My battle with water.

I'm soooo bad at drinking enough water. Do you have any tips or tricks to getting more water into your day?



  • neveragain84
    neveragain84 Posts: 534 Member
    Those calorie free liquid drops work for me and most of them taste decent.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    The main point is to keep your body properly hydrated. It could come from fruits, veggies, soups, teas, and coffee as well as H2O. For water, I add Crystal Light and lemon to lively it up.
  • laidbackelaine
    Yes, the low cal or cal free drops are good. My mom and sister find them useful in helping them drink more water, they recently had weight-loss surgery and have to drink tons of water a day. Minute Made lemonade and fruit punch drops taste the best to me. Also, Crystal Lite bluerberry pom is a good one too!
  • IndyAmby
    I am openly and honestly addicted to caffeine, usually in the form of Monster Absolutely Zero, Diet Mountain Dew, or iced tea. And I drink most of everything I drink throughout the day at my desk at work.

    To force myself to drink more water, I purchase as much bottled water as I do other drinks, and I alternate. If the last thing I had was a soda, I can't have another one until I finish off a bottle of water.

    I still get my caffeine and the drinks I like...but I also get the water I need. I strive to check off the water glass requirement at the bottom of the food journal each day. A normal sized bottle of Dasani or Aquafina or generic bottled water is about 2.5 servings.
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    Take a trip to an African village for 1 week. You'll love your water back home after that.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Stop drinking other things. Just drink water. Keep some around, sip when you feel like it.

    If you don't have some medical issue, you should be able to keep yourself hydrated by drinking water.

    I swear, people get way to caught up with this eating and drinking up & down to a number.

    Listen to your body. It knows more than any number. :)
  • wjelly
    wjelly Posts: 64 Member
    I used to hate drinking water but have gradually worked it into my daily routine, I always carry a bottle around and find by doing this you can get through quite a bit without even really thinking about it. The large sports bottles are best just fill it up, fridge it and grab in the morning. I've got a couple more in the fridge ready so as I never run out.
  • woman_of_steele
    woman_of_steele Posts: 38 Member
    I keep a gallon jug in the fridge and just drink it:wink: . Whether 8 glasses is a myth or not, I KNOW I feel better when I drink it. After BFing I think I'm just used to it.
  • pattialling
    I used to hate drinking water but have gradually worked it into my daily routine, I always carry a bottle around and find by doing this you can get through quite a bit without even really thinking about it. The large sports bottles are best just fill it up, fridge it and grab in the morning. I've got a couple more in the fridge ready so as I never run out.

    ^^ Took the words right out of my mouth! I just bought a new water bottle and I found myself drinking a lot more water than I used to just because it's around me all the time. I do it without even thinking about it. :D
  • tabicatinthehat
    tabicatinthehat Posts: 329 Member
    Drink something else. Or just keep a water bottle near you always.
  • anntrimble25
    I know it sounds cheesy, but I bought a giant water bottle and put a straw in it. It is a lot easier to drink water/you drink more water if you use a straw. I drink 3 of my 52 oz cups a day with occasional additions like milk or decaffeinated coffee/soda. I only do a pop every now and again though.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Get a big water bottle, fill with ice and water and just get into the habit of sipping on it when your thirsty. After it becomes habit, you won't even think about it anymore. But don't get really caught up in the eight glasses a day, Just keep sipping :-)
  • been285
    been285 Posts: 99 Member
    I keep a gallon jug in the fridge and just drink it:wink: . Whether 8 glasses is a myth or not, I KNOW I feel better when I drink it. After BFing I think I'm just used to it.

    YES COLD COLD,, and colder.
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    Drink when you are thirsty??
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Drink it in cube form, surrounded by amaretto
  • rosewarrior_101
    rosewarrior_101 Posts: 10 Member
    there are apps on the google play store as well as the apple app store for reminding you about your water intake and they are pretty nifty. You could try some of them
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    Drink it in cube form, surrounded by amaretto

    Whiskey for me!
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    I've never really had the battle with water, I'm not a big fan of pop or juice so I've always kind of made my way through it without issue. But, I've got lots of friends who think it's crazy that I can drink a 24oz bottle before/during/after a meal and be happy.

    Something that I've seen a lot is buying a big bottle (anywhere from 24oz to a Liter) and write timelines on it to train yourself to remember to drink water through out the day. So you'd mark say 8oz or so in for about 2 hours after you're typically awake and so on until you've reached what you feel you should be drinking in a day. That way you get in the habit of drinking the water on a continual basis and eventually, with or without that water bottle, you'll know to seek out hydration.

    I'm not a big fan of the drops/flavouring you can put in water; a bunch of it is calorie free, which makes people think it's a great option but many of them have ingredients that are awful for you (like the Mio brand which shares a primary ingredient with anti-freeze) or are full of artificial sweeteners which can make you crave sugary treats.

    But what everyone else is saying is key: you don't have to get your hydration straight from water if you don't want to. Coffee/tea is still primarily water, so is pop, juice, fruits, veggies.

    You got this, don't stress!
  • salleewins
    salleewins Posts: 2,308 Member
    Drink a few cups before each meal. Have a bottle at all times near. Have your goal of water in fridge/cooler etc. for the day wherever you are. Go t to go to the fridge to put them in there now. I forgot last night.