Training Experts out there? help please.....

Hi all,

just bought a bottle of Phenolox today at Vitamin World. I want to drop fat, my body is the most stubborn body in THE WORLD. I have gained 10 pounds and i can't get rid of them for my life.

I am pretty dedicated, so miscalculating calories isn't an option here (trust me).
thyroid? no, just had all tests done (even t3 and t4 and free) all good there.
all i can think of is that after so much
dieting, i over did it and now im metabolically resistant?
I have read that in order to fix this i need to rest my metabolism. Which to my ears means: gain weight (the healthy way) until i reset my resting metabolic rate and then start losing again..... i don't want to do this though (at least alone, id want an expert to walk me through the process but either way it's the last thing i want to do) pretty over my limit already.

Stats: 5'7 CW: 133.8 MY HIGHEST EVER
Usual weight: 118-122 lbs.

Any trainers, fitness experts, nutrition experts out there that can offer tips, advice or info i would SO appreciate it.

toodles :-)


  • oksanatkachuk
    oksanatkachuk Posts: 149 Member
    I m not a training expert yet will answer with my opinion.

    What is metabolic rest and what does it eat?

    5.7 with 112 lb is brrr.. Some muscles plz.. But if u don't want any..

    IMO u r overthinking whole staff. Go on the small deficit from tdee, make sure ur protein and water is good. And lift weights to make sure u won't eat ur own muscles ..
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
  • ?
  • thanks ... maybe I over shared info

    so I guess

    I just wanna know if phenolox works :-)

    I m not a training expert yet will answer with my opinion.

    What is metabolic rest and what does it eat?

    5.7 with 112 lb is brrr.. Some muscles plz.. But if u don't want any..

    IMO u r overthinking whole staff. Go on the small deficit from tdee, make sure ur protein and water is good. And lift weights to make sure u won't eat ur own muscles ..
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    You've gained 10lb of what? You're 5ft 7 and weigh only 8st.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I just wanna know if phenolox works :-)

    is it some kind of magic weight loss fat burning pill? then the answer is no, it doesnt work. if it worked there would be no fat people in the world...

    also, you're a healthy weight even with the 10lb gain... maybe look at 'toning up' rather than just losing the 10lb... a bit of recomp can go a long way.
  • you misread ..

    I gained 10 lbs and now I weigh 133 lbs
    8 st is 112 lbs ... I don't knwo where that number came from

    You've gained 10lb of what? You're 5ft 7 and weigh only 8st.
  • totally up for toning. but I seem to be gaining fat ! not really concerned about the weight ...
    I just want to drop inches I guess?!
    I just wanna know if phenolox works :-)

    is it some kind of magic weight loss fat burning pill? then the answer is no, it doesnt work. if it worked there would be no fat people in the world...

    also, you're a healthy weight even with the 10lb gain... maybe look at 'toning up' rather than just losing the 10lb... a bit of recomp can go a long way.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    eat at maintenance and find a decent strength/resistance routine...

    at please comment under a quoted response, its much easier to read!
  • eat at maintenance and find a decent strength/resistance routine...

    at please comment under a quoted response, its much easier to read!

    yes.. I'm learning.
    I guess I'm gonna take the pills at the same time I work out ... eating at maintenance is not working out for me right now btw
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    eat at maintenance and find a decent strength/resistance routine...

    at please comment under a quoted response, its much easier to read!

    This. Focus on how your body looks rather than the number on the scale.

    If you were eating at maintenance, you wouldn't be gaining. Forget the pills, recheck your numbers, and start strength training.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    If you were eating at maintenance, you wouldn't be gaining. Forget the pills, recheck your numbers, and start strength training.

  • Hello,

    I am a clinical nutritionist and I wouldn't worry about "resting your metabolism" that sounds like a bit of a marketing ploy to me. Like someone else said, you are a healthy weight for your height, even with the weight gain.

    As a health professional, I would not recommend taking Phenolox. You say there is nothing physiologically wrong with your body in terms of the ability to lose weight, so using what I consider to be a form of medication to help you lose weight, in a way, is like using medication for a health condition you don't have. That's just my opinion though.

    You sound like you know your calories, so if you are intent on losing the 10 lbs you gained, just follow the rule of reducing calories by a few hundred per day and plenty of exercise. If you get the maths right, the weight will come off and you can maintain muscle tone, just give it a bit of time. (I wouldn't recommend any more weight loss than that though as you will be moving towards becoming underweight).

    All the best.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    you misread ..

    I gained 10 lbs and now I weigh 133 lbs
    8 st is 112 lbs ... I don't knwo where that number came from

    You've gained 10lb of what? You're 5ft 7 and weigh only 8st.

    I didn't read carefully enough. 8st is your usual weight I see.
  • princessbessica
    princessbessica Posts: 25 Member
    you misread ..

    I gained 10 lbs and now I weigh 133 lbs
    8 st is 112 lbs ... I don't knwo where that number came from

    I didn't read carefully enough. 8st is your usual weight I see.

    If she's gained 10lb and is now 133 - her usual weight is 123 lb which is 8st 11lb - not 8st!
  • hbmayes
    hbmayes Posts: 9 Member
    Definitely skip the gimmics--gaining weight to lose it, supplements, etc.

    You could also try focusing on eating less added sugar (whole fruit is fine--the fiber slows down the sugar hit). See

    Also, remember that although things like myfitnesspal, fitbit, etc., make it seem like we can exactly know how many calories we should eat, it is not an exact science, as there is definitely variability (as you noted, our previous weights can affect our metabolism). See

    Good luck!
  • Hello,

    I am a clinical nutritionist and I wouldn't worry about "resting your metabolism" that sounds like a bit of a marketing ploy to me. Like someone else said, you are a healthy weight for your height, even with the weight gain.

    As a health professional, I would not recommend taking Phenolox. You say there is nothing physiologically wrong with your body in terms of the ability to lose weight, so using what I consider to be a form of medication to help you lose weight, in a way, is like using medication for a health condition you don't have. That's just my opinion though.

    You sound like you know your calories, so if you are intent on losing the 10 lbs you gained, just follow the rule of reducing calories by a few hundred per day and plenty of exercise. If you get the maths right, the weight will come off and you can maintain muscle tone, just give it a bit of time. (I wouldn't recommend any more weight loss than that though as you will be moving towards becoming underweight).

    All the best.
    Thanks for your input. What i meant is that from dieting so much and cutting calories for more than two years consciously or unconsciously, I've read that maybe i've caused metabolic damage (?!). So I guess for me, it's not a matter of how much I eat or how little i eat, my body is retaining to fat cells like crazy, hence the weight gain (?) i understand that even the jump from 122 to 133 puts me still at a healthy weight range, I still can't fit into my clothes and it's kinda nerve-racking (for me).
    Any how, i've tried everything: eating more, eating less ..... never go above 1000 cals, I've tried juicing (seemed effective for 3 months then stopped) im doing low carb and doesn't seem to do much other than maintain my weight at about 500 cals a day, which i know is unhealthily low BUT i need to figure out what to do in order to fix it.
    Im trying phenolox i guess, because i figured if im gaining fat then i need to get rid of the fat. I don't need appetite suppressants because im usually not out of control hungry, so fat burner seemed like the next best thing?

    I hope i made sense :-)....
    any thoughts?
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member

    I am a clinical nutritionist and I wouldn't worry about "resting your metabolism" that sounds like a bit of a marketing ploy to me. Like someone else said, you are a healthy weight for your height, even with the weight gain.

    As a health professional, I would not recommend taking Phenolox. You say there is nothing physiologically wrong with your body in terms of the ability to lose weight, so using what I consider to be a form of medication to help you lose weight, in a way, is like using medication for a health condition you don't have. That's just my opinion though.

    You sound like you know your calories, so if you are intent on losing the 10 lbs you gained, just follow the rule of reducing calories by a few hundred per day and plenty of exercise. If you get the maths right, the weight will come off and you can maintain muscle tone, just give it a bit of time. (I wouldn't recommend any more weight loss than that though as you will be moving towards becoming underweight).

    All the best.
    Thanks for your input. What i meant is that from dieting so much and cutting calories for more than two years consciously or unconsciously, I've read that maybe i've caused metabolic damage (?!). So I guess for me, it's not a matter of how much I eat or how little i eat, my body is retaining to fat cells like crazy, hence the weight gain (?) i understand that even the jump from 122 to 133 puts me still at a healthy weight range, I still can't fit into my clothes and it's kinda nerve-racking (for me).
    Any how, i've tried everything: eating more, eating less ..... never go above 1000 cals, I've tried juicing (seemed effective for 3 months then stopped) im doing low carb and doesn't seem to do much other than maintain my weight at about 500 cals a day, which i know is unhealthily low BUT i need to figure out what to do in order to fix it.
    Im trying phenolox i guess, because i figured if im gaining fat then i need to get rid of the fat. I don't need appetite suppressants because im usually not out of control hungry, so fat burner seemed like the next best thing?

    I hope i made sense :-)....
    any thoughts?

    What you need to do is a see a doctor and get some help. Because if you have been eating that little for an extended period of time, you've most likely screwed up your metabolism. You need to work on fixing that, not more crash dieting and pills. Focus more on your health, not the number on the scale.
  • Hello,

    I am a clinical nutritionist and I wouldn't worry about "resting your metabolism" that sounds like a bit of a marketing ploy to me. Like someone else said, you are a healthy weight for your height, even with the weight gain.

    As a health professional, I would not recommend taking Phenolox. You say there is nothing physiologically wrong with your body in terms of the ability to lose weight, so using what I consider to be a form of medication to help you lose weight, in a way, is like using medication for a health condition you don't have. That's just my opinion though.

    You sound like you know your calories, so if you are intent on losing the 10 lbs you gained, just follow the rule of reducing calories by a few hundred per day and plenty of exercise. If you get the maths right, the weight will come off and you can maintain muscle tone, just give it a bit of time. (I wouldn't recommend any more weight loss than that though as you will be moving towards becoming underweight).

    All the best.
    Thanks for your input. What i meant is that from dieting so much and cutting calories for more than two years consciously or unconsciously, I've read that maybe i've caused metabolic damage (?!). So I guess for me, it's not a matter of how much I eat or how little i eat, my body is retaining to fat cells like crazy, hence the weight gain (?) i understand that even the jump from 122 to 133 puts me still at a healthy weight range, I still can't fit into my clothes and it's kinda nerve-racking (for me).
    Any how, i've tried everything: eating more, eating less ..... never go above 1000 cals, I've tried juicing (seemed effective for 3 months then stopped) im doing low carb and doesn't seem to do much other than maintain my weight at about 500 cals a day, which i know is unhealthily low BUT i need to figure out what to do in order to fix it.
    Im trying phenolox i guess, because i figured if im gaining fat then i need to get rid of the fat. I don't need appetite suppressants because im usually not out of control hungry, so fat burner seemed like the next best thing?

    I hope i made sense :-)....
    any thoughts?

    What you need to do is a see a doctor and get some help. Because if you have been eating that little for an extended period of time, you've most likely screwed up your metabolism. You need to work on fixing that, not more crash dieting and pills. Focus more on your health, not the number on the scale.

    totally agree, I guess i'm trying to try something before I go to the doctor? Also, my doctor said to me " welcome to old age" (im 36) and said suck it up and get fat (not in those words but he might as well have said that). I am changing doctors by the way, ....
  • I totally get that you would want to get back to your usual weight (even if it is a little on the light side) we all have different body shapes.

    There would be no need for you to gain weight to reset your metabolism, just modify your diet to include a balanced set of nutrients and a healthier calorie intake - more on that later. I've been dieting on and off for 20 years as I tend to put on weight in the winter and it's a constant battle (until now of course!) and my metabolism hasn't suffered as a result - I hope that gives you encouragement. The metabolism naturally slows down a little from our 20's to 30's and so on but unless you have a metabolic disorder, then there would be no lasting impact on your ability to burn calories and use fat/carb/protein etc in the body as normal with your previous dieting. Seriously the metabolic damage thing, I'm not sure where you read that but the only thing I would say on that matter is that sometimes, after vigorously dieting where you are starving yourself, the metabolism will slow down as long as you continue with this but again, once you increase your intake, your metabolism will speed up to compensate, again, providing there are no health conditions present. I know there is evidence to suggest we lose lean cells as we age (and through aggressive dieting) but as long as you are exercising and toning muscle, your metabolic rate should be inline with someone of your age.

    You say you are only eating 1000calories per day? That's very low, it could be that your metabolism is slowing down to compensate for the very low intake. I would increase it to around 1300 - 1500 calories at least.

    One more thing, cut the elimination diets where you are only eating certain types of food. This could be interfering with your metabolism also and is of course, not a healthy routine as your body will be missing out on essential nutrients. Eat a balanced diet and exercise every day and you will find that the weight comes off. I'm not sure what you mean by "now im doing low carb and doesn't seem to do much other than maintain my weight at about 500 cals a day" but if you are saying that you are cutting out carbs and eating only 500 cals per day, I would recommend that you bin that idea right away, you will become malnourished at that rate. Please don't do that :-(.

    Hope that explains things a bit more for you.