Where to start

i have no clue where to start my goal is 100 pounds any suggestions :yawn:


  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
    You start by logging every single thing you eat, EVERY SINGLE THING. In the very, very beginning you don't even have to make any changes, just log everything and you will start to learn a lot and then make changes as you see fit.
  • May i ask have you changed your eating habits while using this
  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
    Yes, over time. I still eat anything I want........however my wants have changed. I want to be fit more then I want cake. I still have cake but before I would have had a lot instead of just fitting a little into my daily calorie goals.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    As above, learn to log everything. Be totally honest with yourself about what you're eating. Learn how to weigh and measure food portions accurately so you know how much you're eating.

    Set a calorie goal to lose 1 lb per week. This should give you a calorie allowance that does not leave you feeling deprived. Be consistent. Find exercise that you enjoy but start out slowly. Don't rush in trying to workout 7 days per week.

    Read these awesome links too:
  • harribeau2012
    harribeau2012 Posts: 644 Member
    i have no clue where to start my goal is 100 pounds any suggestions :yawn:

    it's already been said, I repeat it, start with logging everything you eat, if you have not been weighing/measuring, start doing it. There may be things you already know. You may already know that if it's a family size, you shouldn't eat it all (one of my faults).

    Someone will post the sexy pants link I'm sure (I'll look in a mo) but starting by looking at what you eat will show you where you can make simple changes. They just did!!

    Move more.
    Consume fewer cals. Log on.
  • Yeah, i wish i had will power like that im a big eater i eat when im happy mad sad or bored and i need to kick the habit
  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
    Yeah, i wish i had will power like that im a big eater i eat when im happy mad sad or bored and i need to kick the habit

    Log everything you eat and then you will start to kick the habit. Start.........logging.....everything.......
  • harribeau2012
    harribeau2012 Posts: 644 Member
    Yeah, i wish i had will power like that im a big eater i eat when im happy mad sad or bored and i need to kick the habit

    Same here! Read some success stories, you will find many people have started at EXACTLY that point and have found themselves at the point where mentally it's the right time. It is mental more than just whether you have will power or not.

    Habits take a while to break, in the meantime make as many improvements as you can stand to make. IF you have sugar in hot drinks cut down as much as you can, Use a method of cooking that doesn't use lots of oil. COOK rather than drive through.

    It takes a while to gain weight be prepared for it to take a while to lose.

    I have been rubbish and gained my loss SO many times in the past few years and was making many an excuse, my sister-in-law called me on it and it just flipped a switch, this doesn't mean I have lost loads BUT my attitude has changed and it's slowly having an effect,

    Care enough about YOU to want your body to be in great health. If there are feeders in your life get them on side or make strategy to avoid temptation (I was given a large cake, large pie and two smaller cakes and a box of chocolates yesterday!!)
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Yeah, i wish i had will power like that im a big eater i eat when im happy mad sad or bored and i need to kick the habit

    Learn to do other things when you are bored to distract yourself from eating mindlessly. Perhaps read a book or find a hobby that keeps your hands busy like crafting, or step outside for a walk.

    Have nutritious foods available to snack on, but also allow yourself the foods you love - just work out a portion size that fits into your calorie goal. As you're a big eater, aim to eat protein and fat at every meal / snack - these will keep you fuller for longer. Also make sure you're getting plenty of fibre. Bulk out meals with lots of veggies to make sure your meals fill you up.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    i have no clue where to start my goal is 100 pounds any suggestions :yawn:

    Every journeys starts with a single step. ... Eat less and move more. ..... but you have to WANT it.
  • katiedoo82
    katiedoo82 Posts: 277 Member
    one day at a time.... and pound by pound.... break that 100 into smaller goals... i.e. your first half stone...your first stone etc.. less daunting than thinking of the 100 lbs! best of luck.... and believe you can do this
  • with the life style that i live working form 9pm until 9 am its kinda tough to find time work on my self but i will deff apply what you are sayin
  • Hi everyone my name is jess, I'm trying to lose 35lbs but don't know what kind of diet to do can someone recommend an eating plan or tell me what they are doing. I recently came across sknybox.com. They send curated boxes monthly filled is healthy foods and snack has anybody else heard of them. Pls reply anyone, I need help.
  • nomorefatjuu
    nomorefatjuu Posts: 42 Member
    Change your habits and life style, be healthier! Good luck
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Hi everyone my name is jess, I'm trying to lose 35lbs but don't know what kind of diet to do can someone recommend an eating plan or tell me what they are doing. I recently came across sknybox.com. They send curated boxes monthly filled is healthy foods and snack has anybody else heard of them. Pls reply anyone, I need help.

    You don't need to waste your money on a specific diet plan. Eat whatever foods you like that fit into your calorie / macro goals. With 35lbs to lose, set your MFP goal to lose 1lb per week. If you exercise, eat back calories to fuel your workouts. Be honest and accurate with your logging.
  • nomorefatjuu
    nomorefatjuu Posts: 42 Member
    Hi everyone my name is jess, I'm trying to lose 35lbs but don't know what kind of diet to do can someone recommend an eating plan or tell me what they are doing. I recently came across sknybox.com. They send curated boxes monthly filled is healthy foods and snack has anybody else heard of them. Pls reply anyone, I need help.
    Hey, I tried a lot losing weight programs, but now I've learnt that I can eat whatever I want if it is under my calorie goal
    But if yoy are seeing results keep up with that
    Good luck
  • takkyboomboom
    takkyboomboom Posts: 43 Member
    You already started just by being here :) The NEXT step is, as they've already said, log everything!!

    I want to lose 100 too and I am an emotional eater. Since starting here a couple of weeks ago, I have already seen changes. There is something motivating about seeing exactly how many calories I eat - it is FAR easier to reach for a banana when I see just how many calories or how much fat there is in a chocolate bar/packet of crisps.

    Knowledge is power. You CAN do this.
  • Thanks for the helpful tips Ready to begin this journey and Keep it off
  • nomorefatjuu
    nomorefatjuu Posts: 42 Member
    Yeah, i wish i had will power like that im a big eater i eat when im happy mad sad or bored and i need to kick the habit
    It seems like you are talking about me from one month ago, after some weeks you realize you eat to survive not to feel better about something. The will power is inside you. You can!
  • Thank you