People asking you if you are pregnant but you are not

This lady at work asked me if I am pregnant and when she saw me the day before she thought to herself that I looked pregnant.I said no I am not and I asked her why and she just said because you like pregnant women which surprised because I don't even carry weight on my stomach.Most of it goes in my thighs and butt and I had gained 20 lbs but I could still fit into my clothes.What gives


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Very rude!
  • summerfly413
    summerfly413 Posts: 12 Member
    I've had this happen to me several times while I was in high school by other students(I was about 5'4" and never weighed more than 155. Overweight but not by a whole lot). Also by customers/coworkers at my retail job through my first couple years of college.

    I already had issues with my stomach before, and those MANY instances did nothing to help my thinking. Luckily it hasn't happened in a while, but if it happens again I'm not going to be friendly. That's just something you don't ask about until the person you 'think' is pregnant brings it up first.
  • MoveitlikeManda
    MoveitlikeManda Posts: 846 Member
    when i was 17 id lost alot of weight but had been left with little bump of a tummy.

    I bumped in to a friends mum in superdrug who id not seen for about 6 months.

    she said "oh wow are you pregnant?"

    i was like erm no!
    she was mortified lol i was gutted seeing as id lost so much weight

    she has not been able to face me since and when i see her out shopping she darts off the other way instead of saying hello
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    This lady at work asked me if I am pregnant and when she saw me the day before she thought to herself that I looked pregnant.I said no I am not and I asked her why and she just said because you like pregnant women which surprised because I don't even carry weight on my stomach.Most of it goes in my thighs and butt and I had gained 20 lbs but I could still fit into my clothes.What gives

    you like pregnant women?! :huh:
  • katiedoo82
    katiedoo82 Posts: 277 Member
    it is mortifying.... and u just want the ground to open up and swallow happened to me once... my sister in law had twins.... and at a get together shortly afterwards, another person who was at the occasion came up to me and asked if I was the girl that had the twins recently! never felt so embarrassed in my life.... some ppl are just so rude!!!! it is hard to shake it off but we have to.... and use it as encouragement perhaps... vent that anger into a workout!! however im sure at that time I prob just went away and ate a kilo of cream cakes!!!!!