wanting to find some friends to hold me accountable!!

Ive heard of a few people doing this: we keep an eye out for each other:) make sure we log food, exercise, and offer support:) you make sure i do this and ill do it for you:) if i dont see your daily entrees then ill message you:) i need this and i hope im not alone:)

About me: im 24, im married with 2 kids and i have all my baby weight to lose:( im 225lbs at 5'3" and my goal is to be 140 but more importantly to feel great, healthy and strong:) anyone wanna do this with me?:)


  • eversosquidly
    eversosquidly Posts: 59 Member
    I actually just posted in another place asking for something similar. I'm 25, no kids, but looking to lose a similar amount of weight. I'd love to be friends. :)
  • KetoMamaLife
    KetoMamaLife Posts: 27 Member
    That would be awesome!! Ill be looking out for you:)
  • gnomers
    gnomers Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 33. Also no kids. Current weight 260 would like to lose 100 lbs. not in any rush but really have. A hard time with accountability. Would also love committed friends.
  • heidimmto
    heidimmto Posts: 52 Member
    Hi, there
    I would love to get new friends to held me accountable. it's very difficult to follow a diet/exercise program when you have no support from the people that is around you. I am currently 218 (started at 240) and I want to lose a 100 pounds. I try to eat as clean as possible considering that I eat cafeteria food (really having trouble with sodium).
  • ZarkinA
    ZarkinA Posts: 1
    I'm in! I'm 27, with a 3 yo daughter. I lost 150 lb, but gained 100 when I got pregnant.
    I need active accountability buddies :-)
  • taylorjgriffiths289
    taylorjgriffiths289 Posts: 15 Member
    I need this too! I'm 20 years old but have struggled with my weight since puberty. I've been on and off losing weight for the last few years but every time I start losing it ends up coming back anyway! I'd love someone to keep me accountable :) My family and partner know that I'm trying to lose a bit of pudge but they aren't focused on it like other members are on here! Add me :happy:
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    I'm in :) I'm 27 yrs just had my second baby I'm 5'7 atm I'm 193 wanna be 160 gained 50 pounds lost 20 pounds so far the rest is being stubborn I'm dong turbofire wk 3 !!!
  • Xpecta
    Xpecta Posts: 451 Member
    Oh my goodness, I was just coming on here to start my own post about this! I need it! I'm newly 25, married and have three kids. My youngest was born earlier this year. I'm currently 246, and I want to lose about 110 pounds. I've lost weight before (70lbs) But gained it all back with my last two pregnancies. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and well returned!
  • TabithaMichelle85
    TabithaMichelle85 Posts: 92 Member
    I need friends as well. I get fixated on a number I see on the scale and decided I can't lose the weight and start sabotaging my fitness goals... I don't know why I do it. A year ago I lost 35 pounds but now a year later I've only kept 14 of it off... It's like I'm afraid to lose the weight and start slacking... I definitely need some more people to help keep me motivated. Anyone feel free to add me. I'm 5 foot 3 235 pounds (Started at 254) ... I would like to be under 200 by November because thats when I will see my brother again after boot camp. I want to surprise him and make him proud of me.
  • eversosquidly
    eversosquidly Posts: 59 Member
    It's easy to sabotage yourself. And it's just as easy to be derailed by others. I'm really goal-oriented, so I picked something I really wanted and made sure that I didn't sway because I really wanted that thing. (In my case, it was a puppy.) I gave up sugar, beef, and potatoes (all trigger foods for me) for a year. And I dropped 57 pounds by January, and kept it off until May. In May, which is when I had started, I ended up binge-eating things because my friends were so excited I could eat sugar again. And I was so excited to eat potatoes and beef again, I ate them in large quantities, because I kept telling people 'Okay, in June, I'm going back to no sugar. Okay, in July, no sugar, guys!' Finally, I decided in August to go back to how I had been. And it's been a slow process, but it really is entirely about focus.

    The more you put into it, the more you'll get out of it.

    Curiously, do you take vitamins at all?
  • swkwac
    swkwac Posts: 6
    Yes! Mama here too! Also seeking a. Buddy to help me stay on track! I started at 190 pounds 5'4" am down to 177 pounds so quite similar stats ;) my problem is not loosing its not regaining!
    Let's chat! ;)
  • SarahMarie78
    SarahMarie78 Posts: 15 Member
    I just came back to MFP today to try to find some accountability partners. I'm having a really hard time keeping myself going and knowing someone is checking in on me will really help. I'm 36 with three kids and even though my youngest is 3 I need to lose baby weight and more. Probably close to 100 lbs but I am not exactly sure what I weigh now. If I don't lose it all I want to be able to wear regular clothes and be healthy for my kids.
  • Brunette_H
    Brunette_H Posts: 18 Member
    This sounds like exactly what I need so I will add some of you as friends, if that's OK. I've just joined MFP to help stop my boredom eating at work and encourage/remind me to get moving a bit more than I usually do!
  • theresar719
    theresar719 Posts: 14 Member
    I need more friends on here too that use it regularly. I'm 29, 5'7, 223lbs and i have trouble forcing myself to work out. None of my friends have the same gym as me so I don't have anyone to motivate me to go. I bought Turbo Fire a few months ago and I'll start it up and do it for a week and then not do it again for a month. I always find excuses to not work out. I started a new job 2 weeks ago so since then I've tried to start fresh with my eating and I've been doing pretty well with that, except weekends of course when I eat out and drink. Would love some more friends on here to hold me accountable and if anyone is doing Turbo Fire, please let me know too!
  • Sophiareed218
    Sophiareed218 Posts: 145 Member
    Yes! I need a drill sergeant and a friend ( maybe a friend thats a drill sergeant? Lolol) to keep me on track. I started 2 days ago. So far, so good.
  • sfadler
    sfadler Posts: 10 Member
    Turbofire week 3 and Running. Have not found much activity as far as support on the site as of yet but like it to keep everything logged. Good luck with Turbofire it's fantastic!
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    Looking for friends that are active and positive. I will be 36 in a couple of weeks and I still have about 95 pounds to lose before I reach my ultimate goal. Feel free to add me :)
  • emmarie1630
    emmarie1630 Posts: 58 Member
    Sounds great! I could always use some supportive MFP friends! :)
  • kaseasteele
    kaseasteele Posts: 86 Member
    Accountability is awesome! If anyone wants to add me, please feel free. I log all of my food/exercise every day!