2 hour works outs / lower calories no weight loss

Anyone one out there experiencing the same problem I am.
I'm a female 5'5" weight 200 lbs age 55, and I have been working out twice a day for an hour, cardio and strength every other day now for two weeks and keeping my calories under.. recommended 1740 and I'm having about 1500 +/-. (BTW I did not just start working out I have been for 1.5 years at 30 minutes a day)
Today I'm so frustrated that I have had no weight loss at all.


  • Odwaroftorn
    Odwaroftorn Posts: 110 Member
    It may be diet. It may also be metabolism. It may be the type of exercises.

    Myself, I exercise and work to keep net calories under 1300 and I'm not losing much (I'll lose 6-10 pounds over a month or two and gain it all back over a weekend. Go figure.) 5'6" and 180ish.

    I've decided I'm doing what I can and that's better than all the years that got me to the overweight/obese stage of life and I may not be dropping pounds, but I feel good and have more energy.

    So I guess if what your doing is not producing results, try a different exercise regimen. Some people are born with fast twitch muscle fibre (short explosive bursts of energy, like baseball, sprinting, weight lifting, fencing, etc.) and should do exercises to compliment this type of musculature, then as you build those muscles your metabolism will increase since muscle is a good metabolizer.

    But if you doing exercises for endurance, for slow twitch muscle fibre (walking, distance running, swimming, cycling, etc.) then your building slow twitch muscle fibre.

    The key, do you geneticaly have slow twitch (endurance) or fast twitch (explosive short bursts with rest in between) muscle fibre. What sports were you "gifted" at as a child? I was born predominantly with fast twitch, so while I love cycling, I'm bad at it because I don't have the right muscle fibre and can not build the slow titch as fast as I can the fast twitch. So my muscle does not develop as fast and my metabolism remains slow.

    If I do fencing, however, then I'm building fast twitch fibre and it's easier for me to do so, so my metabolism will improve. Does this make sense?

    Do the exercises that will benefit you most based on the muscle fibre you were genetically gifted with.

    If you have questions, friend me.


    PS. I still cycle, it just doesn't do me much good and when I run, I do sprints instead of endurance because it does help. But fencing is my love and it uses fast twitch fibre, so it's good for me.