Pump or Combat?

Can you help me decide please? I want to start a challenge group and was looking for input on people who have tried and tested.



  • Hell_Flower
    Hell_Flower Posts: 348 Member
    Both! Do one of each, each week.

    I LOVE Combat in particular though, it's brilliant fun, burns a helluva lot calories and gets you pretty fit. I haven't done it in ages though, everyone around my city seems to be all about the Zumba these days.
  • abi_babi
    abi_babi Posts: 9 Member
    Pump! love pump and most its seems to be the most popular class in most gyms. At my current gym its on offer more than anything else and the classes are always full- my gym just got rid of its only combat class because it couldnt get enough people to go.
  • CarrieGetsFit
    CarrieGetsFit Posts: 9 Member
    Got to agree with this. [Edit: Agreeing with Hell_Flower] These are my two regular classes and I think they work really well together. Combat is great cardio and I can see the difference pump makes to tone.
  • mshessle
    mshessle Posts: 7 Member
    Combat if you really want a calorie burn. I'm always dripping in sweat after that class. Pump is a pretty good class too, but not nearly as intense as Combat. Mix 'em up throughout the week.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I personally like Combat more. Kickboxing style workouts are fun and a great way to burn calories and get your agressions out. My only real problem with Pump is that it can be a bit too fast paced and the leaders don't always give great guidance re: proper form. I see people doing deadlifts and such wrong and wince thinking of how much pain they're going to be in the next day.
  • Sthere
    Sthere Posts: 59 Member
    My main goal is to tone. I run on the other days with my huskies, maybe start with pump then add combat later... When I can afford it! LOL how is the barbell you get with pump is it ok or crap?

    Thanks for the replies!!