
HMKan Posts: 472 Member
Ok, guys. Some other users have mentioned VitaMuffins to me and I'm seeing them advertised on my MFP page. Can you tell me about them? I've never heard of them before and I'd rather get experience than read about it on their website. I understand there are a bunch of Vita-products out there. Which are good? Are they all pretty healthy, nutritious and "better than an apple" as their website says?

Are they worth a special trip to the grocery store (assuming they sell them at your average store)?


  • LOVEsummer
    LOVEsummer Posts: 304 Member
    Amazing, the sugar free choco one tastes like chocolate lava cake if you toast it. Def worth the cash to help your sweet tooth. They sell them at some groceries, but I buy mine at Target, they are cheaper there :) Try a box for fun, they are fab!
  • calypott
    I'm not sure if this is what you're talking about but, I've had Vita-Tops. They're basically organic muffin tops (found em in the organic freezer section at the grocery).

    The only kind I've tried was the chocolate. 100 Calories, 9g Fiber, 4g Protein.

    && heated up in the microwave, were pretty dag on good.

    Again, if this isn't what you're talking about I'm sorry.
  • Sheriemae
    Sheriemae Posts: 248
    I recently saw a thread on them and decided to try them because people made them sound so good. Ummmm NO! EWWWW!! Didn't like it at all! I tried the Apple Crumb VitaTop. Total waste of my money.

    Maybe I should have tried a Chocolate one
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I buy mine at Target too. Absolutely delicious.
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    OH. MY. GOD! They are absolutely amazing! I have the Deep Chocolate VitaTops and the Deep Chocolate VitaMuffin. My mom said the VitaBrownies are the bomb! (My word, not hers, lol). Do it!! I got them at Kroger in the organic freezer section.
  • crissimoyer
    They really are good...a little dry but worth the 100 cal. They have lots of flavors on their website but I've only had the Double chocolate ones. Nuke them for about 15 secs & add a little scoop of cool whip
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    OH. MY. GOD! They are absolutely amazing! I have the Deep Chocolate VitaTops and the Deep Chocolate VitaMuffin. My mom said the VitaBrownies are the bomb! (My word, not hers, lol). Do it!! I got them at Kroger in the organic freezer section.

    Actually YOU'RE the girl I heard about them from. hehe.

    Ok, so they're in the freezer section. I might try a box over the weekend. I often have a hard time meeting my calories for the day so this seems like it'd be a better option than, say, the candy I've been eating to get enough calories.
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    I haven't had a dry one yet. But then again, I put mine in the microwave for about 15 - 20 seconds to get the chocolate chips all melty and gooey.
    They really are good...a little dry but worth the 100 cal. They have lots of flavors on their website but I've only had the Double chocolate ones. Nuke them for about 15 secs & add a little scoop of cool whip
  • wendiwen123
    wendiwen123 Posts: 30 Member
    I LOVE vitatops. They have 100 calories, come in a variety of GREAT tasting flavors, are filling and a great source of fiber. I keep them in the freezer and when I am ready to eat one, I pop it into the microwave for about 30 seconds and I am in heaven for a few minutes :P
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Haha! That's great! Yeah, that is why I got them too. There are days that I just have to have chocolate and they are much better and healthier than eating cookies or a candy bar.
    OH. MY. GOD! They are absolutely amazing! I have the Deep Chocolate VitaTops and the Deep Chocolate VitaMuffin. My mom said the VitaBrownies are the bomb! (My word, not hers, lol). Do it!! I got them at Kroger in the organic freezer section.

    Actually YOU'RE the girl I heard about them from. hehe.

    Ok, so they're in the freezer section. I might try a box over the weekend. I often have a hard time meeting my calories for the day so this seems like it'd be a better option than, say, the candy I've been eating to get enough calories.
  • JenniferAutumn
    JenniferAutumn Posts: 228 Member
    OMG I love them!

    I have one for breakfast every morning! The chocolate vita tops are my favorite!! I like the corn vita top and the banana nut vita tops also.

    I also love the brownie! I have one of those for a mid afternoon snack when I need something sweet. I hope they come out with a chocolate chip cookie!! =)

    Did I tell you that I love them??

    Edited because I obviously could not spell chocolate!! =)
  • Depplover28
    I've only had the velvety chocolate, but it was wonderful!!
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Have never had these but you guys make them sound so delicious, unfortunately it doesn't look like they sell them in Canada :sad: If someone knows where to buy them in Canada I would love to know :happy:
  • jennylynn84
    LOVE the chocolate ones.

    Every now and then the hubs and I order some of the flavors we can't get at the Target from their website (Target mainly has Deep Chocolate, which is good as well).

    The peanut butter is even super good.

    I microwave them and get them piping hot to where they're all fudgy. It's a great way to eat a lot of chocolatey goodness and not feel guilty.

    I also use the Golden Corn ones as a cornbread side at dinner sometimes. Easier and less calories than trying to make any from mix cornbread.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    This is all really helpful. Keep it coming with favorite flavors and whatnot. Plus if you have any other healthy snacks like this that I've never known about but should've!

    I, personally, like the Fiber One bars. But these might be even better for me.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member

    I also use the Golden Corn ones as a cornbread side at dinner sometimes. Easier and less calories than trying to make any from mix cornbread.

    THIS is a really great suggestion. Thanks!
  • jennylynn84
    This is all really helpful. Keep it coming with favorite flavors and whatnot. Plus if you have any other healthy snacks like this that I've never known about but should've!

    I, personally, like the Fiber One bars. But these might be even better for me.

    Hungry girl has a great idea for vitamuffin (or top) as a dessert (or snack I guess).

    I've done this with a chocolate muffin, strawberry yogurt and some strawberries.... (I don't have the exact amount on how much fruit, but for yogurt is was basically one little one serving cup of it - brand of your choice)

    Heat muffin, crumble. Put down half of crumble in bowl, top half of fruit and yogurt. Repeat. its a yummy little parfait. Chocolate strawberry in my case. Awesome.
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Options is their website. You can buy them directly from there.
    Have never had these but you guys make them sound so delicious, unfortunately it doesn't look like they sell them in Canada :sad: If someone knows where to buy them in Canada I would love to know :happy:
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    I am pretty much addicted to them! Deep chocolate is my very fav! <33
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    Have never had these but you guys make them sound so delicious, unfortunately it doesn't look like they sell them in Canada :sad: If someone knows where to buy them in Canada I would love to know :happy:

    I live in Greater Vancouver, BC and I have found them in the freezer section in Save On Foods, Safeway and at Costco (much cheaper). I haven't tried them yet, but I am planning on buying a box of chocolate ones this weekend to satisfy my sweet tooth. :)