I need some serious help



  • anniemae_harrison
    anniemae_harrison Posts: 11 Member
    I dont drink sodas and take my coffee black. But ginger green tea with lemon No Sugar and water are my go to drinks. Maybe once a month I'll have drinks with my friends.
  • ParkerH47
    ParkerH47 Posts: 463 Member
    Though endometriosis must suck - I can't seem to find any info suggesting it might affect weight gain. Keep logging - try to stay accurate, and don't worry too much about exercise get a pedometer or fitbit and consider your job exercise. Try asking the kitchen to make you a healthy meal after your done - or bring your own food. Fruit and veggies for the win!
  • RET68
    RET68 Posts: 88
    It's not that endometriosis can cause weight gain, but hormones being out of whack, can cause both. Also, as the above poster said, you need more sleep. HGH, human growth hormone, can only be made when you are asleep. Without it you lose muscle, and your metabolism will suffer. Are you maybe eating your chicken etc at work. Do they use MSG? or anything like that. Any foods with glutamate of any kind can completely mess up your neurotransmitters, and eventually your liver which makes it very hard to burn fat. As people are fond of saying weight gain is all about calories in vs out. If the body machine is functioning appropriately. If it's not, you gotta work on vitamins, toxins, whatever is gumming up the works, so it can do what it is supposed to. Good luck, :yawn: I need more sleep too.
  • anniemae_harrison
    anniemae_harrison Posts: 11 Member
    Cut the calories and now I have these awful headaches. Any suggestions?