It's me again!!!!



  • pascogirl95
    pascogirl95 Posts: 15 Member
    I totally agree. when I first started back on MFP a month or so ago.... I was shocked by how many calories I was consuming and how much sweet tea I was drinking, oooohhhh the calories. But what used to be 2600, 2700 or more calories a day has been reduced to 1200ish and on a bad day 1500 to 1600, which are few and far between now. I started walking, it like to have killed me the first week, it was a struggle to walk 15 minutes at 2.5 mph; but a month later I can now walk 3.4 mph very comfortably and have even got up to 3.8 for a couple minutes this week. That sweet tea that used to consist of at least 3 large McDonalds sweet teas per day is now down to 2 large sweet teas that are cut in half with unsweet tea, so essentially I'm getting a third of the sugar I was getting a month ago. The MFP is what told me 1220 calories, I put in my weight 248, my goal of 150 lbs, and my height 5"6" , sedentary (I sit at a desk all day) and I workout 6 days a week for 30 minutes. It came back with my goal of 1220 food and the other number was 1640, for me to lose at the rate of 2 lbs. per week. I know I'm making wiser choices, I'm just so frustrated that I'm not losing, and truthfully somedays, I feel like a beached whale my stomach is so swollen then somedays it's flat (well for me anyway) I just want to get this right and be healthy!!!
  • Adaniel65
    Adaniel65 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm 49, 5'6 and was 215lbs in January. It took me several months (7) to lose 4 lbs doing a bootcamp 3x per week. Honestly, I wasn't giving it all that I could/should have.

    Something just clicked one day and I really started to put in the effort working out. I saw a couple pounds drop and that motivated me to use MFP. I log religiously b/c it keeps me mindful. A few more pounds off and I incorporated a weightlifting class. I'm currently down 26lbs on MFP since May and 31 total.

    Here's the thing... even if for the first couple months you don't think you're seeing results... keep exercising and challenging yourself with that, and keep logging; you're creating the good habits that correlate with a fit and healthy life.

    I hated getting up at 5 a.m for bootcamp - now I get up at 5 am 6 days a week to hit the gym before work and don't like missing it. I created that habit when I was slower, fatter, grumpier and I'm better for it now. We have to make those deposits in our health bank before we see the results.

    Stick with it!