Starting all over again - looking for support!

Hi there, I am a 6 foot tall, 248 pound, 25 year old woman...desperately trying to lose weight. My goal weight is 160 pounds. I few years ago I went from 255 to 188 using Medifast...SO...I am starting it all over again tomorrow and doing an hour of cardio, 100 sit ups, and 50 push ups a day to try to get to where I want to be again by Jan 1st, so I can start the new year off as the best new year I have had in a while. I also want to have children, but if I got pregnant now, it would be even harder to lose the weight at the I go again, looking for support and any tips you have for working out!


  • Lets connect we have similar goals!
  • mandi_444
    mandi_444 Posts: 156
    added both of you =) can never have enough support!
  • Canadian1986
    I added you too! I'm 28, 258 lbs and trying to lose weight. Every day is a struggle but we're all in this together!
  • mayra_freeandfit
    mayra_freeandfit Posts: 7 Member
    I love working out and need more motivation to consistently eat healthy in order to loose weight. Add me! I love that we are trying to live a healthier lifestyle! Support and encouragement given here!
  • chrissypants77
    chrissypants77 Posts: 13 Member
  • KetoMamaLife
    KetoMamaLife Posts: 27 Member
    I would love some more friends to as im starring over after 2 babies. Im starting at 225 5'3" and my first goal to be down to 175. Ultimate goal 145:)
  • RET68
    RET68 Posts: 88
    I got a dog who walks me, I love swimming, water aerobics kind of thing, and I do really enjoy lifting weights. Oh and the ocean, swimming in the ocean. What do you really love to do. Cause that's what you'll keep doing. Also, the calorie tracker on here has been really helpful. I started at 250 and have had no problem yet (knocking on wood) losing the two pounds a week, and I'm eating coconut cream ice cream at night. Just a little, but it's chocolate. I have learned things like chili, and chips and salsa are not going to fit into my eating plan. Good Luck, :bigsmile:
  • chrissypants77
    chrissypants77 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for the tips! Glad to have some new friends! I know I can do this!
  • Lee2414
    Lee2414 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Chrissypants7 and everyone! I just joined about an hour ago! I would love to join your group and also gain some friends myself! I have 2 kids and my husband and have been trying to conceive our third for a while and I think my weight 90kg and health has something to do with getting all the negative pregnancy tests! So enough is enough, I'm here to sort myself out, I'm excited!
  • no_time_like_the_present
    I'm the same, 24yrs old and my weight has been up and down ever since I turned 18.

    Currently 259 and aiming to lose it slow and steady. Need some friends for motivation!
  • chrissypants77
    chrissypants77 Posts: 13 Member
    We can do it guys! I believe in all of us.
  • 72256119.png

    Lets show everyone how its done!
  • itsme4444
    itsme4444 Posts: 21 Member
    Anyone on here is welcome to add me as well. I'm 32. I have been on MFP for 2.5 months and am down about 20 pounds so far. Looking to lose another 85 or so! The more support the better!
  • Piperx222
    Piperx222 Posts: 68 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me also. I lost about 100lbs a few years ago but sadly gained a huge chunk of it back. Been back on track for a couple months and have about 75 more to go. This time I'm I'm never going back :)
  • TeddiRoseHouston
    TeddiRoseHouston Posts: 17 Member
    I would love to join y'all! I will add you and everyone can add me as well!
  • MeganZeman
    MeganZeman Posts: 53 Member
    Add me, I'm nice :)
    I'm 30 and trying to get fit for a few reasons. Sure I want to lose some weight but I also want more energy so I can keep up with my 3 little kids. I work out at home for about 50 minutes a day. It's the eating that's really tough on me. I LOVE FOOD. Plus, I feel like since I'm currently a stay at home mom I am constantly around food and preparing it. (don't get me started on graham crackers, those dunked in my coffee ...seriously crack) Snacking is where I need the most support.
  • getfitwjennifer
    getfitwjennifer Posts: 8 Member
    Lets connect looks like we all are here for the same goals :) lets help each other out
  • getfitwjennifer
    getfitwjennifer Posts: 8 Member
    I know what this feels like lets connect and help each other out :)
  • getfitwjennifer
    getfitwjennifer Posts: 8 Member
    I am so with you here I stay at home as well with my kids so its not easy at times that's for sure. Let's connect and help each other out with motivation and the road to our weight loss success.