Couple Questions About Gaining Weight?

Hello! I'm trying to gain 15 pounds as fast as possible!

1) Is gaining weight really that difficult? I mean they say you have to gain it slowly and healthy by gaining either a pound or a half a pound a week but with the obesity rate being what it is right now...obviously that isn't true, is it? I mean people who are overweight didn't get there by gaining a pound a week right? I just want to gain the weight ASAP. I don't care if it's healthily or not. Yes I want to be toned and not have fat but I can tone later. My main goal right now is to gain the weight as soon as I can since I'm underweight and I'm worried about catching a virus or something and losing even more weight.

2) I've been told that once you gain the weight, you have to eat how you've been eating to maintain. Is this true? I calculated it and it says right now I have to eat 2,000 calories daily to gain a pound a week. But when I enter myself as if I am already at my goal weight and want to maintain, it says I need to eat 1,500 something calories a day which is much easier to do. So will I always have to eat 2,000 calories or is this not the case?

3) Can low ferritin (iron stores) prevent you from gaining weight since iron helps with growth? My appetite is normal but my ferritin is very low - 8.8.

4) I was previously going to bed at 3am and sleeping till 3pm and eating around 3:30. The last time I would eat at night is 11:30. Now I'm still going to bed at 3am but waking up at 12:30 and eating around 1:30. Am I going to have to wake up early to gain weight? Is it possible to gain weight with this schedule? I can't eat after midnight, I don't like eating that late. If I wake up earlier like even 10 I feel nauseous (cause I'm not used to it) and then can't eat much. I also have difficulty keeping myself awake during the day cause I always want to go back to sleep out of extreme fatigue and boredom.

Thanks!! :)


  • SkinnyGirll5
    Oh and one more there an easy way to count calories? I've tried writing it down, apps, etc and it's all very time consuming. Plus with some items you don't know exactly how many calories.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    out of order -

    3) no. i've known very heavy people with iron deficiencies.

    1) gaining weight was all too easy for me, but gaining weight for people who aren't willing to eat more is hard. working out to build muscle as you put on weight is more work, but is a great way to go. muscle is going to be much handier to have in case of illness or injury than fat stores, although having some fat is healthy, too.

    2) not exactly. if you eat 250 extra calories per day to gain a half pound per week, once you're at maintenance you don't have to eat that 250 calories as you aren't trying to put on a half pound. that being said, if you gain more muscle, your calorie needs will increase.

    i don't find it difficult to count calories, but i'm highly motivated. if you really want to get healthy, it's worth the time. my husband only uses my fitness pal to count his as he finds it easier - i write down my foods and then use MFP to calculate calories. i weigh or measure every bite, as people tend to figure their calories wrong. leading to eating many more or less calories than they think.
  • Sumrgurl
    With the my fitness pal app you can type in a food or scan the barcode on anything in your fridge or you pick up at the gas station even and it will find the item and add it to your daily calorie intake for you.
  • Sumrgurl
    Question for you.. how much are you trying to gain.. has your doctor recommended you gain weight, and have you been tested for health issues that may be contributing to you being underweight, like hyperthyroidism?
  • zac775
    zac775 Posts: 199 Member
    Hi, what are you eating habits? eg breakfast, lunch & dinner or are you also snacking aswell?

    What exercise are you doing?

    Is it general weight gain you want, ie a few extra pounds?

    or do you want weight gain with muscle growth?
