Mirena IUD. Acne? Weight gain?

I had the Mirena IUD inserted in the beginning of February and due to constant, sharp cramping, no periods that worried me, a 8 pound random weight gain, and TERRIBLE cystic acne (never had serious acne, just the occasional pimple here and there) only I had it removed a little over a month ago.

I am now back on Ortho Tri Cyclen. (pill I've been on previously before Mirena) and after this month my acne has not improved what-so-ever. I had tried EVERYTHING you could think of. I'm currently on Proactive but the acne is covering my chin, forehead, and outer cheek area.

I was wondering if anyone had experiences to share or if they can give me hope that this will all eventually fade away so I can start feeling myself again and get my weight back on track!


  • losingforgood120
    I don't have experience w/ acne caused by an IUD- but in the past the pill has cleared up my acne. I'd guess it will get better with time!

    I started a group on diet and acne: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/22902-diet-for-acne

    Some info there about diet changes that can improve acne. Summary: increasing omega 3's, (the ratio of omega 3: omega 6, i.e. more fish, less vegetable oil), decreasing dairy protein, decreasing high glycemic level foods and increasing low glycemic level foods.

    Some people have had success w/ elimination diets for a month and then slowly adding foods back in. (Dairy, wheat, sugar).

    Anyway- kind of hard to follow a restrictive diet but seems like it can really help with acne.

    Acne is the worst! So sorry! That sounds really frustrating.
  • ParkerH47
    ParkerH47 Posts: 463 Member
    Im using mirena right now, I did experience some acne but it cleared up after about a year (I'm still on it).

    Honestly I think you just need to wait a bit, often for hormones to regulate it can take a couple months. You could stay on proactive for a bit until it runs out, but if you find its not working try a simple gentle cleanser (like Cetaphil) and a good moisturizer (i've used aveeno for a few years now both the ultra calming and the one for acne). Also stay hydrated, don't touch your face as much as you can help it, clean your pillow cases often,

    Good luck!
  • Stella_Mayfair
    Stella_Mayfair Posts: 226 Member
    I am on Diane 35 for life. Not for birth control, bit to regulate my period and to get the horrid acne I have had under control. No weight gain, just costly. I was on accutane and many others as a teen. If I get off this-tried-I get huge boil like zits. So idk, never had good experience with meds. I am on them for life.
  • desiraelough
    I used my little over a month supply and I didn't have much improvement. So I'm now using a benyzol peroxide wash with a clarifying toner and moisturizer so hopefully this helps. I'm glad to hear your acne did eventually improve!

    Thank you so much :)
  • Karaszow85
    I had my Mirena inserted in June and I'm struggling with weight gain to the point where I'm on the verge of removing it. I go to the gym 4 times a week, I don't eat junk food and instead of losing or maintaining my weight, I just keep putting more on! To top it off, I discovered a massive cyst on my back, which from what I've been reading is one of the side effects. I've had a few small pimples on my face in the past few months, but this nasty cyst is really pushing me over the edge. I'm going to give it another month, I'm hitting the gym and if that doesn't make a difference, I'm having this thing removed.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    The Mirena doesn't magically make you gain weight. It MAY be a lesser side effect, or it could be that you are not pay enough attention to your calorie intake. I've had the Mirena for about 4 months now, aside from some cramping I've no issues with weight loss or acne. Regardless, I would say that the benefits outweigh it anyways. It is the most effective form of birth control (aside from not having sex). I think people just don't give it enough time. They complain about it after a month or two. It takes about 6 months to a year to adjust to it. Yeah, there's some cramping, there's an object in your uterus.
  • pamcris
    pamcris Posts: 47 Member
    I just got my Mirena removed 2 weeks ago because of similar problems. I had it in for a year and 2 months and my acne was out of hand even though I was using prescription creams to control it. I went back on the pill (reclipsen) and it seems to be slowly improving. My acne is still there, but in a lesser capacity and less red. I'm just making sure to wash my face every night, moisturize and use the acne control cream. The pill should help a lot, just give it a little bit of time for you body to get used to it. If in 6 months your acne is still bad, then you may want to visit your Gyn and see if they can change you to a different pill.

    Weight wise, yes, Mirena was a pain in the butt. I work out 6 days a week, run/walk 5-6 miles each day and do resistance/weight lifting 3x a week (squatting 105 lbs, bench 65 lbs, dead-lift 110 lbs), I count and log my calories, cook 6 days out of the week and try to keep everything as healthy as possible, and even though I do all of that, I was not losing anything. Actually, I gained a few lbs. The day they removed it I was 161 lbs (I'm 5'2"), and as of today I am 152 lbs. I haven't changed anything in my lifestyle, I even had McDonald's on my cheat day, I'm just keeping up with my workouts and food diary.

    The main reason why I got it removed was the acne and acid reflux. And both of those side effects are slowly but surely disappearing. I miss the sense of security that the Mirena gave me as a birth control, but FOR ME, the side effects outweighed the benefit.

    If you are really on a rush to improve your acne I would also recommend visiting a dermatologist. They can prescribe something that can help speeding the process, but from my personal experience, the pill should start helping soon.

    Hope this helped.