Soda =(

Hey Everyone!

I am totally in a habit of drinking soda. I drink coke with my lunch and dinner and in between when I am thirsty. My husband completely stopped drinking it and has already lost 10 pounds. I on the other hand, am having the hardest time getting myself to stop. I am seeing how great he is doing, for I can't give it up. I don't even drink diet, I have to get regular coke.

What do you guys think I should do? Give it up cold turkey? Or try to cut down. The past few days I have been trying to only drink soda at lunch. That lasted for about a day. I just need some support, and some advice. I have gained a lot of weight from soda, and I know that if I stop drinking it, I will loose weight. I know that, but I am still drinking it!
Advice anyone??

Thanks, and wish me luck =)


  • LREheart
    LREheart Posts: 31
    Hey Everyone!

    I am totally in a habit of drinking soda. I drink coke with my lunch and dinner and in between when I am thirsty. My husband completely stopped drinking it and has already lost 10 pounds. I on the other hand, am having the hardest time getting myself to stop. I am seeing how great he is doing, for I can't give it up. I don't even drink diet, I have to get regular coke.

    What do you guys think I should do? Give it up cold turkey? Or try to cut down. The past few days I have been trying to only drink soda at lunch. That lasted for about a day. I just need some support, and some advice. I have gained a lot of weight from soda, and I know that if I stop drinking it, I will loose weight. I know that, but I am still drinking it!
    Advice anyone??

    Thanks, and wish me luck =)
  • neha_duvvuri
    neha_duvvuri Posts: 186 Member
    I don't know, but might work.
    Whenever you wanna drink soda, drink a glass of water.(Keep a bottle at your table)
    And pop a mint gum. It will keep your mouth busy for a while, and impossible for you to drink soda coz of that aftertaste of mint in your mouth.
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    Not a bad idea with the mint. I would say get it OUT of the house and start there then you can ONLY have it when you are out. And you could use it for your sweet reward on occassion. (Once you stop drinking it -- you will crave it less). Good Luck on a positive step!
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    Not a bad idea with the mint. I would say get it OUT of the house and start there then you can ONLY have it when you are out. And you could use it for your sweet reward on occassion. (Once you stop drinking it -- you will crave it less). Good Luck on a positive step!
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    Not a bad idea with the mint. I would say get it OUT of the house and start there then you can ONLY have it when you are out. And you could use it for your sweet reward on occassion. (Once you stop drinking it -- you will crave it less). Good Luck on a positive step!
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    You're going to have to make the decision to stop drinking it and then just do it. It will take willpower, but so will sticking to anything that is healthy for you. So little steps like cutting out soda will help build the greater will power that will drive you to lose weight and keep it off!

    Personally, I wouldn't even drink diet. I think it will simply keep your body craving the real stuff. Just give it up. Try unsweet tea instead (use artificial sweetener) or unsweet kool-aid or some other flavored drink (again with sweetener). Something that "isn't soda."

    FYI--you have probably developed an addiction to the caffeine in the sodas; so you might want to expect a slight headache for a few days from the withdrawals from that. Drink plenty of water, take some pain relievers if need be, and after a couple days it will go away.


    ---DON"T keep it in the house
    --Whenever you want a soda, stop and hold onto a mental image of "the you" you want to be until the cravings go away
    --The gum idea works!
    --Go brush your teeth--that works, too.

    I think you find that after a few days the cravings will go away--AND, you will find yourself SHOCKED at how great you feel without all that soda crud floating around in your veins!

    I was weened on sodas-as a child, my nick-name was Pepsi (does that give you the idea?) and I didn't even drink Pepsi but Coke but Pepsi sounded like a better nick-name I guess than Coke :tongue:

    Until I was diagnosed with diabetes 5-6 years ago, I drink close to 8-12 a day. I quit cold Turkey because, for me, having a diet Coke only made me crave the "real thing." I went nuts for about a week then did fine. After a couple years, I allowed myself to have a Diet Coke every now and then. But then cut that out completely in April, too. Now, I just drink water or Splenda-sweetened Decaf Ice Tea.
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    FYI 1 can (12 oz) of coke has 39 grams of sugar. That's an ENORMOUS amount of sugar for one drink. it also has about 140 calories. It's what I think about every time someone asks me if I want a soda. I can't think of any other normal drink that is worse for you then soft drinks. Diet drinks are much better, but the best is just plain old water.
  • Rebecca1234
    I drank tea so I could still get my caffeine in. I tried it first by just drinking water instead but I got some fun headaches.
  • pecksun8
    pecksun8 Posts: 570
    You will be amazed at how much weight you can lose just by not drinking soda. Soda has a lot of sodium and holds onto to water, so it helps keep the weight on.

    You should go cold turkey and have lots of other options around you, water or flavored no-cal drinks. And have some aspirin ready because you will go through withdrawals and you will get headaches. Caffeine withdrawals suck! But mine only lasted about a week.

    Now I just have diet soda when we go out to eat.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    My rule is I can have my Iced Tea only if i finish a bottle of water. Usually, I dont even want the tea after 16-20 oz of water.

    Remember when you ate a big cheeseburger or fried chicken for lunch? well you dont do that anymore, right?

    I have to reason with myself and then i can overcome what is in my way.

    Oh, yeah and thanks for helping me-over the past few weeks i am back up to a quart of tea a day. today i shoot for 16 oz. (not that tea is that bad, but when it takes the place of water it is)
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    My hubby and I used to be big soda drinkers. Then a few years back, I decided we would just make the switch over to diet sodas. It took us about two weeks to get used to it. A couple of years after that, I decided that we would switch over to caffiene-free diet sodas. Hubby still drinks that, but now I've stopped drinking sodas all together - going on two full weeks now. It really hasn't been hard for me at all. Maybe that's because I've been so focused on getting all my water in for the day. I say if you're going to quit cold-turkey, then just keep in mind that you should replace it with something else (in my case it was water). I haven't missed soda at all and I'm even a little surprised to say that myself.
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I quit drinking soda a week ago. I was really bad. I would probably drink about 4 bottles a day and each one was 2 servings it said. That is 800 calories. IT was easier for me to quit cold turkey. I knew I could do it because when I was pregnant with my daughter last year I didnt drink any. I know its hard but you can do it. To start with I used the crystal light to put into my water. I like the peach tea. Now I try not to even use those. Even those only have 10 calories for one to go packet. Now I like to drink water but my water has to be cold otherwise I cant drink it. I dont know why.


    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • jamdblake4
    jamdblake4 Posts: 179
    I can't remember the last time I had a soda what does it taste like? Realy COKE diet coke I'm not sure I think my body would go into shock,
    I can tell you one thing IF you can give it up NO SODA at all you will feel a lot better
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    I can't remember the last time I had a soda what does it taste like? Realy COKE diet coke I'm not sure I think my body would go into shock,
    I can tell you one thing IF you can give it up NO SODA at all you will feel a lot better

    Alright. I've seen it a couple of times now. What's with you and the one leg shaved? :laugh: There's got to be an interesting story behind that so give it up.
  • jamdblake4
    jamdblake4 Posts: 179
    I can't remember the last time I had a soda what does it taste like? Realy COKE diet coke I'm not sure I think my body would go into shock,
    I can tell you one thing IF you can give it up NO SODA at all you will feel a lot better

    Alright. I've seen it a couple of times now. What's with you and the one leg shaved? :laugh: There's got to be an interesting story behind that so give it up.

    what? I like only got a show A leg
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Gotta cut back and make the switch to diet, in my opinion.

    I started drinking a diet soda that I didn't normally drink. (i.e. I started drinking Diet Coke, and was not a Coke drinker) That way I couldn't compare the taste of diet to the regular.

    After a few months of not having a Mountain Dew, I was able to drink a Diet Mountain Dew and not notice (much) the taste differential.

    If you drink LOTS of sodas, you will be able to drop quite a few pounds by switching to diet or off of sodas. I used Diet Green Tea and Diet White Tea to drink instead of sodas.

    Good luck !!

    Edit: BTW, I have a caffeinated diet soda at lunch, and a decaf soda with dinner. Two a day. I couldn't live without at least one a day. I just love soda :laugh:
    BEFORE Posts: 1,291 Member
    Thanks for the thread. I am glad i read this today. I was starting today with a regular in the am and if any more soda is consumed it will be diet. Meanwhile I am trying to keep up on my water intake.
    You guys have just reinforced my decision and shows me I need off the soda period. I wish I liked tea though.
  • LREheart
    LREheart Posts: 31
    Thanks you guys for all the support, ideas and comments!! Its means a lot to me. I need all the support I can get. =) I woke up this morning and told myself today is the day that I will cut out all soda. I am actually excited about this change, I know that it will be hard but so worth it! =)
    Thanks everyone!
    <3 L
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    I'm also a soda-aholic, but I do diet soda instead of regular. I know it is also bad for you, but when you are talking about weight it can help to switch to diet. Now if you want to be healthier all around you need to switch up to water. I have cut back dramatically on my soda drinking by drinking other things like water and teas inbetwen sodas.
  • LREheart
    LREheart Posts: 31
    So many good ideas..I am excited about this change =)