Bartic Surgery and this site

LindaEM Posts: 4 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone I am almost two years out from my surgery and down 141 lbs. I am kinda in a rut and am using this site to keep track of my foods It seems to be very easy to list them all here which is a good thing for me because I really am lazy. My knees are in such bad shape that excrise is hard for me but I have sweating to the oldies coming and I understand that I can modafiy it to do in a chair I hope that is true. Now the only complant I have about this site is that when I dont take in all of the calories that they feel I need because my tummy only holds 1 cup of food it is hard to eat 1800 calories a day and it keeps telling me I need to eat more then I get all over myself I am hard on me I get down on my self for not eating all of my calories. So I was kinda hoping the peeps that own the sitte can add information for those of us that have had the surgrey so we can feel good about our selfs.


  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member

    I had a VSG almost a year ago and my stomach only holds about 6-8 oz of food now (the first six months it was 2-3 oz and is now at its new "normal" size) So, I hear ya! I struggle daily to get in a sufficient amount of calories so I can stop losing weight. I started using this site to track my food because the diary is so comprehensive and easy!

    Since eating more isn't really working for me, I'm finding ways to add calories to what I already eat to see if that helps For instance, I have 2% milk instad of non-fat, I've added bread and fruit in small amounts back into my diet, etc. In other words, add healthy, denser calories (say no to junk!). Also, I have been instructed to up my protein to 100 a day--more than MFP suggests--but my doc is the one I listen to in this arena. It's still a struggle because of the amounts but overall, I'm getting closer to my calorie goal.

    The other "trick" I'm learning is to eat more often throughout the day with planned snacking.

    As for exercising, try yoga! It can easily be adapted to accomodate your knees! There are many books and tapes and classes that can help you with this.

    All this said, check back with your WL surgeon and see what he/she suggests! They may not feel you need to eat that many calories and may want you to do something else relative to protein instead. Good luck!
  • LindaEM
    LindaEM Posts: 4 Member
    Ok so I have added 10 minutes of Sweating to the oldies every ohter day I hope this helps with some of the weight loss and I also am doing 4 miles on the other four days on my bike. It may not seem like much but to me it is huge.
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    Ok so I have added 10 minutes of Sweating to the oldies every ohter day I hope this helps with some of the weight loss and I also am doing 4 miles on the other four days on my bike. It may not seem like much but to me it is huge.

    It IS huge! You are making awesome changes--don't be down on yourself--celebrate these great decisions you're making! I'm proud of you!
  • LindaEM
    LindaEM Posts: 4 Member
    Oh wow I can do 5 miles in 17 minutes YAY me, and I really do feel better after I have done it just have to make sure I dont get carried away.
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    I have wrecked knees as I swim every week, sometimes twice (cost allowing), thats a great exercise which won't bother your knees at all..except getting out of the pool at the end..thats always a laugh!!
  • If you can't make it to 1800 calories because of limitations your surgery has cause don't worry. The important calorie number to hit each day is 1200. if you are consistently under 1200 calories a day your body will go into starvation mode which can hinder your weight loss, so I would think that if you are hitting the 1200 you shouldn't really worry because you will still lose the weight and not destroy your body with starvation mode.
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