Starting again....and again!


I joined myfitnesspal years ago, and I've been on and off for those few years, and it imitates my weight unfortunately! It's been up and down and I just can't seem to keep it steady.

I'm terrible at doing things on my own. I use to do Jenny Craig and it would work amazingly for me, but as soon as I started to cook for myself those kilos would start to sneak its way back in. It was a cycle that happened with any diet I went on. I thought I was eating healthy, but obviously I wasn't because I'd end up right back at square one.

I've started doing Zumba and I love it, but I know my problem is mainly with food and eating right - as well as cooking it right.

I've found recently that I seem to lack motivation. While my partner is supportive, I feel like I need to have someone else who is on the same journey as me who can push me to do the right things.

I've had to start again to lose 25 kilos (or 55 pounds) and am hoping to find someone to help me through this journey, and hopefully have it work its final time.

Would love to hear from people, start friendships, or even let me know what or who helps to motivate you.

Any help would be amazing!!!!!


  • Hi there,

    I just joined Myfitnesspal too. Like you, I just realised one day how unfit I really was. I'm 53 though and I can tell you it's ALOT harder as you get older to shed those pounds but I am determined to stick to it this time. I was a weightwatchers gold member 20 years ago when I lost 34lb and dropped to 8st 4Lb. I felt great. I went to the gym 3 times a week and lost the weight within 10 months. Unfortunately, over the years circumstances changed and I gradually put on ALL the weight I had lost. After that I could never seem to motivate myself. I was actually too afraid to get on the scales and weigh myself!!! However, I'm going to put all that behind me now as I realise that exercise really is the key to your health as well as eating sensibly. AND the bottom line is...ONLY YOU can make it happen. So, I'm joining my local sports centre this week and start swimming. I'll post my progress so if you want to reply and have a chat feel free to add me as a friend.