Walk Before I Can Run?? C25K Help.

spuzo Posts: 50
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Let me preface this by saying...Ive always wanted to be a runner. To me, that's the epitome of athleticism [spelling?]. Anyway, I'm doing this XWeighted National Challenge and on the show, the person trying to lose weight has a fitness goal. Ive been giving mine some thought and I really want to run a 5K. The Toronto Waterfront Marathon in Oct. has a 5K run and I think I'm going to sign up....but ..... I have a question for those doing C25K....

At 345lbs, I know I cant run right now. How much walking practice should I do before delving into that programme? Ive mapped out a 5K route close to home and I'm gonna walk it as of tomorrow and Im going to continue that until it's comfortable. Should I wait unti then to start incorporating running?

Any advice?


  • Let me preface this by saying...Ive always wanted to be a runner. To me, that's the epitome of athleticism [spelling?]. Anyway, I'm doing this XWeighted National Challenge and on the show, the person trying to lose weight has a fitness goal. Ive been giving mine some thought and I really want to run a 5K. The Toronto Waterfront Marathon in Oct. has a 5K run and I think I'm going to sign up....but ..... I have a question for those doing C25K....

    At 345lbs, I know I cant run right now. How much walking practice should I do before delving into that programme? Ive mapped out a 5K route close to home and I'm gonna walk it as of tomorrow and Im going to continue that until it's comfortable. Should I wait unti then to start incorporating running?

    Any advice?
    couch to 5 k is a running program im following , and seeing results already ( been on it 3wks )
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I'm a complete novice at running in general, let along at the C25K stuff. If you can't run right now, I'd suggest walking at a brisker pace during the run portions and resume your regular brisk pace for the walk portions. It's just like running but a little slower and you can do that! The key is to push yourself during the walking parts, but push yourself harder during the running parts.
  • My advice to you is walk.... walk.... walk at a hefty pace. I would start walking daily or twice daily if possible. Then when you decide to run do it in intervals. 30 seconds running and 1 minute walking. Then build up from there. Make sure you have good shoes. That is very important. Good luck to you. When I first started I would say all of the things that had put me in that position.... One step -- cupcake, two steps -- stupid corn dogs.... three steps... coca cola...... and snickers bars......
  • I started the C25K at 300 lbs. At first it was really really rough, but the walking definately helps. Make sure to always stretch before AND after walking or running, that will keep you from getting as sore. And speed walking is always good too to start out instead of all out running. I always wanted to become a runner too so you just have to stay at it and keep pushing yourself, you can do it! You've got this girl.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    My advice to you is walk.... walk.... walk at a hefty pace. I would start walking daily or twice daily if possible. Then when you decide to run do it in intervals. 30 seconds running and 1 minute walking. Then build up from there. Make sure you have good shoes. That is very important. Good luck to you. When I first started I would say all of the things that had put me in that position.... One step -- cupcake, two steps -- stupid corn dogs.... three steps... coca cola...... and snickers bars......

    I agree with this.
  • LMac423
    LMac423 Posts: 82
    That's so excellent that you want to run! I would start by doing power walking and walking uphill and then begin doing little bursts of running with ample walk breaks and cut the walk breaks shorter each week. It'll be tough but you can do it! I know it! Running is SO rewarding in so many ways!!!
  • jlsAhava
    jlsAhava Posts: 411 Member
    I just finished week 3 of the program today, it's not easy, but very doable.

    You should start the program, just modify it. Instead of brisk walk / jog, you can do walk / brisk walk. It's so easy to do the program at your own pace, and using it as an interval program might help you to move to the running stage more quickly. When you feel like you're ready to give running a try, just go back to week 1 again and get going! :smile:

    I've suggested this to my mother, but she has yet to take me up on it. :ohwell:

    ~HAH! I see a lot of people beat me to the punch! Be sure to keep us posted!
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I started the C25K after weeks of increasing my speed walking. You don't have to follow the C25K exactly. It's intervals. The important thing is to do what you can and increase the intervals when you're ready to do so. If you try to do the C25K and can't progress one week to the next you might get discouraged and give up. Follow your own C25K. It may take longer but you WILL get there!
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    I would set my goal for to "finish" a first 5k, not necessarily to "run" it. Lots of folks have walked the entire way. I ran some and walked some during the 3 I did last year, which were the first races I ever entered. I'm not very good at running, but I have set a goal of running a marathon in 2 years so I'm planning to run the 5ks this spring and next year a half marathon. Fingers crossed.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Oh my goodness girl I am SOOOO proud of you.
    Here is my advice:

    Are you walking now? If you are not walking now, I would start out walking 1 mile, then 2 miles, and then the full 5K distance and focus on that for a while. When that becomes easier, than I would insert 1 minute of fast walking, and 3 minutes of normal walking. When that become easy, mess with the intervals. You will know when you feel ready to run .....and then when you can walk for 30-45 minutes straight you will be ready to start the c25k program.

    I started at 275pounds... I am currently about 249 and about to run my first half marathon (ok run/walk it, but still)! Do NOT listen to the haters who say you have to lose weight before running... its simply not true. Oh and never run 2 days in a row, its too hard on your body! Make sure that you continue with some sort of cross training activity as well.

    Good luck!!
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    I love the C25K program! I've always wanted to be able to run, I love it, I feel great when I do it, but sometimes making myself get going can be tough!

    I finished C25K last summer, at the time I was around 225 pounds, technically I didn't run a full 5K because I jog at a slower pace, but I did still jog for the entire 30 minutes and did close to 3 miles, so that was an accomplishment. I was so proud of myself when I finished, but completely fell off the wagon after that.

    I just started working on the program again a few weeks ago, I started week 3 but will probably repeat it this week as I was on vacation last week and didn't get to exercise as much as I would have liked.

    No matter what, just know that you can definitely do it! As others mentioned, start off walking, continue to increase your pace until you think you can start jogging, you'll get there, just stick with it!
  • skeetpea
    skeetpea Posts: 241 Member
    There is a "conservative" C25K program that is on the beginnertriathlete.com website that I bookmarked a while back. They take the standard 9 week C25K and expand it to 7 months. Might be a good route to go since it is so much slower and the first month is JUST walking. Plus you'd finish it before October too. :happy:


  • Are you walking now? If you are not walking now, I would start out walking 1 mile, then 2 miles, and then the full 5K distance and focus on that for a while. When that becomes easier, than I would insert 1 minute of fast walking, and 3 minutes of normal walking. When that become easy, mess with the intervals. You will know when you feel ready to run .....and then when you can walk for 30-45 minutes straight you will be ready to start the c25k program.

    I totally agree with this... you should work up to the ability to walk 30 minutes straight 3 times a week b4 adding in some interval running....i did c25k and am so happy i did. I waited forever thinking that i had to lose weight b4 i ran, but then one day it clicked.... i thought to myself..., "self.... if you want to run.....run!!!!! If anything.. it will help you lose weight! " I have never been happier about accomplishments. I love running and am doing my first half marathon in june. I did my first 5k in 2009...it was great!!!! Build up slowly and have fun!
  • spuzo
    spuzo Posts: 50
    Thanks everyone for your advice :)

    Im currently doing urban hiking - power walking with poles. I do 2-3K a day after work. So from there I'm going to build up to 5K. Right now 3K knocks the wind out of me :)

    Thanks for the link to the expanded C25K. I'll definitely check that out :)
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