FITBIT?? yes or no?

Hi has anyone purchased a fitbit flex wireless? I'm looking at getting on but wondered what peoples views were on them thanks xoxo


  • sweetd6
    sweetd6 Posts: 74 Member
    I love mine. It has definitely encouraged me to move more. Also it hooks up with MFP and they constantly "talk" to each other - FitBit gets my food info from MFP and MFP gets my activity information from FitBit, so I get more calories based on what FitBit is telling MFP. I tend to think FitBit overestimates those calories so I eat some, but not all of them. Together they are awesome, however.

    Edited to add - I have the FitBit One, because I like the constant feedback on the screen. My phone isn't smart enough to give me that info, I'd have to wait till I was home with my computer for the flex to give me the detailed info.
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    As a stock holder I say YES!

    Seriously though. I see a lot of people on here that love their fitbit devices. I have also seen a few posts by people unhappy because their device quit working rather quickly after purchase.

    I personally don't use one. I have enough other ways of counting steps with either my smartphone (runkeeper) or iPod (Nike Fitness) that I don't see a need to add another gadget.

    What are you looking at the Fitbit doing for you? Does it tie well into other electronic devices you use and will it help motivate you to move? If it will help you succeed in your goals, by all means do it!

    If you just think it will help you, maybe, then maybe you should look at some other options first.

    Good luck with your choices and meeting your goals.
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,542 Member
    I looked at fitbit and it seemed to be a way to try and gain extra calories from stuff that is already taken into account in your daily routine. I am now looking at HRMs for a more accurate view on my burn and I will only use it when I am actually exercising and genuinely burning extra calories.

    If someone can convince me on fitbit I would still consider it.
  • tiggsnanny
    tiggsnanny Posts: 366 Member
    I am waiting patiently for my fitbit flex to arrive today :happy: I know people that are really happy with theirs
  • reneelisa1987
    reneelisa1987 Posts: 16 Member
    thanks everyone thing I will buy one based on the feedback here. Thanks again xoxo
  • grillnchill
    grillnchill Posts: 772 Member
    Love my little green booger.


    It keeps me motivated and gives me that extra little nudge I need. I have no complaints other than its so light that I sometimes forget I wear it and dump it in the hamper sending me into panic mode the next morning.

    I am looking to upgrade to the flex next.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I have a fitbit one and I love it. Definitely motivates me to move more. It is a really good way of tracking daily burn as you can track patterns using the fitbit dashboard when you sync onto the computer.

    I recommend it to anyone who asks me about it as I am always wearing it!

    My mum recently got one as she was sedentary apart from work and now she moves around a lot more, its been great for both of us.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I have one. I have also had a Zip and my husband has a One. We both love our fitbits. I will say that the models (zip & one) which are worn on your torso are more accurate than the Flex, but that is to be expected since the flex is worn on your wrist.

    Now the question is what are you expecting it to do?
    They are great at tracking stepped based activities, but anything else has to be manually logged. Now if you manually log activities that aren't stepped based, it can give you a pretty good estimate of your daily TDEE. It's also good for judging how active you are outside of exercise. Overall though it is an expensive pedometer that has a few extra features that cheaper pedometers don't have.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I had the Ultra for over 4 years....I just got my fitbit flex yesterday :smile: Nothing wrong with my ultra, but I wanted the flex for it's cool features and I can sync it with my phone. Felt sad retiring the Ultra, but this flex is groovy baby! :drinker:
  • Adaniel65
    Adaniel65 Posts: 105 Member
    I think it depends on what you want. I ended up w/the Polar FT7 b/c I wanted to track calories burned ONLY during workouts... not throughout the day - or while sleeping for that matter.
  • heather_hearts_travel
    Yes to the Fitbit! I use the Fitbit One and love it. Their customer service is amazing. A friend of mine lost his because the clip it came with broke after about nine months of use. He was given a new Fitbit. Mine just recently keeled over after over a year and a half of use. My replacement fitbit is arriving today. Life happens, and they do a good job of keeping their customers happy.

    I love the motivation the Fitbit gives me to get up and move, and to move more than my friends. It's great!
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    I have a Fitbit Flex that was provided by my work. I don't love it. It's SHOCKINGLY inaccurate. Yesterday it says I walked 3.5 miles or close to 8000 steps. Actually yesterday was one of my most sedentary days recently - the only place I walked was a few blocks with the dog - MAYBE a mile total, if you include going from home to the car to work.

    I assume that FitBit counted all my workout reps as "steps," which seems fairly pointless.

    The first day I had it I went to an event. Fitbit went to sleep every time I applauded. Annoying.

    If you are a totally sedentary person, I can see how these devices might make you move more. But the GPS on your phone can do it too, and that is at least *a little* accurate (and does a million other things).

    I'm going to keep in on for a few more weeks and see if it grows on me. But after a week with this pointless thing on my wrist, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who already works out, or runs, or walks, or even moves occasionally.
  • jonmscharff
    jonmscharff Posts: 72 Member
    My wife has the Fitbit (which she likes). I waited about six months for her to try it out and then deduced to look into getting one myself. After much hunting I steeled on the Garmin Vivofit. It does everything plus more that the Fitbit does.

    1. I like that it has a heart rate monitor which I use daily.
    2. I like that it displays the time and date so that you can use it as a watch.
    3. I like that it displays the total steps (not just 4 blinking lights to show progress as my wife's does)
    4. It ALS shows the steps need to reach goal
    5. I like the activity bar which comes up telling you if you haven't moved in the past hour.
    6. But most of all I love the fact that it has a one year battery and doesn't have to be charged every few days as hers does.

    All the other features seem to be the same.

    Hope this helps!
  • BoubouChan
    BoubouChan Posts: 163 Member
    I got a Fitbit One about a month ago and to me it was really worth it. As others have said, it is a great tool for motivation. It made me more aware of the activity I do (or don't do) outside of scheduled workouts.

    Initially I wanted a wrist band but I'm glad I went with the clip. From what I've read it is more accurate, and I like the fact that it is more discreet; people don't see it all the time. Plus it has a display so I can check my progress any time.
  • Jonalee1977
    Jonalee1977 Posts: 415 Member
    I chose the One over the Flex and I love it! It's a great little motivator and worth every penny in my opinion. I still use my Polar HRM when I workout because I want an accurate burn but the Fitbit really helps during the day and gives me extra calories if it thinks I have done more than what MFP does.
  • GunbunnyFuFu
    GunbunnyFuFu Posts: 22 Member
    I have the Fitbit Flex, and I love mine. I've got it set to sync with my Android smartphone, and I find myself driven to get the categories (steps, distance, active minutes) in the "green" every day (currently set at 10,000 steps, 5 miles walked, and 30 very active minutes). I've also convinced a couple of co-workers to get's helped jump start their exercise, and my wife now has one as well.

    They do have their problems...if you mow yards with one it tends to be very inaccurate. I know that GPS is certainly more accurate than the Fitbit as far as distance goes, but I've run my GPS alongside of my Fitbit and found that my Fitbit under reports distance. However, your mileage may vary. What I do suggest is that if you have a course that you walk (or several courses), go ahead and map them out using GPS (Mapmywalk or some other program) so that you know the true distance. Having come from a very sedentary lifestyle (desk job), it has been a godsend in motivating me to get off my butt and put asphalt under my feet.

    It's also been suggested on the Fitbit forums to keep it in your pocket if you suspect that it is too sensitive, or wear it on your ankle.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    I've had a Flex since January and it kept me obligated to walk more, especially because I didn't want to drop down in the rankings with my friends.

    It keeps me committed to hitting my target amount of steps each day - so I've now included a 1 mile walk to & from work in my daily schedule.
  • redwoodkestrel
    redwoodkestrel Posts: 339 Member
    I looked at fitbit and it seemed to be a way to try and gain extra calories from stuff that is already taken into account in your daily routine. I am now looking at HRMs for a more accurate view on my burn and I will only use it when I am actually exercising and genuinely burning extra calories.

    If someone can convince me on fitbit I would still consider it.

    The Fitbit, when synced with MFP, takes into account what you set your activity level at. So if you're set for "lightly active," your Fitbit will NOT give you extra calories to eat just from your normal walking around that you might do on your job... but will give you extra calories for exercising, like going on a run. If you're set for "very active," then it's actually really hard to get your Fitbit to give you any extra calories to eat, and more likely that your Fitbit will take away calories (if you have negative calories enabled) if you're not actually being "very active" every day.

    So what I've done is set my activity level on MFP to sedentary (since I do work a desk job most of the time and have to make a conscious effort to get steps in). On days where I really am sedentary, I get no added calories from my Fitbit. But days when I make sure I'm moving around a lot, when I go for walks or on a run, I do get added calories from my Fitbit. So what I really love is that it's like getting a personalized activity level setting *every single day.*
  • BetterDecisions
    BetterDecisions Posts: 5 Member
    I love my Fitbit. I've had it for about 2 years. I started out with the Zip and liked it so much that I gave that one to my mom and upgraded myself to the Fitbit One. I like that it tracks stairs and steps, and it has a rechargeable battery. The One also tracks your sleep. I don't use the Fitbit to "earn" more calories. I think that's a slippery slope. I do use it for general motivation, especially the stair climbing. I often choose to take the stairs at work, just to get the number up. My office is on the 5th floor, so that requires some motivation. You earn "badges" as you hit milestones, which is rather fun. I also like that they send me a weekly summary e-mail of my activity. I find the One to be very accurate in counting steps and stairs. I wear mine on a chain around my neck. I lost my Zip once when it popped off my pocket, so I learned my lesson. It's safer clipped to the chain. Overall, no regrets on this purchase.
  • ricomincia
    ricomincia Posts: 229 Member
    I've had a fitbit zip since Dec 2013... it's really addictive and great motivator!

    Not 100% sure of it's accuracy - guessing it's not to far out but it certainly is a great way of keeping track of how much movement you are putting into a day and trying to nail that 10K-a-day target!

    Also if you can find any other fitbit'ers add them as friends as this makes the whole thing much more fun and adds a little element of harmless competition and banter into the mix!!

    Any fellow fitbit'ers feel free to add me BTW always could do with some more fitbit buddies!

    (username is CypherQ as here).