Weight Loss Buddies That Are doing Exercising At Home



  • Nny_Dead
    Nny_Dead Posts: 13
    Feel free to add me!!

    I am working out from home as well... in addition to the trails I run on. Not quite comfortable enough to be in a gym just yet. I don't use DVDs or anything. I basically took a bunch of 30 day challenges and complied them to make one badass daily progressive workout to push myself. I can definitely feel myself getting stronger.

    I am always open to new friends to encourage and motivate!
  • nerdymathgrrl
    nerdymathgrrl Posts: 270 Member
    I do almost all my workouts at home. I have a recumbent bike, adjustable dumbbells, aerobics DVDs, and Just Dance games for the Wii. We have a fitness center in my apartment complex, so I can use the elliptical or treadmill if they are not occupied, and I sometimes take long walks with the kids. Honestly I like working out at home--I don't have to worry about equipment being free and I can sweat like a pig and then use my own shower afterwards! Feel free to add me.
  • moonbeams896
    moonbeams896 Posts: 191 Member
    You can add me, too! I workout from home! For the last couple of months, I've been walking trails by my house and have gotten it up to a little over 3 miles/day. I've decided to shake it up and now I'm doing some youtube videos including Jane Fonda step (have a wii step to use), Jillian michaels 30 day shred and Lisa Sansone walk away the pounds. There's lots that can be done from home and I'm experimenting with a lot of it, trying to find what's best for me.
  • Sinful_moon
    Sinful_moon Posts: 140 Member
    I do the majority of my exercise at home (aside from work and walking, but it's important to get some fresh air!) from strength training to hiit. I'm not a very big video fan, I find I lose track of what my body is doing trying to keep up and end up doing more harm then good.
  • ADRsmama
    ADRsmama Posts: 45 Member
    Feel free to add me!
    I do all of my exercising at home. Mainly my trampoline which is my best friend. :P
    I'm a daily user!
  • tabicatinthehat
    tabicatinthehat Posts: 329 Member
    I don't know if you consider it at home, but I most walk and run outside. The gym sucks my motivation out of me. So add me if you wanna.
  • I'm working out at home too. I have designed a moderate to hard workout and I have been doing 2 sets each morning. I'm at 24 days now and getting great results! I'm one a 1 year fitness quest! Would love to connect with some of you folks here. Feel free to add me... Peace ~ JD
  • Vinallx
    Vinallx Posts: 8
    I'm a workout at home gal too. Can't afford the gym. I just started doing an exercise DVD in the morning before work and then coming home and doing strength work. I just started with myfitnesspal and am still figuring out how it works. Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other!
  • judeveg
    judeveg Posts: 22 Member
    I'd be terrified to go to a gym I'm wii fitting and walking but I am lazy so I need to shout at myself. Anyone feel free to add me if they can cope with an age 40 plus and 100 pound to lose plus person. :)
  • bybyadipocytes
    bybyadipocytes Posts: 51 Member
    I have done well working out at home. Try Fitness Blenders channel on youtube.
  • michybeans
    michybeans Posts: 106
    Right now I am doing my exercise at home. I have some weights but do a lot of bodyweight stuff too, and pilates. Check out blogilates.com, I love her workouts. Feel free to add me - it can be hard to get motivation to work out at home so we can keep each other accountable. :)
  • Shereewhitney88
    Shereewhitney88 Posts: 87 Member
    I workout at home as well. I can't afford the gym right now so I use my treadmill and the internet. Feel free to add me =)
  • HSDramamom
    HSDramamom Posts: 44 Member
    I exercise at home--partly because I can't afford to have a gym membership, but also because I'm not crazy about working out at a gym either. I'm sure I'd benefit from the experiences of fellow home exercisers. I mostly use DVDs. My favorites of late are Ellen Barrett's Yogini (she's probably my favorite fitness instructor) and Biggest Loser Power Sculpt. I alternate them from day to day. I also did one of Denise Austin's Shrink Belly Fat routines today. Oh, and I also just found this "Jump for Joy" routine tonight that I plan to try tomorrow: http://www.shape.com/fitness/cardio/5-ways-burn-500-calories-30-minutes

  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    I bought a recumbent bike and ride for 30 minutes 4 - 5 times a week. I've bought a couple CD's. The old Richard Simmons Dancin' to the Oldies workout is a hoot but it's hard for me to keep up. I have that problem with a lot of the CD's and online videos I try (I'm on oxygen so I do get winded very easily). But I'll keep trying.

    Fitness Blender has free exercise videos: http://www.fitnessblender.com
  • GetFitNicky
    GetFitNicky Posts: 25 Member
    Hi, I started working out in my living room after I had my third baby. Gym memberships are not in budget and I loathe a group setting for working out anyhow. I tried to run outside, but it HURT. and not in a good way. Plus, I found I hated running in public, too. Self esteem, lack of, I suppose, sigh. You know the Elaine dance from Seinfeld? Yeah, that's me, only I'm running.

    So, I started with Leslie Sansone walk at home 1 mile on YouTube for free and started doing twice a day before I purchased a few of her DVDs. I was heavy and nursing so running/bouncing all over was just not gonna happen,lol. Ouch.

    Leslie's videos are wonderful and completely uncomplicated. I've graduated to 30 day challenge and find that it works the same muscles as 30 day shred, just more gently. (I hurt my knee really bad doing shred and went back to Sansone.) now that I've got some muscles (shocking!) I do hop on an ancient treadmill for some power walks and light jogging sometimes.

    add me if you'd like, anyone on this thread really. I admire those who hit the gyms and run marathons and whatnot, but those of us who workout at home for various reasons are every bit an athlete,too. Best, Nicky
  • EmbraceFlow
    EmbraceFlow Posts: 19 Member
    My only exercise is walking. I am blessed to live in a town with many sidewalks and walking trails. I initially set a goal of 20 minutes per day, but once I get out to walk I usually walk for 40 minutes or more. Once the weather gets colder, I can walk on the indoor track at our local rec center for free. A gym membership is not necessary to get exercise.

    I think I'm going to turn to walking too. I'm going on a trip to GA this September, that's when I plan on walking. I can't run or jog since my foot is still healing from me injuring it but that wont stop me.
  • Lilylee757
    Lilylee757 Posts: 192 Member
    I workout at home too. I do go to the track by my house add I am trying to complete couch to 5k. I have some dvds and use fitness blender online and as lame as it sounds walking the dog. Add me if you would like.
  • caperchick78
    caperchick78 Posts: 426 Member
    I noticed a few mentioned Blenders. I'm going to have to check that out. I'm always looking for new videos.
  • mayra_freeandfit
    mayra_freeandfit Posts: 7 Member
    I workout at home using DVD's a lot! I love Jillian Michaels' workout videos and have noticed major results. My legs and glutes are definitely a lot more toned, plus she includes cardio in the workouts so it burns more calories. Win, win!
    I'm also new to My Fitness Pal and would like more friends to support and encourage each other. Add me
  • RET68
    RET68 Posts: 88
    I lived in NY and Northern Cali for years and dreamed of my pool at home in Florida. Now I"m back in a tiny house with a great big pool and I couldn't be happier. I have to go in at night because it just won't rain this summer, but it's great. I've been doing like 90 min a day. It's wonderful. But, I do some Rodney Yee Yoga, and Pilates videos too, those are fun. I went to the Y and asked for a scholarship and they gave me one for a year. If there is a JCC near you, they'll do that too. I keep promising myself I'm gonna take a dance class there. I'll let you know. The very best thing you can do though is walk. Get a dog they'll walk you. Oh and old Nordictrack's last forever. I've got a really old one in the garage. It'll still kick my butt. You can pick them up sometimes for free. If they need tuned up there's good Youtube vids about that. Good luck :bigsmile: