New and Need Help!

So I'll introduce myself -

My name is Sadie, I am 23 and a mum of an 18 month old girl. I am notorious for giving up on stuff without support and so am looking here to make some support friends :)

Although on my info I have put a weight loss that I would love I am more concerned with toning and inch loss.


  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    welcome... and enjoy the journey you have embarked on... it is a lifelong journey... BUT it begins with your internal drive NOT with some faceless stranger on a website... telling you what's what.. so be patient with yourself... and be prepared to take your time.. and be ready to work hard to achieve your goals... look for information on 5x5... C25k... and other helpful DIY programs... if you have not already... go out and buy yourself a food scale... success begins with monitoring and keeping an accurate diary of what you are putting in your mouth... and beginning some sort of exercise program... MFP is about changing your lifestyle.. not short term dieting...

    find friends that are active and supportive... and you will succeed... and have some fun... Best of luck to you
  • HurricaneSadie
    Thank you very much. I have a food scale already and have looked into fitness regimes. Still trying to find which exercises will suit me and keep my interest
  • lisanangel
    lisanangel Posts: 148 Member
    Hi feel free to add me...I'm on every day !!
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    Thank you very much. I have a food scale already and have looked into fitness regimes. Still trying to find which exercises will suit me and keep my interest

    Until you find something you truly enjoy, put your little girl in her stroller and go for a walk every day. Go farther each time. Not only will you benefit from the exercise, she will benefit from getting outside in the fresh air :smile:
  • HurricaneSadie
    That's what I've been doing :) she loves it and I enjoy it as well. I'll continue that even after I find an exercise regime to suit me. We go swimming quite regular as well though it's more running around after her than actual swimming haha :)