Need help finding a public high capacity scale

Anyone know any stores similar to Drug Warehouse or Publix that have a free public weight scale to use in the Tulsa or Broken Arrow, Oklahoma areas? I'm having troubles finding a high capacity scale that will support my weight and I don't want to order one online only to find out I weigh more than it will support. I've used Drug Warehouse's scales before but the closest one to my house is 15 miles away. Are there any other places that have these kinds of scales available? I've also heard doctor's offices have them but I don't have a family physician.


  • QuillensMom
    QuillensMom Posts: 100 Member
    I just bought a new extra wide digital scale on amazon, and it goes up to 550 lbs. Your profile says you are at/around 450 so if I were you I would just buy a scale that goes to 500 or 550 so you know it wont be an issue. It's called Jobar International JB5824 Extra Wide Talking Scale. Great deal at $28.45 with free shipping.
    For me, I weigh daily to help keep myself accountable so having something at home is a must for me :)
  • dawngon1
    dawngon1 Posts: 12 Member
    call ymca see if they have one that they could let you come weigh your self, also call the salvation army they might have some there that you could buy, they might even be able to help you find some one or some where you could go
  • dawngon1
    dawngon1 Posts: 12 Member
    that's a great price
  • fpsmoto
    fpsmoto Posts: 31
    I just bought a new extra wide digital scale on amazon, and it goes up to 550 lbs. Your profile says you are at/around 450 so if I were you I would just buy a scale that goes to 500 or 550 so you know it wont be an issue. It's called Jobar International JB5824 Extra Wide Talking Scale. Great deal at $28.45 with free shipping.
    For me, I weigh daily to help keep myself accountable so having something at home is a must for me :)

    Wow, ok this definitely looks promising. I won't be able to buy till I get my next paycheck on Sept 1st, so that's why I am looking for a place to go weigh myself.

    I'll see if there are any YMCA's around here that will let me use their scale or just wait till I'm on the other side of town and go to Drug Warehouse.
  • TyphonRex
    TyphonRex Posts: 79 Member
    Anyone know any stores similar to Drug Warehouse or Publix that have a free public weight scale to use in the Tulsa or Broken Arrow, Oklahoma areas? I'm having troubles finding a high capacity scale that will support my weight and I don't want to order one online only to find out I weigh more than it will support. I've used Drug Warehouse's scales before but the closest one to my house is 15 miles away. Are there any other places that have these kinds of scales available? I've also heard doctor's offices have them but I don't have a family physician.

    Brother, I've been there.

    My first time losing weight, I had to find a damn laundry scale at the hospital to get my weight, because I topped out at the doc's.

    This second go-round, I just ordered a high capacity one from Amazon. They've a number of 400-500lbs ones available.
  • TyphonRex
    TyphonRex Posts: 79 Member

    I'll see if there are any YMCA's around here that will let me use their scale or just wait till I'm on the other side of town and go to Drug Warehouse.

    When I worked at Drug Warehouse in Owasso (as a high schooler back around 2000), our scale was the normal doctor's office kind that went up to 300/350.

    Whatever you decide, let me encourage you to not put off eating right and getting in some exercise until then.

    You WILL NOT regret a couple day headstart.

    I know I've told myself before that I'd start on such and such a date, or on such and such an occasion, but it's all bunk.
  • fpsmoto
    fpsmoto Posts: 31
    Yeah that's what I was thinking too. I know at some point I will talk myself into making some bad choices so I wanted to be prepared and not give myself even a small chance to do so. 12 days till I get paid may sound pretty easy to stay focused, but in my world when the cravings start hitting me, so does all the crippling self doubt. And as much as not knowing my current weight will effect me, I know that I'll at least be on the right path when I do actually get a chance to weigh myself so it will hopefully make that fear of the unknown go away.
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member
    You can do it! All you have to worry about is one day at a time!

    You've got this!
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    You may be able to beg access at a hospital. You could also check to see if your local gym has one, but this is less likely.

    Under the ACA, you are legally required to have healthcare insurance, and preventive medicine visits are free with no co-pay. Get a family doc, have a preventive medicine visit, get plugged into access for things like the scale you need.

    You are paying for that preventive medicine appointment via your premiums whether you use it or not.

    If you are covered under the Medicaid expansion, same thing only you aren't paying a premium. Preventive care appointments are free (I think it's only 1 per year though).
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Is there any public health clinics around there?(I'm in Jersey so am not familiar with your area) but here there is a place that is free to lower income people, or people without health coverage and they have one so maybe check around and see what public services are around your city.
    Either way, just keep on going. No matter what you weigh. You can do this!! We all started out doubting ourselves, but you really can do this!!, small changes add up! Your definitely in the right place, there's plenty of good info on here. :-) make sure you read threw the sticky notes, read the sexy pants link! And read all the success stories. You'll see that everyone started somewhere :-) keep your head up and don't give up!!!!! :-)
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Looked it up. Oklahoma is one of those states whose Governor turned down the Medicaid expansion. So if you are low income you may still be paying for your healthcare without any government assistance.

    Consider voting blue...
  • hhindsle
    hhindsle Posts: 43 Member
    I'm right there with you searching for a scale. I need to lose 12 lbs before my scale will work for me so I don't want to buy a different one. What I have been doing is going into the urgent care office and just asking the secretary if I can do a quick weigh in. I explained the first time that mine at home can't read me anymore. She was so sweet and told me I could come weekly if I would like. I have been doing this now for 3 weeks. I'm down 5 lbs though.

    The best lessen to learn here is to become best friends with the secretaries! They can get you many places in life.
  • Equus3nMom
    Equus3nMom Posts: 42 Member
    This may sound odd, but it would be a possiblity - and free no doubt if you don't have good public healthcare. Look up a local large animal clinic. They will have very high capacity scales. The people I know who are veterinarians would be awesome and supportive of helping a person out starting a big journey to get healthy. Just a thought.
  • TyphonRex
    TyphonRex Posts: 79 Member
    in my world when the cravings start hitting me, so does all the crippling self doubt.

    I unequivocally understand how that goes. Get the cravings, then the justification and self-loathing and doubt starts piling on, then you give into the cravings, and the cycle continues. Might as well give in and enjoy this food, it's about all I'm ever going to have to enjoy, right?

    To hell with that.

    Staying aware and in the moment is hard, hard, hard, but once you get set upon making it change, it becomes possible.
  • bndcksaint62
    When I weighed 380 I used to go to our recycling center for metals and aluminum cans, when I got down to 250 I bought a 320 digital
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    I just bought a new extra wide digital scale on amazon, and it goes up to 550 lbs. Your profile says you are at/around 450 so if I were you I would just buy a scale that goes to 500 or 550 so you know it wont be an issue. It's called Jobar International JB5824 Extra Wide Talking Scale. Great deal at $28.45 with free shipping.
    For me, I weigh daily to help keep myself accountable so having something at home is a must for me :)

    That's a good price for a scale, I'd check it out if I were you.

    Great work taking your health and fitness into your hands OP. You've made the first big step into managing your health, keep up the good work.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    15 miles isn't that far. I drive that to work every day- if you have a car just make a round trip- run some errands and go stop by the scale.

    Then get your scale on pay day.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Kudos for taking charge of your health. I do get how you would want the info on your starting point and would do what JoRocka said, figure out a way to get to where the free scale is available. Can someone drive you if you don't have a car/public transportation options?

    Then, once your payday has arrived, I'd get the scale that was linked to earlier, because weighing yourself shouldn't be a hassle each time. And once you're done with it, maybe someone would buy it, so you can downgrade to something else if you like. You might also find something for cheap at this point via craigslist or whatever local service you have for selling used things?
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    in my world when the cravings start hitting me, so does all the crippling self doubt.

    I unequivocally understand how that goes. Get the cravings, then the justification and self-loathing and doubt starts piling on, then you give into the cravings, and the cycle continues. Might as well give in and enjoy this food, it's about all I'm ever going to have to enjoy, right?

    To hell with that.

    Staying aware and in the moment is hard, hard, hard, but once you get set upon making it change, it becomes possible.

    I've been there too. Try setting your initial weight loss at a small deficit (like half a pound a week). At a certain point "not gaining" is a win...and when you see that you can lose (even a little) without hunger, you feel so much in control.

    You might also want to check out an Overeaters Anonymous meeting in your area if you struggle with binge eating.