Methods to Help Relieve Pain in Legs

I recently had a double fasciotomy in January. If anyone knows what that is, you will know it is a very painful healing process. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like the surgery helped me. Everything felt fabolous after I was healed, but soon after the pain that resulted in the surgery came back with a vengeance. I just want to see if there is anyone else out there that may have any opinions on what I can do to help relieve the pain in my leg before resulting in another surgery that may/or not benefit me.

P.S. The reason I had the fasciotomy was because I have compartment syndrome in my leg. Pretty much, my calf muscle wasn't getting the nutrients and oxygen that it needed. I have tried ice, heat, massage therapy and even physical therapy. I just want to make sure I exhaust all options before going under the knife again:/

Thank you in advance!!



  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Did you try hard massage like the "The Stick" or Graston technique, and did it help?

    What activities worsen it, or caused it?
  • krlynch157
    I went to physical therapy as a last result before surgery and it only made things ten times worse. I am not sure what "The Stick" is, but it sounds painful and like it should be a punishment! haha

    I use to run a A LOT. Mainly on treadmill because I live in the city and I am not much of one to run on sidewalks where all kinds of crazies are, and especially bad drivers that have ample opportunities to smash me!haha

    I was running when the pain first appeared, so I am assuming running made it worse!!
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I just posted about this an hour or so ago?! I'm glad you posted, too.

    How were diagnosed with compartment syndrome? Also, was it acute CS or chronic CS?
  • mandez19
    mandez19 Posts: 179
    If you can sleep on your back you can put a big pillow/blankets under your legs up against your butt to prop up your legs. I know that makes my legs feel good. If not while sleeping, while reading or laying down for awhile.

    I however am not sure how that could impact your compartment syndrome.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Hard massage should soften things up and improve circulation. I'd go with a handheld device like this:

    If your surgery was recent, check with your doctor first.