Why can't I do this?

I keep starting and restarting and now I just feel like giving up :(.

I make a great start every day, logging everything and trying to make good choices but as soon as dinner is over it all falls apart. My brain is telling me that I am being deprived of 'nice' food. I don't eat biscuits but suddenly I crave them, I don't usually eat ice cream but suddenly I can't help eating it. I know that I am not being deprived, I don't eat processed food very often as I enjoy cooking, I;m not even hungry when I'm eating the rubbish!

Each day I tell myself this is it, no more rubbish but each day, after dinner, I eat it. I know you will say don't buy it then however I am not the only one in the house and if I don't buy it they do!

I planned on doing some form of exercise each morning, zumba dvd, 30 day shred etc. Yesterday I did Zumba and a walk but I would still have been over had I logged everything I had after dinner! This morning I have been feeding myself silly excuses, oh you don't want to exercise everyday it will do more harm than good, I don't have the energy today, I don't know what exercise to do. I am so full of excuses and I feel like I am arguing with myself.

I do not like the way I look although I am not hugely over weight, I have sat in my wardrobe a pair of jeggings and a pair of jeans that I want to fit into as a goal. I see a family member paying £100 a month for shake diets and think she is mad (she isn't someone I could work at this with) but I still keep over eating.

How can I stop this, how do I stop the binge eating? I have done this before and know it works for me so why won't my head let me.


  • rjoyn
    rjoyn Posts: 6 Member
    Hi - when I first started out here I was in a similar situation, and what I found helpful was just saying to myself that I would have one day where I didn't eat loads of rubbish after dinner. So all evening I sat there wanting to eat and said "no, I can eat it tomorrow". Then the next day, I already felt like I had the beginning of a streak going, so I did the same again - one day became a week, and the desire to stuff my face started to fade. It was a tough week, but worth it just for breaking the habit. I'm a big fan of keeping a streak going so that's what worked for me, anyway. Hopefully it can help you to, I definitely know how awful you feel - but I could beat it, and I'm sure you can too!!

    (sorry for bad formatting or spelling I'm on my mobile)
  • lillilanda
    lillilanda Posts: 27 Member
    If after dinner is your binge time, then there's a lot you can do. First up is LEAVE and go somewhere there is no food. Go shoe shopping. Go for a walk. Second, ask for help. Tell your family that this is a hard time for you and have them guard the kitchen. And come to Mfp and spend some time in the boards or logging your food for the next day. There's lots of diet/exercise blogs to read online too. A cup of hot tea also feels like a nice treat to me!