
Where to start?

I think I’m depressed it not that bad but to the point where I have noticed. I have been through a lot relationship wise and my patience has been pushed to the limit. Now I find myself alone and feeling fluffy as ever. I gave birth to a beautiful daughter but put on quite a few pounds afterwards, I blame birth control. You have to blame someone or something right?

So… I feel like I’ve lost myself, lost my motivation, lost my independency and just lost some hope. I am looking for friends who will help encourage and push me to do better, health wise. I know I will find myself again but I just don’t want to be alone during the process…

Just someone looking for friends.


  • I know that feeling! It is not a fun one. I'm always up for setting up challenges for myself and others to help keep things fresh and maybe a little competitive (just competing against yourself though!). Hoping to get some people on board on here for a challenge! Hang in there! It DOES get better! And the more you workout (even taking that beautiful little baby on walks) the better you will start to feel as the endorphins kick in!
  • dhall2011
    dhall2011 Posts: 209
    I am dealing with depression too. I am in the process of ending a very lonely marriage to a workaholic. I have never been without a boyfriend or attached male figure of some sort since before I started dating I think. I am struggling to learn to be alone. I don't know what it is, I don't understand it at all but I know I need to change it. It's hard and I'm not doing as well as I hoped. Friends are definitely an important part of the equation but it doesn't change that it hurts. :(
  • abrar0290
    abrar0290 Posts: 218 Member

    I was diagnosed with clinical depression my freshman year of college, but I have been struggling with it all my life. I know the feeling of emptiness and how it can sometimes hit you when you least expect it. Even the smallest occurrences can be devastating and sometimes it feels like it's just one thing after another keeps bombarding you.

    If anyone wants to talk, please feel free to message me. Warm hugs to all of you.
  • Talk to your doctor about depression. They have some questionnaire you can take. If help is needed the doctor can refer you appropriately.. There are a lot of tests on line, but then your all alone with your test results, not much help. Finding out for sure is your first step toward feeling better.
  • buckleten
    buckleten Posts: 205 Member
    Hey, I know how you feel too.. I will add you as a friend as I too am looking for some more friends, just knowing there are other people in a similar situation can help, and things will and do get better :-) Anyone feel free to add me!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    If you just had a baby and you're feeling this way, you need to talk to your doctor about post partum depression!
  • lomajess
    lomajess Posts: 94 Member
    I know my state of mind is not from post partum depression, I've done my research on it and have talked with my OBGYN. This is stemming off of stress, I got left with a lot of bills and I never imagined I’d be in this position. I decided a health style change would be a great way to start, I remember when I was working out every day and how great I felt and I believe it will help. I am also looking at my finances and moving out with of my apartment in with family members to help.
  • Michifan
    Michifan Posts: 95 Member
    I've been battling depression for years. My hormones were / are all screwed up and I was prescribed significant amounts of testosterone to get me "normal" - well most of that turned into Estrodol and I gained a ton of weight. That on top of a whack-a-mole strategy of anti-anxiety medications just plummeted my metabolism and made me gain weight year over year.

    Last year I tried to work out my way to a good weight and that created another depression (I was doing intense cardio stuff). I had to back off and get balanced again. This time I am cutting calories excessively - eating only whole foods and have introduced about 3 miles of walking (with my dog) every morning. I'm not about the time, just the distance and the fact that it is a nice little walk with the dog in the morning.

    After the first week I started to feel better than I have felt in god only knows how long. I'm losing weight super fast, I feel like I have some control over my life and my mood has increased. None of the depression I got from the vigorous exercise (which I think was the estridol hitting my blood stream from the intense workouts) and my testosterone is increasing as my body is burning weight off naturally.

    That's my story - it's working out for me. Stress is a part of life. Life is hard. It is hard for everyone in a different way. But we must keep moving forward. Do what you have to do financially - get that right. Take care of yourself by feeding your body the best nutrients and just enjoy your self as often as you can.

    Depression is tough - I wouldn't wish it on some (not all) of my worst enemies. I've been there, but it really is an illusion. One day you'll realize that you aren't depressed, treasure those moments so that you can remember them when you are depressed again.

    Getting healthy is a process. Some people are more impatient than others - but it really is the rest of your life.