Losing 100+ Let's Do This!



  • nappsmcgee
    nappsmcgee Posts: 33 Member
    I'm 5"9, 265 currently - so I'm right there with you girl! I'll add u! Always could use extra support. <3
  • SCW250
    SCW250 Posts: 21 Member
    Add me.. I just started also and have 100lbs to lose
  • You can add me. I am 6'1", and just weighed in at 286. I have lost 30 pounds in the last month and a half, but still have much more to go!
  • Becoming_Palm
    Becoming_Palm Posts: 30 Member
    Everyone can add me if you would like. I have over 100 to lose. Just let me know that you are adding me based on this thread. :) We can do this!!!
  • Please add me. It's been years since I've lost a substantial amount of weight and I decided to log in again today and I happened to see your post. I need to loose somewhere in the area of 100lbs but I know I need to set smaller goals along the way. First long term goal is to get below 200lbs. It'll be a looooong journey for both of us but we need to get it done!!!!
  • evamoliv
    evamoliv Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to add me, I'm right there with ya!
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    Feel free to add me, I started at 325 pounds in May and I'm down to 292 already, and I"m working on the other 100+ pounds! It is a battle, but with the right mindset and support system, it is very doable!
  • Feel free to add, I only have 40-50lbs to lose now but I lost around 100lbs so far, so I know where you come from.. My biggest piece of advice is to simply take it slow, no more than 2lbs per week. I was losing too fast and it didn't come off so hot so I slowed down and added in a few different routines in hopes to help with the skin.

    I started around 310 (scale errored after 310 so, around) and am 199lbs now@5'6" .. Been a little blah though lately so it keeps going up and down!
  • anna3669
    anna3669 Posts: 33 Member
    Love love LOVE your enthusiasm! :smile: Would love to be friends :flowerforyou:
  • Hi, feel free to add me. I started a few weeks ago with about 100 to lose. It's never an easy road to travel alone.
  • I too have a substantial amount of weight to lose (actually a little over 100 lbs). I just re-joined this week and am ready to work hard and start seeing some results! I know the only way I will succeed is with a solid support group (something I lack on the 'outside'), that's why I'm here. Add me if you like, I would love to help and be helped on this journey. :-)
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    You guys can add me too. My max was 256 lbs, and I've always wanted to get back to 155. My first goal is just to lose below 230 which I think will help with a lot of my health problems, and then go from there.
  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    I also have well over 100lb left to lose. I log in daily. I joined a couple of the support groups in groups tab. Yhey tend to be very quiet considering how many of us there are with a lot to lose. Maybe if we all joined we could liven them up a bit , the two i have found that are active are 100+ and For the Morbidly Obese. I found them by entering 100lb in to search on groups page. They are not very active but they could be if we used them. Groups are a handy place to keep in touch and keep track of each other, share stuff.
  • Feel free to add me! :)
    no offense but you do not have 100 pounds to lose! the day i look like you is the day i am gonna feel accomplish on my weightloss journey :O) but i understand we all have different ways to see ourself,
  • dpcjoyce
    dpcjoyce Posts: 5 Member
    I would love to be added! I'm 5' 3" and have 100lbs to lose. Just got started 3 weeks ago and I'm losing about 2lbs a week. I share an office with a nurse that is coaching me! It's all about staying motivated. Together we can get there!!!
  • manderthegreat
    manderthegreat Posts: 30 Member
    I am sending out lots of requests from other posters on this page! but future posters please add me. I am 6'1 and started at 378. I have lost 20, but my goal is to get to 225. I am tall and big boned so not sure if under 200 is realistic.
  • Feel free to add me! :)
    no offense but you do not have 100 pounds to lose! the day i look like you is the day i am gonna feel accomplish on my weightloss journey :O) but i understand we all have different ways to see ourself,

    Not everyone in this thread are people who need to lose that much weight. I asked for the support of anyone, including people who are already fit and even people who need to gain weight. Being healthy is being healthy. :)
  • lavenderphoenix
    lavenderphoenix Posts: 48 Member
    Please add me too!!!!
  • judeveg
    judeveg Posts: 22 Member
    I have over 100 to lose still feel free to add me I'm in my 40s and in the UK and always struggling...one day at a time... :smile: :tongue:
  • HappyBlues
    HappyBlues Posts: 94 Member
    Feel free to add me! :)
    no offense but you do not have 100 pounds to lose! the day i look like you is the day i am gonna feel accomplish on my weightloss journey :O) but i understand we all have different ways to see ourself,

    If everyone looks like their profile pictures I am to assume you are a cat? -- my profile picture is not me. (Lord that I wish it was!) It is however my inspiration, where I would like to be once I lose 100 pounds on top of the 21 I have already lost. But thanks. ;)