How do you get your self to drink water?

I love water I do but the daily recommended amount is about 64 oz for someone at my weight and I'm having problems drinking that much . I only did it once and I felt like I was forcing my self to drink it. Are there any tricks to drinking that much water? And i was wondering If the water in foods and other liquids are added to that amount. Thanks!!


  • JohnAllen79
    JohnAllen79 Posts: 4 Member
    I just drink water every time I go to a restaurant or something. I also picked up a nice scale at walmart that has reads everything from bone density to bmi, to water percent. And you can use that to see how your water is looking. I'm always at around 49% but if I don't drink that much for a few days I'll notice it reading lower.
  • bromk
    bromk Posts: 34
    I've just gotten to where water and green tea are pretty much all I drink...with meals and in between. That way I know I'm getting enough, and I avoid a lot of empty calories.
  • naomihandler
    naomihandler Posts: 53 Member
    i just have a large water bottle and I carry it everywhere. Then I just set little goals, like I have to drink half of it by 10am then the other half by lunch, etc.. It's hard at first but you get used to it and honestly it gets easier.
  • addman72
    addman72 Posts: 220
    Your climate might have something to do with it. In the warmer months its easier to drink the 2lt requirement , I drink close to half that after exercise alone.

    Im yet to go through the colder months so time will tell if the 2lt mark is going to be a struggle
  • seemichellerun
    Here are some tips that I use.

    1. Carry it with you. I find that when I have water within arms reach, I'll drink it. I carry this bottle around with me everywhere. I like it because it keeps my water nice and cold and for some reason, I drink more when I use a straw. (I think I bought mine at Target).

    2. 3 gulp rule. Get in the habit of taking 3 gulps every time to drink.

    3. Hydrate all day long. Try to space out your water intake. Don't try to gulp it all down at once.
  • gbtesq
    gbtesq Posts: 84 Member
    I drink water from individual water bottles in order to measure my progress. In the mornings, I try to finish one bottle with my multivitamin, etc. Then, when I get to work, I place 2-3 bottles in my direct view with the intent of finishing them before the end of the day. Then, I may have 1-2 bottles left by the time I get home from work. So, I drink one with dinner and work the other one in. If I go to the gym that night, then its no problem at all,

    Also, you can try buying those crystal light packs to add to your water bottles to help get it down.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Have it hand ALL the time. If you can't reach out and put your hand on a glass or bottle of water every waking moment, then you need to make it so that you can. How many of you have a glass/bottle of water with you right now as you read this?

    Don't drink *any* soda, not even diet.

    You don't have to drink whole glasses or bottles all in one humongous gulp. Take a swallow or two every couple minutes as you do other things.

    Don't wait till you are thirsty to have a drink of water. Do it constantly throughout the day, even if you are not thirsty.
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    When im at work i keep my water bottle in a place i go to a lot such as a storeroom, therefore everytime i go past there i stop and have a drink. By the end of the day i usually down about 2 litres :)
  • changingmadelaine
    I pretty much agree with what everyone else is saying. Keep your water bottle within reach at all times and eventually you'll be reaching for sips without even realizing it :)
  • sierraskooter
    Have it hand ALL the time. If you can't reach out and put your hand on a glass or bottle of water every waking moment, then you need to make it so that you can. How many of you have a glass/bottle of water with you right now as you read this?

    Don't drink *any* soda, not even diet.

    You don't have to drink whole glasses or bottles all in one humongous gulp. Take a swallow or two every couple minutes as you do other things.

    Don't wait till you are thirsty to have a drink of water. Do it constantly throughout the day, even if you are not thirsty.

    I have my 6th glass (which measures 12 oz) right here by my mousepad!!