New and curious!! :)

Ok, so I have been looking at many different posts and topics. I see that most people have set "mini goals". I was just wondering what would be considered a logical mini goal? I just started this diet this week and here is my long term goal: SW 289 CW 285 (mostly water weight loss!) CBMI 42.1 GW 180. I would like to reach that goal by November 11th (my fiance's birthday) but I know that won't happen so I have decided to aim for 230. Is that a reasonable goal? Or am I being overly hopeful??

I see all these ladies that want to lose 10 or fifteen pounds so they can fit into their clothes and I think to myself "GOD! I wish that was my only concern!" I am not bashing these ladies because I know that they have sincere intents and I wish them well in their weight loss endeavors! I am not just trying to lose weight so I can look better (although that would be nice too) but I am trying to keep from having another heart attack. I can't stand the thought of leaving my four small boys without a mother!


  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    My goal is simply two pounds per week and although it may seem like its vain (especially considering your health history, prayers for good health) it is pyschological for all of us...its not the looks we want to improve...its our mental health :laugh:
    if i can manage that and reach my goal of 135 by july 8th...ill be happy :smile:
  • cmyrick75
    cmyrick75 Posts: 187 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about you having a heart attack but bravo to you for realizing you need to make changes!! (especially for your boys!!)
    I don not know what goals are good or bad. I personally didn't set time goals only because i didn't want to feel discoraged if I wasn't able to make it. I did set mini-goals in 10-15 pound increments that I would reward myself with something nice for reaching it. For example, getting a pedicure, a new pair of boots, and for my final goal, a trip somewhere warm!

    It gives me a little more incentive! Also, being a mom, I don't always get to reward myself and buy new things so it really is something to look forward to!!
  • sierraskooter
    Like I said, I am not bashing anyone because I know that everyone has goals for a reason and those reasons are valuable to them. I just think to myself, kind of as a goal I guess, that it would be so nice if that WAS the only thing I had to worry about. I don't think that anyone's self image is vain by any means. Self-worth is of utmost importance. I just think that at this point MY wardrobe is the least of my concerns! lol (well until I shrink out of it! Then I guess I am goin naked! just kiddin)
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    If you started today that would give you 42 weeks, until November 11 to reach 230. That's about 1.3 pounds a week. That's realistic. However, I would still just take it one day at a time. You can do it!
  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    well, i may have said that wrong....i dont feel you were bashing, and it probably is vain, but we are all hear for one reason or another and all that matters is that WE ARE HERE so rock on! look thru the success stories for inspiration...i do it alot!:smile: