Soda =(



  • LREheart
    LREheart Posts: 31
    I don't know, but might work.
    Whenever you wanna drink soda, drink a glass of water.(Keep a bottle at your table)
    And pop a mint gum. It will keep your mouth busy for a while, and impossible for you to drink soda coz of that aftertaste of mint in your mouth.

    I never thought of the mint idea...I will try that for sure =)
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    I LOVE Diet Pepsi!!!

    Hang on...having a moment...

    Hokay that being said...It is by far not the best thing you can drink. Soda can eat up your insides and cause great pain to your digestive system and destroy kidneys. I had a bout where I was drinking sodas often so I stopped due to major pain in my sides. OUCH! It was the sodas! YIKES!

    Soda also causes your tummy to bloat up. This feeling is great if you want to feel full bloated all the time...Trust me...Take two days off of soda and then look and feel your tummy. You will be shocked at how quickly cutting them down can help!

    I also found that the sugar and diet sweetener in sodas also made me crave more food. I was wanting anything I could find to fulfill the sweet craving. Once I slowed down on diet sodas, I was able to control my munchies better.

    So try to grab water first, then if you "need" a soda drink one, and then chase it down with more water. This will help keep your system cleaner. Besides...If I could lick pavement ten times a day naked to lose 10 pounds quickly??? I would! I'd do anything for this right now because I want it bad!
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Alright. I've seen it a couple of times now. What's with you and the one leg shaved? :laugh: There's got to be an interesting story behind that so give it up.

    what? I like only got a show A leg

    I don't think these legs are owned by the same human...LOL Lookie through the personal photos! :wink: I thought it was his and her's???
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    Alright. I've seen it a couple of times now. What's with you and the one leg shaved? :laugh: There's got to be an interesting story behind that so give it up.

    what? I like only got a show A leg

    I don't think these legs are owned by the same human...LOL Lookie through the personal photos! :wink: I thought it was his and her's???

    Hmmm... I don't know now. I guess they could be his and hers. Well? :smile:
  • MFS27
    MFS27 Posts: 549 Member
    Alright. I've seen it a couple of times now. What's with you and the one leg shaved? :laugh: There's got to be an interesting story behind that so give it up.

    what? I like only got a show A leg

    I don't think these legs are owned by the same human...LOL Lookie through the personal photos! :wink: I thought it was his and her's???

    I think he mentioned he was waxing his body for a body-building event. So it's kinda like a before-and-after, or maybe he got cold feet (foot) and only half way through it :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • pinktoque
    pinktoque Posts: 340 Member
    Thanks you guys for all the support, ideas and comments!! Its means a lot to me. I need all the support I can get. =) I woke up this morning and told myself today is the day that I will cut out all soda. I am actually excited about this change, I know that it will be hard but so worth it! =)
    Thanks everyone!
    <3 L

    Yay! Good for you :D:heart:
  • pinktoque
    pinktoque Posts: 340 Member
    I would also like to say I love you all for saying "soda" and not "pop"

    I'm a good ol' Hoosier girl and I was used to saying "soda" my whole life. Then I moved to Canada. For more than 2 years now I'm still struggling with the fact everyone in Calgary calls it "pop." I get made fun of (in a fun loving way) by my husband and friends here and if I mention it in the presence of a waitress or something, they usually give me a funny look.


    I love you guys :heart:
  • Erica92627
    Erica92627 Posts: 576
    there's a soda, i'm not sure what it is called now. But it uses sparkling water and brown sugar cane. It's packed in the USA . It only has 90 calories and I forgot how much sugar. They have a lemonaide flavor too. I really wish I would have kept that lable. yummy and better for you then coke.

    I also found that cafine free coke it is the real thing without the caffine kick in it. Still has the same amount of sugar. I find when I have one of those, it fixes my craving for coke for a couple of days. and I don't get a headach or anything.
  • Erica92627
    Erica92627 Posts: 576
    when I first heard POP i was like huh? :ohwell: what is that. I have a few friends that call it that. WHen I was younger it was just too weird.

    SODA SODA yeah!
  • angelajiniel
    I'm from Ohio, and I love my POP :) We use both soda and pop here though. I've been trying to cut it out completely, but I just can't seem to do it either. I've found that it's easier if it's not there. I try not to buy it for home at all, and I keep a case in my car, only taking two in to work for the day. I drink diet, so it doesn't affect my calories, but I know it's terrible for me!

    When you're having a bad craving, just remember that you can use a can of Coke to clean engine parts, it's that nasty. It will corrode metal and dissolve gunk, so just imaging what it does to your body!
  • Enjoylife
    Enjoylife Posts: 3 Member
    I was in the same boat as you. Soda is just the best with everything. I felt like I was becoming diabetic, just because I drank so much. Anyway, I started buying Diet Dr. Pepper for the house, because it tasted like regular Dr. Pepper. After awhile, I got sick of that so I stopped buying it for the house all together. I now use it as a treat. I might have one with my lunch or take one home for dinner. I just make sure that I don't buy a case and bring it home.

    I'm not sure whether it's the caffeine or the sweetness for you, but for me it was the sweetness. I would substitute soda with mints or fresh fruit. The natural sugar in fruit is so good, and I don't feel guilty.
  • pinktoque
    pinktoque Posts: 340 Member
    When you're having a bad craving, just remember that you can use a can of Coke to clean engine parts, it's that nasty. It will corrode metal and dissolve gunk, so just imaging what it does to your body!

    good point!!

    I had almost forgotten about some lessons I used to do with my grade 4 class... we'd put a penny into some soda and let it soak and pass that around and then we even had a comparison where a little white item coated in toothpaste that was submerged in soda stayed a bit whiter than the same type of item submerged in soda -- now while one was whiter than the other (it was a toothbrushing thing) which emphasized brushing your teeth... when we compared both of those items to an item that hadn't been submerged in soda at all... they both suddenly looked very brown.
    BEFORE Posts: 1,291 Member
    I Besides...If I could lick pavement ten times a day naked to lose 10 pounds quickly??? I would! I'd do anything for this right now because I want it bad!

    I sometimes really hate being a gentlemen and not saying anything. :grumble:
  • pinktoque
    pinktoque Posts: 340 Member
    I Besides...If I could lick pavement ten times a day naked to lose 10 pounds quickly??? I would! I'd do anything for this right now because I want it bad!

    I sometimes really hate being a gentlemen and not saying anything. :grumble:

  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    I Besides...If I could lick pavement ten times a day naked to lose 10 pounds quickly??? I would! I'd do anything for this right now because I want it bad!

    I sometimes really hate being a gentlemen and not saying anything. :grumble:

    OMG!!! That sounded worse when I read it here...LOL Errrr...Hokay, so with a black bag as clothing...a black bag!!!
  • Erica92627
    Erica92627 Posts: 576

    So try to grab water first, then if you "need" a soda drink one, and then chase it down with more water. This will help keep your system cleaner. Besides...If I could lick pavement ten times a day naked to lose 10 pounds quickly??? I would! I'd do anything for this right now because I want it bad!

    I do that at restraunts. I have a soda and a glass of water. I hardly finish my soda that way. And I do feel more full faster.
    BEFORE Posts: 1,291 Member
    I Besides...If I could lick pavement ten times a day naked to lose 10 pounds quickly??? I would! I'd do anything for this right now because I want it bad!

    I sometimes really hate being a gentlemen and not saying anything. :grumble:

    OMG!!! That sounded worse when I read it here...LOL Errrr...Hokay, so with a black bag as clothing...a black bag!!!
    Don't worry I have a lot of those why did I type that moments. What a about one of those wooden whiskey barrels like in the cartoons.
  • luvchi3
    luvchi3 Posts: 167
    you could also try the sodas like pepsi one and coke zero they are suppose to taste more like regular soda without the calories, the cherry coke zero is really good.
  • luvchi3
    luvchi3 Posts: 167
    I'm from Ohio, and I love my POP :) We use both soda and pop here though. I've been trying to cut it out completely, but I just can't seem to do it either. I've found that it's easier if it's not there. I try not to buy it for home at all, and I keep a case in my car, only taking two in to work for the day. I drink diet, so it doesn't affect my calories, but I know it's terrible for me!

    When you're having a bad craving, just remember that you can use a can of Coke to clean engine parts, it's that nasty. It will corrode metal and dissolve gunk, so just imaging what it does to your body!

    i'm in western new york, we call it pop or soda too
  • Emdicio
    Emdicio Posts: 270 Member
    To the OP, if you can survive going cold turkey God bless you - do it! Every time I've tried that I end up feeling like crap for 2-3 days(fever, headaches, lethargic). I only drink Diet so the calories aren't the issue but the caffiene/sodium/chemicals are. I've been cutting back since I started MFP and am down to about 3 cans/day now (from ~8) with water replacing it most of the time. I cant seem to quit drinking it with meals, though - water just doesn't do it. Some day......

    Good luck to you!