do well, and it's become really enjoyable! Everyone on here seems so lovely and friendly, and it's so nice how everyone offers support. xxx
  • Hey. I'm about 10 minutes new. I would like to say i'm excited, but maybe it's still too early? Waiting for the gym (which is ACROSS THE STREET) to open. I HATE to excercise. *sigh* Not trying to be a Debbie Downer my first time out of the box, but i am coming in honest and need the motivation. I'm looking to lose about 40lbs - more would be better. Wish me luck!!!!!!! :wink:
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Hey. I'm about 10 minutes new. I would like to say i'm excited, but maybe it's still too early? Waiting for the gym (which is ACROSS THE STREET) to open. I HATE to excercise. *sigh* Not trying to be a Debbie Downer my first time out of the box, but i am coming in honest and need the motivation. I'm looking to lose about 40lbs - more would be better. Wish me luck!!!!!!! :wink:
    Welcome :) This place is wonderful. You need motivation? go to the success stories part of the message board. If that isn't inspiration and motivation i don't know what is. Looking at peoples before and afters makes me understand that I can and will do this.
  • Welcome to MFP!! You'll love it. The support and motivation here is fantastic!!

    Good luck!!
  • 100poundstogo
    100poundstogo Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, I am new to my fitness pal and trying to find my way around the web site.
    I am also trying to lose 100 pounds and need some tips and ideas..
  • oneof9
    oneof9 Posts: 106 Member
    Welcome. I hope you have a great time here. Everyone is ready to give a helpful hand. I wish you all the best.
  • dww63
    dww63 Posts: 10
    Hi Heather,
    I'm just starting to get back into the diet and workout routine as well. As a coach and ex personal trainer, I know it helps to have a good buddy system. It's nice to share successes along the way. I wish you all the luck.
  • Hello and welcome! best of luck to you.
  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    Good luck!!!
    Just keep smiling! :D
  • 100poundstogo
    100poundstogo Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you for welcoming me to the site...I am also trying to set up my ticker...I got all of my choices set up but it is still not showing on my post..
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