3500calories = 1 lb fat doesn't work

Have you heard the ole maxim that 3500 cals overconsumed = 1 lb of fat? Well, I've been away for a few days, diet has gone to pot and I worked out that i ate about 11,600 max (probably less) over four days. I weighed myself this morning and have put on 5lbs. What's going on there then? The male human body is supposed to need 2,000 cals a day just to survive, so i over-ate by 3600 cals total, which ought only to be enough to put on 1lb. It just shows what a load of rubbish that sum is. I didn't even average 3500 cals total a day. I'm confused!! I know people say your metabolism changes as you get older, but there are so many sources which seem to swear by the 3500 cals=1lb fat rule of thumb.


  • tristalin
    tristalin Posts: 108 Member
    If you ate a higher sodium diet, chances are that the bulk of that weight is water weight. Give it a couple of days and see what happens.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    yup, higher sodium, higher carbs will all make you hold extra fluids. I have some mates on another board doing atkins diet that had a week off plan over christmas but counted calories instead, none were over calories by much but they all put on 7-16lbs. As soon as carbs are eaten in greater than usual amounts it just piles on. The good news is go back to doing what you were before and chances are it will be gone in a weeks times
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    Also depends on whether or not you are "regular". If you're full of poop, that could explain lots of your extra pounds.