up to 20 pounds with 30 Day Shred?



  • Corruptkitten
    Corruptkitten Posts: 157 Member
    My first 10 days I lost 7.25" total (2" on my waist alone) and 4.5 lbs. Definitely an effective workout.
  • Grid74
    Grid74 Posts: 1 Member
    If you do it more than once, do you start from level 1 again?
  • mtnstar
    mtnstar Posts: 125 Member
    I did it a second time and started at level 1 again, but I upped the hand weights from 3lb to 5lb.

    The first time I did the shred (five days a week), I lost 10 lbs and 12 inches. I wasn't technically overweight at the time, just postpartum and out of shape. It took me six weeks to get through it just because I didn't want to move to the next level till I was ready. It's a very effective workout, and I was super happy with my results. I've heard of people having issues with knees and ankles from the high impact and focus on squats and lunges, but I had no problems.
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    I tried that one about a year and a half ago- kept my calories logged and did the workouts and I actually gained like a pound or two by the end of the first week. I got very discouraged and quit doing it. I read somewhere that your body holds onto the weight or you can even gain when you start an intense exercise routine, but I still quit. I just can't do something that hard and see the scale go up- too discouraging.
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    I did 25 days of working out to this in 30 days (I hurt myself and stopped before I was able to do the full 30 days). I walked - but not a lot in addition to diet (More than 1200 calories though, not her diet plan - I'm nursing, so I need the extra calories). I only lost 3 lbs, but I did lose inches. I think how much you lose depends on how well you stick to it and how much you have to lose. I'm now only 10 lbs from goal so I think 3 lbs was a lot in a month. If you have more to lose than I would imagine you could easily lose more.
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