Need to lose weight quickly.



  • mattreadfx
    mattreadfx Posts: 50 Member
    Time travel

    lol ;-)
  • LeonXC
    LeonXC Posts: 68
    I also wanted to lose 50 pounds for my cousins wedding in October. Fortunately, her fiance turned out to be gay...
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    Interesting way of getting a sudden rush of motivation. Good luck in your WOE.
  • Guess what? I faced the same problem when I wanted to lose weight before my friend's wedding. I tried so many things before I found success. Different things work for different people and I was lucky enough to find a solution that worked for me. I lost 18 pounds in one month without much exercise.. Can you believe it? It's seriously been a life changer.

    I wish I could show you my transformation, but I'm a little embarrassed to post my before and after photos here in public. However, if anyone actually cares to hear what I've been doing then I'd be more than happy to help in any way I can.

    I wish someone would have helped me out when I was struggling to find a solution.. So if I can help you then it would make my day :) God Bless!!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    She was just proposed to last week, they're rushing. But thanks for the advice.

    What ever gets the ball rolling and motivates right.
  • librarydebster
    librarydebster Posts: 177 Member
    That was exactly my response. Reads like an ad for sure, dangling a supposed carrot. If you're not willing to say how you did it directly then it's bogus.
  • christinanott1
    christinanott1 Posts: 4 Member
    Juice Diet, very tough but healthy. And very very quick. :) I lost 30 lbs in 5 weeks on it. :)
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Juice Diet, very tough but healthy. And very very quick. :) I lost 30 lbs in 5 weeks on it. :)

    You got all of your micro nutrients from a juice diet?
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    If you weighed 400 to 600 pounds you could shed off about 30 of it prior to your date, but you don't look that big.

    It all depends on how much you weigh now, and how much you want to lose prior to the October date. Then people would be able to give you a realistic can or can't do.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    Eat nothing but cucumbers and drink allot of water

    ... and risk being too sick to go to the wedding.

    That's the problem. Any crash diet is unhealthy in one way or another. Start eating a healthy, well-balanced diet and do some regular exercise and you will be healthy and glowing for the wedding. Looking happy and healthy and 10 pounds slimmer is likely to look a lot better than pale and pimply and 20 pounds slimmer.
  • neveragain84
    neveragain84 Posts: 534 Member
    Eat at a slight deficit, exercise, and accept whatever weight comes off and then have fun at the wedding.
  • neveragain84
    neveragain84 Posts: 534 Member
    Juice Diet, very tough but healthy. And very very quick. :) I lost 30 lbs in 5 weeks on it. :)


    And no to the cucumber diet.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Don't lose weight for the wedding, but it is a great excuse to start.

    1) To LOOK good at the wedding, exercise. Do water aerobics, which is really easy on your body if you're heavy (and everyone). Make your arms look buff. It takes off way more inches than it does weight, but it's good for you, and a great way to feel good, look good, and burn calories.

    2) Buy flattering clothes. Really.

    3) I read an NIMH study last year comparing weight loss methods. By far and away the FASTEST way to lose weight in a healthy was was Atkins. Very low carbs, then building them up. If you go that route, READ THE BOOK. Don't just guess or go on hearsay. It is not a long term, forever thing, but it will rapidly dump pounds. That will get you started. Then you can start adding carbs back in (which the whole Atkins plan does) and work on long term weight loss.

    BTW, MFP will really help you log and keep track of it all.

    I like this advice. I did Atkins about 10 years ago and did very well. However, I didn't really follow the plan the right way so when it came time to go on vacation, I went completely off the rail and could not get back on. My brother on the hand did it the right way and has kept the weight off for years.

    Either way, just know there's no good way to lose the weight quickly. Do your best with food choices and exercise and try not to expect more than 1-2 pounds per week.

    Best of luck!
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    if you drink soda, cut it out. completely. will you feel like butt for the first week, yes. but let me tell you, each can of regular soda has at least 180 if not more calories. I was drinking 4-6 cans a day! If you cut those out and do not add back those calories, and work out and eat right you should lose. While the scale won't drop, I would imagine the added exercise and weights will make you tone up, making you look better.
    they say it takes 12 weeks for others to notice a change and 6 weeks for you to see a change in yourself. Just start now and work on it, because it also takes 3 weeks to develop a new habit.
    Good luck!
  • stillhere1981
    stillhere1981 Posts: 119 Member
    As others have said, you're not going to lose more than 10-15lbs in a healthy way before then (if you try to lose more than that, you're just going to gain it all back and possibly more). Think of this as your a-ha moment that will motivate you to change. Mine was when I split a skirt at work. You need a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.
  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    You could buy a dress that fits you well. It's surprising how much that helps.

    In the meantime, don't fall for fads, eat a reasonable amount (Protip: 1,200 calories a day probably isn't enough) and workout. You didn't gain it quickly, so losing it quickly is a recipe for failure.
  • You can lose weight quickly if you stick to a very disciplined diet by eating most of your calories at breakfast and lunch and eating very little at dinner and nothing after...exercise is a must. At least walk every day and work up to running. You have to have a negative amount of calories in versus calories out which means that you eat less calories than you burn. This website helps you so much calculate that.
    My nutritionist taught me that we are overeating just by our portions. Reduce your portion size!!! It really works. Use a smaller plate and smaller bowl. When you are filling your plate and your are ready to eat put 1/4 back just saved yourself 100 or more calories....
    I am very serious...everyone I know is changing their eating habits to ensure their calories are mostly consumed prior to 3pm.
    You will be hungry and feel hungry at night that can be satisfied with drinking water and no cal or low cal food items. Anything green is the rule. Cucumber, spinach, salad no dressing, kale etc. Clean eating is a must. Cut out sugar, flour, processed foods. Stay away from pasta and bread or limit it greatly.
    Minimal fruit due to the high sugar content. Lean meats and fish. Vegtables and legumes.
    I eat breakfast every day and nibble on healthy snacks. I eat a big lunch, today I had chick pea salad with avacado dressing, triscuits and low cal greek yogurt. I will snack until 3pm and eat very light at dinner.
  • neveragain84
    neveragain84 Posts: 534 Member
    You can lose weight quickly if you stick to a very disciplined diet by eating most of your calories at breakfast and lunch and eating very little at dinner and nothing after...exercise is a must. At least walk every day and work up to running. You have to have a negative amount of calories in versus calories out which means that you eat less calories than you burn. This website helps you so much calculate that.
    My nutritionist taught me that we are overeating just by our portions. Reduce your portion size!!! It really works. Use a smaller plate and smaller bowl. When you are filling your plate and your are ready to eat put 1/4 back just saved yourself 100 or more calories....
    I am very serious...everyone I know is changing their eating habits to ensure their calories are mostly consumed prior to 3pm.
    You will be hungry and feel hungry at night that can be satisfied with drinking water and no cal or low cal food items. Anything green is the rule. Cucumber, spinach, salad no dressing, kale etc. Clean eating is a must. Cut out sugar, flour, processed foods. Stay away from pasta and bread or limit it greatly.
    Minimal fruit due to the high sugar content. Lean meats and fish. Vegtables and legumes.
    I eat breakfast every day and nibble on healthy snacks. I eat a big lunch, today I had chick pea salad with avacado dressing, triscuits and low cal greek yogurt. I will snack until 3pm and eat very light at dinner.

    I've done just fine with (gasp) dirty eating. Clean or not ci vs co ftw.

    Also, timing doesn't matter. Eating a smaller meal at a certain time does nothing unless you're under in your calorie intake.
  • Cheeseburger85
    Cheeseburger85 Posts: 63 Member
    You can lose weight quickly if you stick to a very disciplined diet by eating most of your calories at breakfast and lunch and eating very little at dinner and nothing after...exercise is a must. At least walk every day and work up to running. You have to have a negative amount of calories in versus calories out which means that you eat less calories than you burn. This website helps you so much calculate that.
    My nutritionist taught me that we are overeating just by our portions. Reduce your portion size!!! It really works. Use a smaller plate and smaller bowl. When you are filling your plate and your are ready to eat put 1/4 back just saved yourself 100 or more calories....
    I am very serious...everyone I know is changing their eating habits to ensure their calories are mostly consumed prior to 3pm.
    You will be hungry and feel hungry at night that can be satisfied with drinking water and no cal or low cal food items. Anything green is the rule. Cucumber, spinach, salad no dressing, kale etc. Clean eating is a must. Cut out sugar, flour, processed foods. Stay away from pasta and bread or limit it greatly.
    Minimal fruit due to the high sugar content. Lean meats and fish. Vegtables and legumes.
    I eat breakfast every day and nibble on healthy snacks. I eat a big lunch, today I had chick pea salad with avacado dressing, triscuits and low cal greek yogurt. I will snack until 3pm and eat very light at dinner.

    I disagree with the majority of this post. Meal timing impact is very minimal. Eating clean is also subjective. Eat a deficit and hit your macros. You can reasonably lose 10 pounds between now and then in a sustainable way. You can then continue on the journey and keep watching the pounds tick away.

    Good luck and have fun at the wedding.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    You can lose weight quickly if you stick to a very disciplined diet by eating most of your calories at breakfast and lunch and eating very little at dinner and nothing after...exercise is a must. At least walk every day and work up to running. You have to have a negative amount of calories in versus calories out which means that you eat less calories than you burn. This website helps you so much calculate that.
    My nutritionist taught me that we are overeating just by our portions. Reduce your portion size!!! It really works. Use a smaller plate and smaller bowl. When you are filling your plate and your are ready to eat put 1/4 back just saved yourself 100 or more calories....
    I am very serious...everyone I know is changing their eating habits to ensure their calories are mostly consumed prior to 3pm.
    You will be hungry and feel hungry at night that can be satisfied with drinking water and no cal or low cal food items. Anything green is the rule. Cucumber, spinach, salad no dressing, kale etc. Clean eating is a must. Cut out sugar, flour, processed foods. Stay away from pasta and bread or limit it greatly.
    Minimal fruit due to the high sugar content. Lean meats and fish. Vegtables and legumes.
    I eat breakfast every day and nibble on healthy snacks. I eat a big lunch, today I had chick pea salad with avacado dressing, triscuits and low cal greek yogurt. I will snack until 3pm and eat very light at dinner.