"Old" Lady Needing Weight Loss Buddies

Hi all. I'm a 47, soon to be 48-year old single mom. I started again yesterday FOR THE LAST TIME! I'm going to do this and I know I can!!! I want to get in shape and change my health FOR ME!!!!!

If you are looking for a weight-loss buddy, please add me.

Take care.

Rhonda in Missouri


  • Dockbob
    Dockbob Posts: 9 Member
    Ms Rhonda

    The only reason to do this is for YOU! Sounds like you are motivated just put YOUR plan into action and see what happens!


  • StrawberryJam40
    StrawberryJam40 Posts: 274 Member
    Sent you request. I'm 45 single mom of one. I'm going to do this too! It is so TIME isn't it?! Though I registered over a year ago, I have only been on a few weeks and logging for one week. I could use a friend. :tongue:
  • Theotherkels
    I'm 36, not a single mom (but a mom), and I made the decision to buckle down and DO THIS THING at the beginning of July, and I haven't looked back. Not easy by any means, but totally doable when you set your mind to it - and having some friends here to help you (whether it's a good day or a crap day) is an awesome benefit! Good luck :)