Measurement questions!

SevenisHeaven Posts: 163 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
OKay, so I measured myself in December when I started this and was urged to do it again today. So...I did and am not sure how to inturpret the results.

I am -1 inch off my chest (Yay, have a DDD)
I am -0.5 inch off my waist.
I am 1 inch off my stomach.
I am 2 inches off of my hips.
I am 1 inch off of each of my thighs.

I am +1.5 and 1 inch on my calves. WHAT?! WHY!?! Is this normal!? What am I doing wrong?!


  • melhoffman
    melhoffman Posts: 11 Member
    Are you working out...this could be muscle gain?!?!?
  • ouryear002
    ouryear002 Posts: 325 Member
    When did you measure? You could have some fluid retention in your lower legs if it was later in the day. And a big congrats on the lost inches!!!! That's a fab difference in a month!
  • SevenisHeaven
    SevenisHeaven Posts: 163 Member
    melhoffman- Yes, I've been doing the elliptical and Wii Fit/Wii EA Sports Active. I never thought of muscle, just kinda freaked out (and measured 6 times) and almost cried.

    ouryear002- I didn't think of fluid! I measured the same time of day.. And THANK YOU!
  • Dafrog
    Dafrog Posts: 353
    years ago when i went to curves fitness they measured you monthly, i was told when i gained in my legs that it was quite normal to gain inches in my legs due to muscle building.
  • SevenisHeaven
    SevenisHeaven Posts: 163 Member
    Then I dont feel so bad! Thanks!!
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