Bunion pain?

ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I have a bunion on my right foot that gives me a heck of a time. It's not severe enough that I want to get surgery on it, but it causes me pain at least 4 or 5 days out of the week. It hurts a lot when my feet get cold, so I try to wear socks and slippers around the house, which helps. If I don't wear shoes but keep my feet warm, they feel good. But when I try to take a walk outside with shoes on, it kills me for the rest of the day. My shoes aren't too small, but I think it's just the way my foot moves in shoes that causes the problem because it even happens in flip-flops. Anyway, short of surgery, what can I do to ease that pain and keep it from happening? It's too cold for walking outside right now, but when we do have a freak warm day, I'd like to take the kids for a walk without having to be in agony for the rest of the day.


  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    I have very bad bunions on both feet that should be operated on, but surgery like that is not an option for me. When they first started I had terrible throbbing and shooting pain, especially after I took my shoes off for the day and "put my feet up" It actually kept me from sleeping. Eventually that subsided.

    Anyway, through trial and error I discovered that I needed to select shoes and boots that were wide in the toe box area. The "last" that the shoe is built on makes a tremendous difference in fit and comfort.

    You might try a foot bath or ice packs. I'm not sure you can stop the pain as the joint is going through changes, but I believe the pain will subside once the change reaches a certain point. You do need to protect the joint from any pressure, though.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Thanks, I'll try the foot bath. What do you mean, the "last?" The sole?
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    No, the "last" is the shape of the foot that a shoe is based upon. There are many different lasts. Some companies, like New Balance, use several different lasts so you can pick which one is more like your foot. All shoes are not made on the same last, which is a good reason that some people will find one brand or style extremely comfortable and another person won't.

    All people can't wear the same shoe, anymore than all people fit in the same cut of clothes. Another reason why we now have so many difference in cut, like traditional, athletic, loose fit, natural waist. Same thing with shoes.

    It really pays to do some searching around to get the best comfort for you.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I didn't realize they had different shapes like that. I thought there was "wide" or... not wide and that was it. Huh. Thanks for the tip!
  • jenmcgraw
    jenmcgraw Posts: 40 Member
    From what I have experienced (with my own bunion on my right foot) nothing will help. Sorry to be doom and gloom but I say if you can, get the surgery now during the winter months and be done with it. Its so great to no longer have to live with that pain. Hope you get some relief soon.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    It's just not really an option right now to get the surgery due to finances and just life circumstances, and since it's not interfering with my life too badly yet I'm just trying to suck it up. :-/ I have noticed that if I can get a cotton ball to stay between my toes, that relieves some of the pressure, but I can't get it to stay there when I wear shoes.
  • jenmcgraw
    jenmcgraw Posts: 40 Member
    It's just not really an option right now to get the surgery due to finances and just life circumstances, and since it's not interfering with my life too badly yet I'm just trying to suck it up. :-/ I have noticed that if I can get a cotton ball to stay between my toes, that relieves some of the pressure, but I can't get it to stay there when I wear shoes.

    I hear you on the $$ thing. I think you can buy toe spacers at the drug store. Maybe that would work better?!?!? My friend wears one everytime she goes for a run. Good luck:)
  • jenmcgraw
    jenmcgraw Posts: 40 Member
    It's just not really an option right now to get the surgery due to finances and just life circumstances, and since it's not interfering with my life too badly yet I'm just trying to suck it up. :-/ I have noticed that if I can get a cotton ball to stay between my toes, that relieves some of the pressure, but I can't get it to stay there when I wear shoes.

    I hear you on the $$ thing. I think you can buy toe spacers at the drug store. Maybe that would work better?!?!? My friend wears one everytime she goes for a run. Good luck:)
  • jenmcgraw
    jenmcgraw Posts: 40 Member
    It's just not really an option right now to get the surgery due to finances and just life circumstances, and since it's not interfering with my life too badly yet I'm just trying to suck it up. :-/ I have noticed that if I can get a cotton ball to stay between my toes, that relieves some of the pressure, but I can't get it to stay there when I wear shoes.

    I hear you on the $$ thing. I think you can buy toe spacers at the drug store. Maybe that would work better?!?!? My friend wears one everytime she goes for a run. Good luck:)
  • jenmcgraw
    jenmcgraw Posts: 40 Member
    It's just not really an option right now to get the surgery due to finances and just life circumstances, and since it's not interfering with my life too badly yet I'm just trying to suck it up. :-/ I have noticed that if I can get a cotton ball to stay between my toes, that relieves some of the pressure, but I can't get it to stay there when I wear shoes.

    I hear you on the $$ thing. I think you can buy toe spacers at the drug store. Maybe that would work better?!?!? My friend wears one everytime she goes for a run. Good luck:)
  • jenmcgraw
    jenmcgraw Posts: 40 Member
    It's just not really an option right now to get the surgery due to finances and just life circumstances, and since it's not interfering with my life too badly yet I'm just trying to suck it up. :-/ I have noticed that if I can get a cotton ball to stay between my toes, that relieves some of the pressure, but I can't get it to stay there when I wear shoes.

    I hear you on the $$ thing. I think you can buy toe spacers at the drug store. Maybe that would work better?!?!? My friend wears one everytime she goes for a run. Good luck:)
  • jenmcgraw
    jenmcgraw Posts: 40 Member
    It's just not really an option right now to get the surgery due to finances and just life circumstances, and since it's not interfering with my life too badly yet I'm just trying to suck it up. :-/ I have noticed that if I can get a cotton ball to stay between my toes, that relieves some of the pressure, but I can't get it to stay there when I wear shoes.

    I hear you on the $$ thing. I think you can buy toe spacers at the drug store. Maybe that would work better?!?!? My friend wears one everytime she goes for a run. Good luck:)
  • jenmcgraw
    jenmcgraw Posts: 40 Member
    sorry about the repeats! Was having computer problems and Im very dumb when it comes to computers! SORRY!!!
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