Can you tell me why I am not losing weight ??

Hi everybody :

I need advice about how to drop weight . I am a woman 5"4 and I had 115 -116 pounds. I ant to lose 5 pounds. I used to go for 5K run , but since I am living in other place with really bad weather conditions , that is not a good option. I trade my morning run for High Interval Training ( Insanity) and in the afternoons I do 30 minutes of weight lifting. I DO exercises all days of week less Sunday. Plus I am doing diet, just 1500 calories and I DO NOT eat fast food, junk food, soda or alcohol, pizza, ice cream or food like that.

With that plan I have not experimented any real weight lost and I gained 5 pounds. I was waiting that weight could be water retention for all the exercises, but I have been doing it during the last 3 weeks and I have not seen changes. I am almost desperate, I am working super hard and I wanted a good result. Please, can you give an advice about what I should do for drop those 5 pounds ??


  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    It's only been 3 weeks and you only have 5 pounds to lose. If you just started a new exercise routine, your muscles could be holding water. Be patient.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Calculate your calorie needs:

    Log your food intake. Weigh/measure your food to be as accurate as possible. Log calories burned from exercise. I'd say that aside from exercise that 1500 should be what you need to maintain but you should be dropping with the exercise you're doing. Keep in mind that with only 5 lbs to go you're not going to see and you shouldn't want to drop a pound a week. Keep up the workouts and keep a closer eye on your food intake. That will probably solve this issue for you.
  • clamoru
    clamoru Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks you that website is really good
  • jwats8
    jwats8 Posts: 112
    It's only been 3 weeks and you only have 5 pounds to lose. If you just started a new exercise routine, your muscles could be holding water. Be patient.

  • clamoru
    clamoru Posts: 15 Member
    It's only been 3 weeks and you only have 5 pounds to lose. If you just started a new exercise routine, your muscles could be holding water. Be patient.

    How long a muscle can hold the water ??? What can I do for avoid it ??
  • Laurenloveswaffles
    Laurenloveswaffles Posts: 535 Member
    I think maybe because a gypsy has placed a curse on you. That's just my guess though. Who knows?
    This is why you can't be mean to the gypsies!
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    With only 5 lbs to lose, you will NOT lose very quickly. Your body slows down your weight loss considerably once you start getting into the healthy weight range. Give it a couple more weeks and take measurements--you may be shrinking without actually losing weight. The scale isn't the best way to measure your progress when you are so close to your goal, because your sodium intake, water retention or even if you're just sweating a lot, can affect your weight by several pounds one way or the other.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    If you're not losing weight, the most likely explanation is that you're eating more than you're burning.
    It doesn't matter if it's "clean" or "filthy."
    It's only been a short period of time, so just be patient. If you still aren't losing after, say, 6 weeks of accurate logging... then you're eating more than you think / more than you need to lose.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Hi everybody :

    I need advice about how to drop weight . I am a woman 5"4 and I had 115 -116 pounds. I ant to lose 5 pounds. I used to go for 5K run , but since I am living in other place with really bad weather conditions , that is not a good option. I trade my morning run for High Interval Training ( Insanity) and in the afternoons I do 30 minutes of weight lifting. I DO exercises all days of week less Sunday. Plus I am doing diet, just 1500 calories and I DO NOT eat fast food, junk food, soda or alcohol, pizza, ice cream or food like that.

    With that plan I have not experimented any real weight lost and I gained 5 pounds. I was waiting that weight could be water retention for all the exercises, but I have been doing it during the last 3 weeks and I have not seen changes. I am almost desperate, I am working super hard and I wanted a good result. Please, can you give an advice about what I should do for drop those 5 pounds ??

    Why are you even worried about losing 5 pounds from 115-116? That's the low end on some charts for a small framed person (midrange in others).
  • bullofheaven
    bullofheaven Posts: 32 Member
    Eat more butter?
  • rileyleigh
    rileyleigh Posts: 106 Member
    Hi everybody :

    I need advice about how to drop weight . I am a woman 5"4 and I had 115 -116 pounds. I ant to lose 5 pounds. I used to go for 5K run , but since I am living in other place with really bad weather conditions , that is not a good option. I trade my morning run for High Interval Training ( Insanity) and in the afternoons I do 30 minutes of weight lifting. I DO exercises all days of week less Sunday. Plus I am doing diet, just 1500 calories and I DO NOT eat fast food, junk food, soda or alcohol, pizza, ice cream or food like that.

    With that plan I have not experimented any real weight lost and I gained 5 pounds. I was waiting that weight could be water retention for all the exercises, but I have been doing it during the last 3 weeks and I have not seen changes. I am almost desperate, I am working super hard and I wanted a good result. Please, can you give an advice about what I should do for drop those 5 pounds ??

    Why are you even worried about losing 5 pounds from 115-116? That's the low end on some charts for a small framed person (midrange in others).

    Why does it matter to you? Isn't telling someone they are already too skinny and shouldn't lose weight skinny shaming?
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Hi everybody :

    I need advice about how to drop weight . I am a woman 5"4 and I had 115 -116 pounds. I ant to lose 5 pounds. I used to go for 5K run , but since I am living in other place with really bad weather conditions , that is not a good option. I trade my morning run for High Interval Training ( Insanity) and in the afternoons I do 30 minutes of weight lifting. I DO exercises all days of week less Sunday. Plus I am doing diet, just 1500 calories and I DO NOT eat fast food, junk food, soda or alcohol, pizza, ice cream or food like that.

    With that plan I have not experimented any real weight lost and I gained 5 pounds. I was waiting that weight could be water retention for all the exercises, but I have been doing it during the last 3 weeks and I have not seen changes. I am almost desperate, I am working super hard and I wanted a good result. Please, can you give an advice about what I should do for drop those 5 pounds ??

    Why are you even worried about losing 5 pounds from 115-116? That's the low end on some charts for a small framed person (midrange in others).

    Why does it matter to you? Isn't telling someone they are already too skinny and shouldn't lose weight skinny shaming?

    Did I say they were too skinny? Didn't see those words in my post at all. It was an honest question.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Eat more butter?

    Butter with brown sugar and cinnamon. Mmmmm.
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    It's only been 3 weeks and you only have 5 pounds to lose. If you just started a new exercise routine, your muscles could be holding water. Be patient.

    How long a muscle can hold the water ??? What can I do for avoid it ??

    Answer: Stop being a human being.

    In all seriousness, water retention is a normal part of life. It's not a bad thing or something that should be "avoided". In fact, if your muscles didn't retain water a few days after a workout, I would be very concerned. You can "avoid" excess water retention by reducing your sodium intake, but this doesn't have an overall effect on your goal of losing body fat.

    Instead of saying "I want to lose weight" say "I want to reduce body fat percentage."
  • Brandolin11
    Brandolin11 Posts: 492 Member
    For a 32 year old, 5' 4" woman:

    Based on the Robinson formula (1983), your ideal weight is 123.0 lbs
    Based on the Miller formula (1983), your ideal weight is 129.1 lbs
    Based on the Devine formula (1974), your ideal weight is 120.6 lbs
    Based on the Hamwi formula (1964), your ideal weight is 119.7 lbs
    Based on the healthy BMI recommendation, your recommended weight is 107.8 lbs - 145.6 lbs

    I don't write this to make you feel bad for wanting to lose more weight. But I noticed you seemed panicked about not losing five pounds when you're already 115 lbs small, so I wanted you to see in black and white that you're actually already quite perfect (or even a little smaller than the norm) according to the math and science. Hopefully this will help you understand that even if it takes a little time to lose the weight, you're already ideal. :)

    If you feel panicked, however, because you feel that you look "fat" - you might want to check into a little talk therapy about that, as that is not a healthy place to be in, in your mind. Just a suggestion.
  • rileyleigh
    rileyleigh Posts: 106 Member
    Hi everybody :

    I need advice about how to drop weight . I am a woman 5"4 and I had 115 -116 pounds. I ant to lose 5 pounds. I used to go for 5K run , but since I am living in other place with really bad weather conditions , that is not a good option. I trade my morning run for High Interval Training ( Insanity) and in the afternoons I do 30 minutes of weight lifting. I DO exercises all days of week less Sunday. Plus I am doing diet, just 1500 calories and I DO NOT eat fast food, junk food, soda or alcohol, pizza, ice cream or food like that.

    With that plan I have not experimented any real weight lost and I gained 5 pounds. I was waiting that weight could be water retention for all the exercises, but I have been doing it during the last 3 weeks and I have not seen changes. I am almost desperate, I am working super hard and I wanted a good result. Please, can you give an advice about what I should do for drop those 5 pounds ??

    Why are you even worried about losing 5 pounds from 115-116? That's the low end on some charts for a small framed person (midrange in others).

    Why does it matter to you? Isn't telling someone they are already too skinny and shouldn't lose weight skinny shaming?

    Did I say they were too skinny? Didn't see those words in my post at all. It was an honest question.

    You don't think your post could at all be interpretted as you suggesting they should not lose weight because they are already borderline too skinny?

    I won't argue it with you though, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Hi everybody :

    I need advice about how to drop weight . I am a woman 5"4 and I had 115 -116 pounds. I ant to lose 5 pounds. I used to go for 5K run , but since I am living in other place with really bad weather conditions , that is not a good option. I trade my morning run for High Interval Training ( Insanity) and in the afternoons I do 30 minutes of weight lifting. I DO exercises all days of week less Sunday. Plus I am doing diet, just 1500 calories and I DO NOT eat fast food, junk food, soda or alcohol, pizza, ice cream or food like that.

    With that plan I have not experimented any real weight lost and I gained 5 pounds. I was waiting that weight could be water retention for all the exercises, but I have been doing it during the last 3 weeks and I have not seen changes. I am almost desperate, I am working super hard and I wanted a good result. Please, can you give an advice about what I should do for drop those 5 pounds ??

    Why are you even worried about losing 5 pounds from 115-116? That's the low end on some charts for a small framed person (midrange in others).

    Why does it matter to you? Isn't telling someone they are already too skinny and shouldn't lose weight skinny shaming?

    Did I say they were too skinny? Didn't see those words in my post at all. It was an honest question.

    You don't think your post could at all be interpretted as you suggesting they should not lose weight because they are already borderline too skinny?

    I won't argue it with you though, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

    If that's how it was taken then I apologize, but that's the problem with the internet. People interpret things and jump down people's throats without having any idea who they are or what they mean. Considering many of the people on my friends list are recovering anorexics that I support with my full being every single day, skinny shaming is the LAST thing I'd do. :flowerforyou:
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    For a 32 year old, 5' 4" woman:

    Based on the Robinson formula (1983), your ideal weight is 123.0 lbs
    Based on the Miller formula (1983), your ideal weight is 129.1 lbs
    Based on the Devine formula (1974), your ideal weight is 120.6 lbs
    Based on the Hamwi formula (1964), your ideal weight is 119.7 lbs
    Based on the healthy BMI recommendation, your recommended weight is 107.8 lbs - 145.6 lbs

    I don't write this to make you feel bad for wanting to lose more weight. But I noticed you seemed panicked about not losing five pounds when you're already 115 lbs small, so I wanted you to see in black and white that you're actually already quite perfect (or even a little smaller than the norm) according to the math and science. Hopefully this will help you understand that even if it takes a little time to lose the weight, you're already ideal. :)

    If you feel panicked, however, because you feel that you look "fat" - you might want to check into a little talk therapy about that, as that is not a healthy place to be in, in your mind. Just a suggestion.

    That's one of the charts I found too, which is why I asked my question. I should have posted that to give a reason for my question I guess - thank you for wording it better than I did!!
  • jabarih
    jabarih Posts: 65 Member
    I think it may be the Insanity workout. I did it and didn't lose any weight either. I got frustrated as well. People told me it was because I was gaining muscle by my measurements did not change much either. And if you are doing the eating program with it was well, it is high in cals b/c they say you will burn it during the workout. But I understand your problem. Once you learn to lose the weight, please forward the secret to me!!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Once you learn to lose the weight, please forward the secret to me!!

    find out how much you need to eat. find out how much you're eating. after 6 weeks of doing the same thing, if you're not losing weight... eat less.

    repeat process until desired results are achieved.

    or you can have some tips: