Just Joined

Hi everyone, I'm Jaxona but please call me Jax (although I think there's already a Jax here so it might cause confusion). Anyway, I've been following a different weight loss programme and I've sort of come to a full stop so thought I'd give this method a try.

I'm having trouble with the exercise recording as it asks me for calories burned and I don't know how to work that out. Any tips would be welcome.

Thanks! Xx


  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi Jax! Wearing a heart rate monitor will give you a handle on the calories that you are burning. I would love to help encourage you. Add me if you want.
  • Merlith
    Merlith Posts: 2
    Thanks, KLangleydoula and I will certainly add you. Need all the support I can get! Xx
  • mzhrrs13
    mzhrrs13 Posts: 25 Member
    Add me if you like!
  • mistycropper
    Hi i am also new here so you can add me also. Thanks
  • JenniferIsLosingIt
    JenniferIsLosingIt Posts: 595 Member
    You can add me if you like. I have lost 65 and I have 167 more to goal! :)
  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    Add me, I have been here about 6 weeks and gradually getting used to things. Slow and steady wins the race:)
  • htrombleyl
    htrombleyl Posts: 63 Member
    Add me if you like. Support and encouragement truly helps me. I am having great success and I hope you do as well.