Need to lose weight quickly.

Hey all,

My cousin's wedding is October 18th and I want to lose a considerable amount of weight beforehand. I need to lose weight anyway, but I want to look decent for her special day. So, my deadline is rapidly approaching. Are there any safe ways to lose weight quickly? Any tips would be great! Thank you(:


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Time travel
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    Let's say you lose 2 pounds a week by October, that could very well be 10-12 pounds, and a great start to a lifelong change.

    Any more than that I would consider a crash diet, and will do more harm than good in the long run. My honest to goodness tip is to just start on the right track and stay there. You don't need a "head start" with an extreme plan or the like.

    Best of luck!

    Here's a great read:
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member

    You're starting a bit late for an October wedding.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Quickly = 2 pounds per week, and only if you have a significant amount of weight to lose. Track everything you eat, get a food scale so you are being as accurate as possible with your intake, and be patient, because it can take a few weeks for any losses to show up. Good luck!
  • RWilliams_Fit
    RWilliams_Fit Posts: 81 Member
    eat clean

    lift heavy

    intense cardio

    tons of water

    and even with that you wont lose a crazy amount... but a great start.

    good luck
  • Janicebrown77
    Janicebrown77 Posts: 18 Member
    There is no easy route, but if you start today at least you'll make a dent! I always wanted the easy way and expected it to happen tomorrow, but that's why I failed, you'll be surprised what you can achieve in 8-10 weeks but it takes you being honest and consistent, this is probably the best place to be on every day recording your food and exercise motivates you alone never mind the amount of ppl who have succeeded and can help and advise you on the way.

    Good luck :)

    If I can do anything please just ask
  • 6ftamazon
    6ftamazon Posts: 340 Member
    Without trying to be rude, maybe you should've thought of this a bit sooner. Weight loss hardly ever happens quickly (you didn't gain it all in a month). I mean, you could lose 10-20 lbs by then if you're really strict, but there's no guarantee. Just eat a calorie deficit, and maybe start a weight lifting and cardio program.
  • Eat nothing but cucumbers and drink allot of water
  • Arianemarie123
    Arianemarie123 Posts: 42 Member
    She was just proposed to last week, they're rushing. But thanks for the advice.
  • tabicatinthehat
    tabicatinthehat Posts: 329 Member

  • tabicatinthehat
    tabicatinthehat Posts: 329 Member
    You're not hoping to lose 190 lbs by October are you? What would you consider a legit goal?
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    She was just proposed to last week, they're rushing. But thanks for the advice.
    Fair enough. What are your current stats (height, weight, age)?
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    Please don't worry about dropping just for the event. Do it for yourself. If you have some success you can crow about it at the event, and tell them you are continuing on the path. Your joy about her wedding and confidence in any progress you make will do wonders for your appearance. It's all in the attitude.

    2 lbs per week is a considerable drop. That requires a daily deficit of 1000 calories, which is a big change in eating habits for anyone.

    I'm guessing your starting point is at least 300 lbs since your ticker has a target loss of 190 lbs. Unless I read it wrong. IMO, anyone at that level should consult with a doctor before going nuts on dieting. I''m definitely not prying and don't want to know - the doc and you can discuss any other issues that should be considered.
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    The fastest way to see the scale number drop is to flip the scale switch from "lb" to "kg"

    If you are looking for real advice instead of tricks, just consume fewer calories than your TDEE like everyone else who is losing weight.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Don't lose weight for the wedding, but it is a great excuse to start.

    1) To LOOK good at the wedding, exercise. Do water aerobics, which is really easy on your body if you're heavy (and everyone). Make your arms look buff. It takes off way more inches than it does weight, but it's good for you, and a great way to feel good, look good, and burn calories.

    2) Buy flattering clothes. Really.

    3) I read an NIMH study last year comparing weight loss methods. By far and away the FASTEST way to lose weight in a healthy was was Atkins. Very low carbs, then building them up. If you go that route, READ THE BOOK. Don't just guess or go on hearsay. It is not a long term, forever thing, but it will rapidly dump pounds. That will get you started. Then you can start adding carbs back in (which the whole Atkins plan does) and work on long term weight loss.

    BTW, MFP will really help you log and keep track of it all.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Just an observation.

    You joined MFP 18+months ago. Had you started back then with a moderate caloric deficit with a diet of healthy and nutritious foods and added some moderate cardio exercise and strength training program, you could have most probably lost about 2lbs/wk in a healthy, sustainable manner. You could be about about 140lbs into your goal of 190lbs lost.

    ETA: Moral of the story: Start now, be patient, work hard and in 18months, you could be very close to your goal weight (and definitely healthier and more fit). Or continue doing what you have been doing for the last 18months, and in January 2016, you will still be trying to figure out how to lose weight quickly. The ball is in your court now. Actually, it always has been.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Just an observation.

    You joined MFP 18+months ago. Had you started back then with a moderate caloric deficit with a diet of healthy and nutritious foods and added some moderate cardio exercise and strength training program, you could have most probably lost about 2lbs/wk in a healthy, sustainable manner. You could be about about 140lbs into your goal of 190lbs lost.

    Which means starting now for whatever reason is a good idea.
  • bybyadipocytes
    bybyadipocytes Posts: 51 Member
    cut out grains, sugar, starchy stuff and most (not all, have 2 servings per day) fruit……Eat veggies in place of the grains and don't worry about eating some fat. try coconut oil.

    then lift heavy weights

    try kettle bell


    you'll lose water weight fast from less carbs and then it will steady out- but I feel very good and have totally sculpted myself with a 'paleo' style of eating. Check it out, especially if you have intense carb and sugar cravings.
  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    Anything that "works fast" will, at best, make you lose pounds of stuff OTHER THAN FAT. A lot of the crazy advice you're seeing in this thread is stuff that will make the scale tell you you've "lost weight," but won't be particularly helpful in losing body fat. Things like concoctions to make you poop more (great -- lose weight from the inside of your intestines. INTESTINAL BULK IS NOT YOUR PROBLEM if you have significant amount of weight to lose), or drinking more water than you really need to stay hydrated to keep your electrolytes low and reduce your body's ability to hold (harmless) water weight.

    Lose body fat by maintaining a reasonable caloric deficit through whatever combination of diet and exercise makes you happy, and unless you're super obese, that means dropping up to 2 lbs a week. (If you ARE super obese -- I was, for what it's worth -- it would be more like maybe up to 3 lbs a week for a while).
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    Let's say you lose 2 pounds a week by October, that could very well be 10-12 pounds, and a great start to a lifelong change.

    Any more than that I would consider a crash diet, and will do more harm than good in the long run. My honest to goodness tip is to just start on the right track and stay there. You don't need a "head start" with an extreme plan or the like.

    Best of luck!

    Here's a great read:

    ^This and think about a heavy duty body shaping undergarment, like this one for example: