Trying to get fit again after a long slump!

Hey there. My best friend suggested I join you guys. It has helped her stay motivated and am hoping if I put for the effort, i can make some changes as well. I want to completely overhaul my diet and start working out again.

I am 31 years old, eat poorly (I'm bad about skipping meals and when I do eat,it isn't the healthiest.)
I gained a bit of weight after high school and then lost it. When I was in my late teens and early twenties, I worked out regularly and ate a healthy diet. I had so much energy.Right after my grandma died, one day I decided to skip the gym and told myself I'd go tomorrow. I never went back. My membership was about to be up but that wasn't an excuse. I could have ran around my neighborhood or lift weights that were collecting dust in my garage.

It doesn't help that my spouse's finicky diet consist of chicken fingers and fries,frozen pizza,corn dogs, canned Chef Boyardee,
and McDonald's! I am going to restock my kitchen with healthy food, get off the couch and do this!

Ava J.


  • wendiwen123
    wendiwen123 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Ava,
    Welcome to MFP! This is a GREAT site and it has helped me keep my focus on my goals. I have found that logging in my food keeps me from skipping meals (I have a tendency to do that on the weekends) and every bite I take gets logged so not only does it keep me honest, but it always keeps me making better choices because I know it has to be logged. Good luck on your journey and know that you have support!!!!
  • HollyLLillis
    HollyLLillis Posts: 113 Member
    Way to go Ava! We are here for you! I've only lost about 5 pounds since I joined here and about 4 before I joined but this has helped me big time and I hope it helps you too!!
  • kimballtracy
    hello there i have been on here for about a week and a half and i have already lost 3 pounds!! it helps to trackm what i eat..i am making more of an effort to look at what i eat before i eat it!