Half way to my goal, but how?

To anyone who might have the answer,
I joined MFP on 12-30-2010 and it has been 22 days and I have already shed 15 pounds, I don't know how this is possible. I haven't felt overly hungry, tired or weak. So I don't think I've been shorting myself on calories. I have usually been at 300 or less calories short of my goal and even went over on my goal a couple of days.

When I set up I had put in that I would workout 2-3 days a week and have worked out probably 4 to 5 times a week on average. I know that this would accelerate weight loss to a degree I doubt it is the sole reason for these results. And I have been eating most of my exercise calories to avoid starvation mode and have never let my caloric intake drop to low.

Do the pounds come of quicker in the beginning? Or am I still not ingesting enough calories. I am pleased to be losing weight but don't want to hit a wall in in the next 5 pounds or so.

Love this site, love the people, Thank you all!!


  • 2BaNewMe2
    2BaNewMe2 Posts: 102 Member
    Way to go!! Yes you do lose faster in the beginning. I would advise you to stay at what you are doing a little while longer to see if the loss slows a down. If it doesn't then you may need to adjust some. Welcome and keep up the good work.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Work outs go a long way... and this site makes calorie restriction feel so natural!
  • jeharris16
    Yes the more you weigh, the more you lose initially. If you are eating right, you will drop your water weight very quickly. It will then slow down as your body starts to work on the fat. For example I just started my fitness challenge on Monday and I have already lost 6 pounds. But I know the water is the first to go. I just started tracking myself here and absolutely LOVE this site! Have a good one!